Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1927 Head-on collision

Although the battle just now was astonishing, Lu Yu also paid a huge price. It is not an exaggeration to say that he tried his best.

Although they did not suffer in the final result, in Mrs. Ru's view, Lu Yu's reaction was still a bit excessive. It was not a wise idea to squander all the divine power given by King Peacock Ming in this way.

However, Lu Yu did not think so and replied: "Of course it is necessary. The arrival of Thousand Eyes Lord can be completed at any time. We must race against time... But water far away cannot save the fire near. If not, how can we achieve the purpose of delaying it?" ?”

As he spoke, he paused, turned to look at the main altar, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "I think our efforts just now have had some impact on the main altar..."

Mrs. Ru was startled for a moment, and then turned to follow Lu Yu's gaze. Although her eyesight was far inferior to that of Lu Yu, she could still see some changes on the main altar...

Originally, the main altar was surrounded by the light of numerous magic formations. These magic formations together formed an unprecedented advent ceremony. However, at a glance, the light of these magic formations had been extinguished a little.

Perhaps the shock just now was not enough to affect the Thousand Eyes Lord himself, but it is not a problem to affect the surrounding members of the Hades Temple who are in charge of the formation. It is a pity that the Thousand Eyes Lord's totem is too huge. Angle could not see how the other party was affected, but it was more or less unavoidable. In this way, it indirectly delayed the arrival of Thousand Eyes Lord.

"Then do we still have to go there now?" Mrs. Ru asked again.

Although Lu Yu pulled the trajectory of the colorful light belt to the left and right in mid-air, sometimes high and sometimes low, based on her understanding of the Five Elements Escape of Heaven and Earth, she could still see that the final landing point was still on the main altar.

"Of course!" Lu Yu replied matter-of-factly: "Although we have affected the advent ceremony on the main altar, this level of influence may not even be considered as scratching an itch for Qianyanyanjun... In We cannot relax for a moment until the Peacock King’s offensive officially arrives!”

Mrs. Ru lowered her voice and asked: "When will Peacock Daming King's offensive...exactly arrive?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "I don't know either... But you don't have to worry. King Peacock Ming should be more anxious about this than us. After all, if we fail, it means that he will lose a large number of devout believers... …He can’t accept this either!”

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth. Although she didn't know the specific details of Lu Yu's exchange with the Peacock King, it was an indisputable fact that he had deceived him. The so-called large number of devout believers was actually just him. Even he was the only one. He is also a fake...

"Having said that, how can you procrastinate in this situation?" Mrs. Ru frowned again and said.

The reason why they were able to cause such a huge shock just now is ultimately because of the divine power given to them by King Peacock Ming. But now this divine power has been exhausted again. With his own strength alone, there is no way he can compete with the numerous Hades Temples. The members were circling around - the previous killing of the main hall master could be said to be the result of the right time, place and people, but it could not be repeated. Not to mention the members of the Hades Temple on the other side of the main altar, it was the same Hades Temple that had just besieged them. None of the members showed any flaws in the core channel.

"Let's act according to the situation!" Lu Yu breathed out softly and said, "We can't turn around and run away, right? Since we can't turn around and escape, we have to face the difficulty... What to do specifically depends on the situation. Moreover!"

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but feel silent for a while, but she also knew that what Lu Yu said was indeed the truth.

The situation is still the same as before. They have no choice at all. Even if they know that there is a dead end ahead, there is only one way to get to the dark side.

After a while, they arrived above the main altar.

From this distance, you can see more clearly that the light of the array around the main altar is extinguished. Some of this is because the members of the Hades Temple who preside over the array cannot withstand the shock wave when the mushroom cloud explodes, and some are because the array device itself cannot Withstand severe shocks.

In short, a large area of ​​light around the main altar was indeed extinguished, but there were still more magic circles still shining brightly, and a large number of eyeballs were still falling in the sky. The coming ceremony was not greatly affected.

As the figures of the two people appeared, one after another figures continued to rise from the ground. This time, more of the light of the magic circle was extinguished. But even if the light of the magic circle was extinguished, these members of the Hades Temple did not care and stopped directly. On the road that two people must pass.

Several of them clearly have the cultivation level of Tianhuang Realm, and they have huge divine power with special attributes. Even compared with the chief palace master, their strength is comparable to that of the chief palace master.

In fact, these people have always been around the main altar, but in order to ensure the smooth progress of the advent ceremony, they did not take action rashly before. However, this time they no longer concealed themselves and were exposed directly in front of Lu Yu.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown. The more the other party reacts like this, the more it shows that there is something fishy behind them. Maybe Fu Jing, who is located in the center of the main altar, has entered the final critical moment.

"Hold me tight!" Lu Yu growled.

Mrs. Ru was startled and quickly wrapped her arms and legs tightly around Lu Yu. This was the first time she heard Lu Yu use such a stern tone, and she neither dared to say anything more nor move more.

In front of the colorful light belt, the four chief priests of the Hades Temple stood at the front of the queue.

They are the leaders of the first-level gods, serving the most powerful gods worshiped in the Temple of Hades. At this time, they did not need the help message from Xu Zhiyang and others to arrive, and they had already taken the initiative to leave the magic circle and stood in front of them. Become the front line against Lu Yu.

The four people raised their hands in unison, and the surging power suddenly surged out like an angry wave. Four completely different divine powers met at one point in the void, and intercepted the trajectory of the colorful light belt just right.

Faced with this situation, Lu Yu could have used the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape again to change the original trajectory of the colorful light belt, thereby achieving the effect of avoiding the opponent's offensive, but no matter how he evaded, he would still have to reach the final destination in the end. Point, the current entanglement is just a waste of time.

Perhaps, this is exactly the purpose of the other party. These four chief priests do not care that their offensive will be dodged by Lu Yu. Their purpose is to delay Lu Yu's time. Otherwise, if they focus their offensive on the final landing point, , Lu Yu could not avoid it no matter what.

This further illustrates the precarious situation behind it.

Therefore, Lu Yu did not avoid everyone's offensive, but directly hit the focus of the four divine powers!

Because only in this way can we reach the center of the altar more quickly and see the real situation behind it.

Although the specific attributes of these four divine powers are not clear, after the four forces converge at one point, the power they erupt is as hot as a star.

The strong light stung the skin, illuminating the bodies of Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru like skeletons, even the bones were visible.

The peacock armor on his body broke into pieces and turned into countless fragments, completely gone.

At the critical moment of life and death, Lu Yu's body suddenly shook, and golden elixir seeds appeared clearly, instantly outlining countless dense lines, transforming into the shape of a red lotus and blooming on his body.

The golden elixir scene of Jiujiu Lian was officially shown to the world for the first time.

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