Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1923 Gods and Willing Power

On the scale of the universe, even the speed of light is still as slow as a snail.

Therefore, Lu Yu did not and could not directly put his thoughts and consciousness into the star field where the Peacock King was. Instead, under the transmission effect of the divine monument formation, he put his thoughts and consciousness into a transfer station similar to place.

Lu Yu had experienced something like this before. Previously, he followed the ray of power in Ning Wanxuan's body and followed the clues to reach the range of Thousand Eyes Lord's spiritual thoughts... At that time, Thousand Eyes Lord placed his trust in the ray of spirit in the void. Nian, it is very similar to the state of this transfer station.

Lu Yu still doesn't understand what is going on and what is the basis for the existence of this "transfer station", but this does not prevent him from using the transfer station.

The moment his thoughts and consciousness entered the "transit station", Lu Yu felt that his thoughts were infinitely magnified, and his head seemed to contain the entire universe, and countless stars passed quickly in front of his eyes like quicksand...

Lu Yu has long known that the starry sky is vast, but now he has a deeper understanding of this point. Even though he already has a certain understanding of the starry sky, he already has a huge star map coordinates in his mind, which can be compared with the real starry sky in the universe. In comparison, what he knew was just a drop in the ocean.

Not to mention the little inventory in his head, even the Dragon Clan's Soaring Star Map - that one was given by the Dragon God to be used by the Ark on the other side for navigation. For hundreds of millions of years, the Ark on the other side has followed the Ark through countless star fields. , a treasure that records a lot of information about the star field - in a sense, the Dragon Star Chart can be said to be the historical memory of the entire Dragon God Clan and even the Dragon Clan, but even the information recorded on it is not as rich as it is It's still nothing compared to the real universe.

Lu Yu guessed that the scene in front of him should be that the transfer station was locking the location of the target star field...

Finally, the scene in front of him stopped, and his sight was fixed on a fixed star field.

Countless stars are distributed in the star field. From his sight, these stars form a unique pattern, like a giant crab crawling quietly in the dark deep space of the universe.

"So this is the origin of the word 'Cancer'..." Lu Yu said silently in his heart.

He immediately understood that the so-called Cancer Monument corresponds to this star field that looks like a cancer. There are many powerful people hidden in this star field, and the Peacock King exists in it. One person.

Therefore, the Cancer Monument is actually for worshiping all the gods in the Cancer Star Territory, and Peacock Ming Wangzhi is just one of them.

Lu Yu ignored the other gods that might appear around him, went straight to the location of King Peacock, and then started to worship him.

Before this, Lu Yu had never worshiped any gods, but he already had a certain understanding of the gods, and after carefully analyzing the structure of this monument, he already knew that the so-called worship was actually nothing more than Believers recite the names of gods silently in their hearts to perceive the existence of gods. The whole process is actually the process of believers' recognition of gods.

The more devout a believer is, the deeper their understanding of the gods will be, and this will have a specific manifestation, which is the exclusive mark of the gods, which is also the true name cast by the gods in the starry sky.

When believers perceive the power of the gods while praying devoutly, their thoughts will spread out and transform into a special state. The true name of the god will gradually appear in this "state", and when the true name is clear When it comes out, the thoughts in this state become the so-called "will power".

This kind of wish will be fed back into the starry sky, ultimately deepening the imprint of the true name in the starry sky. This is why gods need the prayers of believers, because gods need the will of believers to consolidate their position in the starry sky. Although Lu Yu does not know exactly what this is about and what the underlying logic is. But this does not prevent him from using such rules to suit his own needs.

Ordinary believers, no matter how devout they are, cannot have a deep understanding of the true name of the gods. Therefore, they need to gather a large number of believers during worship. The purpose is to obtain a clearer symbol of the true name, and at the same time, it is a more pure and powerful force. of will.

But for Lu Yu, it is a completely different situation. His mind and consciousness are extremely powerful, and he already has a clear and unmistakable understanding of the true name of King Peacock. Therefore, even if he is the only one, the effect of worship can be achieved. But it is unmatched by tens of thousands of devout believers.

Soon, Lu Yu completed a series of operations, repeatedly blending the power of a ray of thought and consciousness, and finally turned it into the true name of the Peacock King, and threw it into the deep space where it was located.

Sure enough, the deep sky responded immediately, and a group of extremely powerful thoughts and consciousness instantly descended on the "transit station" where Lu Yu was located.

"Very well, my distant believers, you have finally pronounced my name correctly for the first time in thousands of years. This is a good start..."

A powerful thought rippled through the entire universe, causing Lu Yu's scalp to tingle and his brain to buzz. Fortunately, he had experienced many exchanges of thoughts and consciousness, and had direct thoughts impact with powerful beings. Not a lot, so even though it was a bit difficult, he quickly understood what the other party meant.

Before this, Xu Zhiyang and others had always believed that this god was the Peacock God King, so this was naturally the first time they pronounced his name correctly.

"I'm sorry, Supreme Peacock King, it took a long time, but we have only now truly understood how powerful you are..." Lu Yu tried to respond to that powerful thought.

Suddenly, the powerful thoughts fluctuated even more violently, revealing great excitement: "Very good, very good! You are able to communicate with me directly in the void. It seems that you have indeed made great progress, and I am worthy of my support." You have worked hard to cultivate..."

With his first successful experience, Lu Yu became more comfortable and responded: "Yes, you have been cultivating us carefully and letting us feel your powerful power... It's a pity that our understanding is too poor. , I have only now understood how powerful you are. Although this is the first time we have officially communicated, if there are no accidents, this will also be the last communication between us and you..."


"Because a terrifying evil god is coming and our world is in danger. He does not allow us to believe in any god other than him, including you..."

Lu Yu finally came to his senses and confided impassionedly to the other party:

"But we have seen the true light, how can we be willing to fall into the darkness of chaos again? Now, we only ask you to give us a final divine power, so that we can make the final fight against the evil god, even if we wait Even if you are broken into pieces, let your brilliance continue to illuminate this world!”

However, after receiving Lu Yu's expression, that powerful thought fell into silence, without any fluctuation for a while.

Lu Yu suddenly became uneasy. If time allowed, he could follow the same pattern and try to persuade other gods. It didn't matter even if the Peacock King didn't respond, but time was running out now. If the Peacock King was cowardly, If not, he might not have time to contact other gods.

Just when Lu Yu was in a state of confusion, the powerful thought finally responded:

"I just checked. The world you are in is fluctuating rapidly. It is indeed a sign that a master is coming... As you wish, I will give you divine power, but this is not your last resistance..."

"I will not allow believers who chant my true name to die alone like this. I will fight side by side with you!"

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