Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1924 Grand Debut

The starlight goes out.

On the sacred monument, strange inscription characters continued to fall, and the formation built on this basis also collapsed.

In the middle of the characters falling one after another, Lu Yu let out a long breath, and then his thoughts fell back from the vast starry sky and returned to the reality in front of him.

"How's it going?" Mrs. Ru rushed over immediately and leaned into Lu Yu's ear and asked.

Lu Yu didn't speak, and turned to look around.

It was discovered that Xu Zhiyang was still standing in the same place, but he was not alone there, there were many other members of the Hades Temple, including the controller of the water god Gonggong's power that Xu Zhiyang had introduced before - although Lu Yu didn't know him , but from his strength attributes, he recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

"How long has it been since I just stepped into the formation?" Lu Yu asked.

"About a quarter of an hour or so..." Mrs. Ru replied.

"Then why are they so honest?" Lu Yu had a weird look on his face, "Have they been watching from the sidelines for such a long time?"

"I think it's because they have no way of starting..." Mrs. Ru showed a wry smile, "When you communicated with the gods just now, the light that erupted was so intense that you couldn't see anything here, not even me. With your presence, they will naturally be unable to take action..."

Lu Yu nodded suddenly: "I see..."

Originally, he thought that he would be in a very vulnerable state when communicating with the gods, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"However, that's not necessarily the case now..." Mrs. Ru continued, "Have you... got in touch with the Peacock Ming King?"

"What do you think?"

Lu Yu smiled softly, and then fiddled with the peacock armor on his body. Suddenly, the armor on his body began to shine brilliantly.

In the previous battle, this armor had been dimmed and almost torn into pieces. Now it is blooming with brilliant light again, like a brand new one. There is only one possibility for this situation, that is, this armor has been re-used. Peacock King Ming endowed with divine power.

"It's really successful!" Mrs. Ru was overjoyed, but her face fell instantly and she asked anxiously: "What about the Peacock King? Won't he take action himself?"

If King Peacock Ming had not personally taken action, even if the armor was restored to its original state, they would still be unable to prevent the arrival of Lord Thousand Eyes, and the final result would still be unchangeable.

"He will take action himself." Lu Yu replied: "But this may take a while, so we need to adjust our previous plan. We cannot just find a safe place to wait for the show, but we must try our best to Just buy some more time..."

As he spoke, Lu Yu lightly pressed the armor on his chest, and suddenly the feather-like armor plates kept opening and closing, and in the blink of an eye, it was adjusted to the "double armor" mode.

"What are you waiting for? Let's start a big fight now!" Lu Yu issued an invitation.

Mrs. Ru was slightly startled, then without much hesitation, she immediately got into the armor and leaned into Lu Yu's arms in front of many members of the Hades Temple.

When facing the members of the Hades Temple, their focus was obviously no longer on the nondescript relationship between the two. Seeing their actions, they immediately realized that something was wrong.

"No! They're leaving! Leave them quickly!" Xu Zhiyang yelled.

Although Lu Yu's actions previously shocked him greatly, he had almost recovered by then and was finally back to normal.

He folded his hands and connected his fingers, and the characters on the monument suddenly changed rapidly again. This time, his purpose was no longer to build any formation, but to dismantle it.

He clearly knew that his ability to control the Cancer Monument was actually far inferior to that of his opponent. If the Monument was allowed to continue to exist, it would be more beneficial to Lu Yu. Therefore, the first thing he did was to control the Crab Monument. This sacred monument that had existed for unknown tens of thousands of years was abolished.

Lu Yu was controlling the formation of the sacred monument before, but he never had the chance to do it. He could only worry on the sidelines. This was an idea he had been planning for a quarter of an hour. He only regretted that he had woken up too late. If If he had just started dismantling it when he landed here, there wouldn't have been so many things...

Suddenly, the entire sacred monument was removed piece by piece like building blocks, and in the blink of an eye it had shrunk a lot.

Everyone in the Temple of Hades had been prepared for this, and they floated directly into the air. Lu Yu and Madam Ru were caught off guard, and they immediately fell down with the monument.

In this way, it became a situation where everyone in the Temple of Hades looked down at the two of them with covetous eyes.

This was Xu Zhiyang's real purpose in dismantling the monument. It was only one of them to prevent the power of the monument from being manipulated by Lu Yu. The real purpose was to free up an open space so that everyone's offensive could be carried out unscrupulously.

In an instant, various offensives filled the entire airspace. At this time, those who are qualified to take action are the senior officials of the Hades Temple, including the Water God Gonggong or other gods with endless magical powers. These senior officials of the Hades Temple have been planning this attack for a long time and are not stingy in taking action.

In such a situation, even if Lu Yu uses the Five Elements Escape, it will be of no avail, because the effect of the Five Elements Escape must be based on the original laws of the great world. Under such an offensive bombardment, the inherent laws of the great world can be foreseen. It will inevitably fall apart, and the Five Elements Escape of Heaven and Earth will have no basis for its operation.

And even if Lu Yu wants to repeat his old tricks, there is still no way to resolve the opponent's offensive by hijacking the field. First of all, Lu Yu does not have the same ability as Fu Jing. Fu Jing hijacks the opponent's field through laws, but Lu Yu is completely With his own body, such a powerful force is far beyond the limit of what he can bear...

Secondly, these offensives launched at this time are all derived from the divine power given by the gods to the people in the Temple of Hades. The source of power has been prepared long ago, and it does not come from the absorption within the scope of the domain. In this way, there is no core Regarding the passage, even if Lu Yu wanted to hijack it, he had no chance to do it.

In short, facing such an offensive, Lu Yu could only fight head-on. Apart from that, he had no other options.

Seeing that everything was going according to plan, Xu Zhiyang couldn't help but sneered: "I've said it before, even if you get the power given by the gods, it won't change anything at all... Lu Yu, let me see how you escape now!"

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but change her expression. The ultimate goal of all their previous plans was to contact the Great Peacock King and ask him to take action to prevent the arrival of Thousand Eyes Lord. It seemed that they had not even considered how to escape...

However, facing this situation, she had done nothing but choose to believe Lu Yu... So, she silently hugged Lu Yu tighter.

At this time, the pattern of the two-person armor finally fit together, and Mrs. Ru was completely protected under the armor.

Lu Yu then raised his head again and looked at the people above him, with a contemptuous smile on his face: "Who said I was going to run away?"

After saying that, a pair of flame-shaped wings behind him suddenly opened.

The peacock totem appeared clearly again, but it was larger, more radiant, more detailed and lifelike than ever before!

This scene is somewhat similar to the scene where the Lord of Thousand Eyes descended on the main altar, as if a powerful god had awakened behind Lu Yu.

"Everyone, please allow me to introduce to you - this is the Peacock Ming King who is far away in the Cancer-shaped Star Field!"

"Today, let us have a good competition to see whose god is more powerful!"

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