Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1925 Battle of Chaos

After saying that, the peacock totem behind him spread its wings again, raised its neck to the sky and roared, and suddenly endless and dense patterns of flying birds appeared from it.

"Bird Atlas?"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Temple of Hades was shocked.

This peacock armor was originally a treasure collected by the Temple of Hades. Before that, it did not have such a function. Among the many collections of the Temple of Hades, it could only be regarded as lost in public. The peacock totem can be transformed into endless patterns of flying birds. This is a function developed after it was given to Fang Jianwen.

After the high-level officials of Hades Temple learned about this result, they couldn't help but feel regretful. If they had known that this armor had such great potential, they shouldn't have given it to Shenyu Palace so easily.

But now, in Lu Yu's hands, this peacock armor has improved even more than when it was in Fang Jianwen's hands.

Just the density of the bird patterns gathered in the totem was far beyond what Fang Jianwen could match, not to mention that the scale of the totem was already more magnificent than before. All the high-level officials of the Hades Temple suddenly felt regretful. .

Lu Yu didn't care about the psychological activities of these people. When the totem behind him was ready, he immediately waved his hand violently, and an endless number of densely packed birds instantly flew out of their nests and rushed toward the people in the Hades Temple high above.

Bird Atlas's offensive is essentially a collection of spells. When Fang Jianwen used such an offensive before, he had to find the best combination through constant trials, but Lu Yu already had some experience with this. Therefore, it is the most powerful combination when launched.

Boom! Boom!

The offensives of both sides collided head-on in the void. Huge roars were heard all the time, and the air waves set off were like blocking the sky and the sun. Even the descending Thousand-Eyed Totem was blocked from sight.

The middle of the battle situation was already in chaos, and nothing could be seen clearly.

If you look from a distance, you can see a mushroom-shaped cloud rising slowly from the ground.

If you look closer, you can still see countless broken and broken golden characters in the mushroom clouds. This is a sign that the laws of heaven and earth cannot withstand the violent collision of forces and are broken and separated.

One can imagine how brutal this round of fighting was.

Many powerful Archduke of the Earthly Ming Realm evacuated one after another. They originally wanted to assist from the side. They were originally on the second line of the battle, but at this time, there was no room for them to intervene in such a scene, let alone assist from the side. , even if the withdrawal opportunity is slightly later, it may be the result of death on the spot.

At this time, there are only a few Tianhuang realm experts who are still in the battle. They are all figures in charge of the main god of one party. However, after this first round of fighting, they all felt unprecedented pressure...

"Is this... really the power of the Peacock God King?"

"The Peacock God King is just a small god. He is the last among the gods that our Hades Temple mocks. How could he be given such a powerful power? Even my water god Gong Gong's power is not enough. No obstacles…”

"Not to mention the Water God Gonggong, my Fire God's power is also unstoppable..."

"The God of Water and the God of Fire are in the second rank of gods. They are both powerful gods one rank higher than the Peacock God King. If even the people who control their divine power are helpless, then they can only invite the first rank gods. The person in charge!”

"But the leaders of the first divine level are all at the main altar now and have no time to be around. How should I invite them?"

"Even if I have no time to clone myself, I have to clone myself. Otherwise, who among you can withstand this attack? Anyway, I can't withstand it anymore..."

The senior official of Hades Temple who spoke last had not finished his sentence when suddenly countless patterns of birds appeared from the chaotic clouds.

Everyone was shocked. They did not expect that after such a fierce battle just now, the opponent could immediately gather their offensive again.

From this point of view, they know that they have been completely defeated this time. Maybe they should get to know the Peacock God King again, who was ranked at the bottom of the Hades Temple...

There was obviously no time for them to regret it now. Facing the menacing second wave of offensive, they could only use their remaining strength to respond hastily.

Boom! Boom!

The loud sound that penetrated the heaven and earth was heard again.

In an instant, the earth trembled, the mountains shook, and the heaven and earth turned upside down.

The scene became even more chaotic. In the blink of an eye, a second wave of mushroom-shaped clouds formed, instantly breaking through the shape of the first mushroom cloud and overflowing with countless golden spots - this was also a sign of the breaking and precipitation of the laws of heaven and earth. , but this time the brokenness is more obvious.

All the high-level officials of the Hades Temple were also affected, as if being swallowed by a mushroom cloud.

If they still had the advantage of being in a commanding position in the first round of confrontation, then all the advantages at this time have disappeared. Facing such a scene, they can only act like those powerful people of the Earthly Ming Realm before. He ran for his life in a panic.

However, not everyone has the opportunity to successfully evacuate...

The senior official of Hades Temple who spoke last just now had no chance to retreat. He only left the last words to everyone: "Retreat quickly! Escape quickly! We can't stop it anymore... Hurry to the main altar." Call for help over there!”

Immediately, his voice was drowned in chaos.

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