Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1917 Tacit understanding

While reestablishing mental contact with the Galaxy Sword, Lu Yu also sensed Fu Jing's presence.

This feeling was mysterious and mysterious, as if he was holding the hilt of the Galaxy Sword with his hand, and at the same time he felt that there was another hand holding the hilt.

Therefore, Lu Yu instantly understood that Fu Jing was already awake at this time, but due to some special reasons, he had been hiding in the purple and white beads and did not come out.

Of course, Fu Jing also sensed his presence at the same time.

There was no communication between the two parties, and they instantly understood each other's thoughts just by relying on the "hand" holding the sword.

In fact, Fu Jing had been waiting for him to appear. Although Lu Yu didn't know why Fu Jing was waiting, it was an established fact.

At the same time, Fu Jing also knew Lu Yu's intention to draw his sword. Although she didn't know why Lu Yu wanted to draw his sword or who the target of the sword was, she sensed this and actively responded and cooperated.

The next moment, the purple and white plant moved quickly, and the purple and white crystal branches opened one after another, like a flower in full bloom. When the entire "flower bone" was fully in full bloom, Fu Jing happened to The beautiful figure appeared. She was like a fairy walking out of the flowers. She was incredibly beautiful, and her whole body was filled with a holy aura.

Everyone around him couldn't help but be startled.

The members of the Ming Temple behind the main hall master had always had calm expressions, just like the same sculptures. At this moment, their expressions finally started to fluctuate.

Ever since Xu Zhiyang brought Fu Jing and Zibai Zhu back to the Mingming Temple, they have tried various methods and used various means for such a long time, but they have never been able to crack each other's secrets. I closed myself off... I didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to come out now!

This allowed them to finally officially meet the pure blood of the Guanlan clan. Although she was originally conceived here, very few people have seen her true face over the years.

Even Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly startled, because at this time, Fu Jing's temperament had once again undergone a huge change, giving people the feeling of "washing away all the brilliance and taking on a new look", although he couldn't explain why... …

Fortunately, although he was distracted, Fu Jing across from him was not. He raised the Galaxy Sword in his hand high, and countless brilliance surged rapidly on the sword's edge, quickly gathering into a bright and flowing galaxy.

Everyone's expression changed with shock.

For so many days, Fu Jing and the entire Purple White Pearl have been closing themselves off without showing any aggression. This almost gave them the illusion that the other party was harmless to humans and animals... Unexpectedly, the other party would now take action. This is such a killing blow that can destroy heaven and earth!

The contrast is really too dramatic.

"As expected of you, Miss!" Lu Yu couldn't help but praise.

The reason why the Galaxy Sword was able to explode with such powerful power as soon as it appeared was naturally due to the domain hijacking.

By hijacking the opponent's core channel to take the power in the domain as their own, similar operations were used by Lu Yu and Madam Ru not long ago during the battle with Fang Jianwen... But in fact, the original source of this idea It was Fu Jing.

When Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru performed this operation before, they needed two people to cooperate with each other to complete it, but for Fu Jing, it was not necessary at all. She only relied on her own strength to complete the attack on many strong people around her. of domain hijacking.

You must know that these strong men were preparing to give Lu Yu and Madam Ru a fatal blow. After their power was hijacked, the offensive they had prepared was immediately weak and the effect was greatly reduced. Although it would not make all public forces unable to It is activated, but it is impossible to directly break through the protection of the colorful light belt.

Suddenly, the colorful light belt broke through, and Lu Yu and Madam Ru officially entered the attack range of everyone. The overwhelming offensive came as promised, but the effect was greatly reduced. After the screen of the Five Elements Escape from Heaven and Earth, it finally fell to two people. There is no pain or itching on the human body.

However, this is not the most terrifying thing. What is truly terrifying is that the offensive on the Galaxy Sword is still brewing at this time and has not yet been officially launched.

Fu Jing is very clear that Lu Yu is the real master of the Galaxy Sword. Her use of the Galaxy Sword has not yet reached Lu Yu's level. Therefore, she is only responsible for accumulating power. How to use the power after gathering it at the sword's edge? The decision-making power and responsibility were placed in Lu Yu's hands.

When Lu Yu first came to this world, the two of them used this method to drive the Galaxy Sword to restrain powerful enemies. Unexpectedly, they have returned to this situation now. It all seems like a fateful reincarnation.

It's just that Fu Jing was ignorant of all this at that time, but now she has a clear understanding.

Lu Yu could clearly feel that there was more tacit understanding between the two of them. This may have originated from the last round of staring at Suyu Yunchi. He saw the Qiqiao Exquisite Jade from Fu Jing. Obviously Fu Jing also saw some secrets in him. Although she didn't know exactly what she saw at that time, in short, this made the two of them understand each other better.

In this way, the power of the Galaxy Sword will be even more powerful.

The distance between the two sides quickly closed.

Finally, the power accumulation on the Galaxy Sword reached its peak.

Lu Yu didn't hesitate at all, he put his fingers together and made a stroke in the air.

Immediately, the Galaxy Sword came out of Fu Jing's hand, followed the trajectory drawn by Lu Yu's two fingers, and slashed towards the main hall master.

It’s the fifth star secret—Flying Tail!

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