Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1926 Bottom of Mushroom Cloud

Let’s not even mention how the high-ranking officials of Hades Temple were knocked into the air.

At the bottom of a chaotic mushroom cloud, Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru emerged from a patch of gravel.

Both of them were already looking gray and miserable, but compared to other high-level officials of the Hades Temple, their situation at this time was considered very good.

Under such a violent shock, apart from being slightly exhausted, the two of them had no other injuries. This was naturally due to the protection of their peacock armors.


Lu Yu wiped the dust off his face, looked at the mess all around him, and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

The surrounding rubble and gravel were formed by the collapsed Cancer Monument. Originally, after the monument was dismantled, it would not have been damaged to such an extent. However, with the two waves of continuous turmoil, the original massive The sacred monument completely disintegrated, and the original characters of the inscription could no longer be seen, and it was absolutely impossible to restore it.

As a result, this divine cup can be said to have been completely destroyed, and there is no chance of repair. This also means that there is no chance to contact the Peacock King...

Perhaps other surrounding monuments can also be adjusted to focus on the cancer-shaped star field, but at least in the short term, there is no way to do this...

Fortunately, it was only the sacred monument that was damaged. The "transit station" in the void will not be affected. As long as that "transfer station" is not affected, it will not affect the actions of the Peacock Daming King. …

During the previous exchange of ideas in the void, King Peacock Ming promised to fight side by side. Now this is just the beginning, not a real attack, and this level is not enough to prevent the arrival of Thousand Eyes King.

"How are you? Are you injured?"

Mrs. Ru didn't bother to wipe the dust off her face, so she groped Lu Yu's body to check if he was injured.

"I'm fine, I just feel a little are you?" Lu Yu said.

Mrs. Ru shook her head, and then her face turned slightly red. The subtext of Lu Yu's words was naturally to ask her to add something immediately. But fortunately, she felt ashamed at this time, and Lu Yu couldn't see the change in his face.

Mrs. Ru immediately began to have "intimate contact". She has now fully realized that this matter is her job. Being able to provide Lu Yu with an ethereal state to restore is the greatest role she can play. .

However, perhaps because the previous battle was too intense, she was busy for a while, but the two of them still did not enter the ethereal state.

"I said, I'm a little weak right now..." Lu Yu smiled awkwardly.

The two necessary conditions for entering the ethereal realm are physical close contact and the pull of desire.

Now that the first item is no longer a problem, the problem only lies in the remaining second item...

Mrs. Ru bit her lower lip lightly, gave him a fierce look, but didn't say anything. She then silently groped against Lu Yu's body. After a while, Lu Yu finally found the feeling and was no longer weak.

The two of them successfully entered the ethereal realm.

After regaining a little strength, Lu Yu climbed up directly from the gravel without a moment's delay.

After walking a few steps, the chaos around him eased. Without any hesitation, Lu Yu directly raised his hand to draw a colorful strip of light, and then stepped into the strip of light.

This is exactly why he chose to come out from the bottom of the mushroom cloud. Compared with the chaotic upper part of the cloud, the environment at the bottom of the mushroom cloud still has a certain basis for the existence of the laws of heaven and earth, which allows him to successfully perform the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape, so that he can Get out of here faster.

He will not forget that this is not the real main battlefield. The real main battlefield is at the main altar from beginning to end. It is just that this is the destination of the first phase of their plan. Now the goal of the first phase has been achieved. , naturally we have to rush to the destination of the second stage as soon as possible, which is the final battlefield.

The figures of the two people were swept up by the colorful light belt, and they quickly left the bottom of the mushroom cloud. They did not return to the mid-air until they were completely out of the range of the mushroom cloud.

It was only then that the two finally saw the whole picture after the battle. They didn't expect that the two waves of power burst out and formed such a scene in the void.

At the same time, they also saw the Thousand-Eyed Totem located behind the mushroom cloud. Originally, the mushroom cloud was in front of them, seemingly blocking the sky and the sun. However, after leaving the range of the mushroom cloud, they realized that it was the Thousand-Eyed Totem that was actually blocking the sky and the sun.

"Is it necessary to do this?"

Mrs. Ru suddenly said, now that both of them have successfully entered the ethereal realm, she does not need to continue to be busy, she just needs to stay quietly by Lu Yu's side...

She looked down at the peacock armor that had turned dim again, and continued: "If I'm not wrong, have you used up all your divine power?"

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