Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1928 Formal meeting

This is of course just the shadow of Jiujiu Liansheng.

But even if it is just a shadow, the changes in the complex dimensions contained in it have been fully reflected.

The essence of Jiujiu Liansheng's golden elixir structure is a law structure that is the most perfect and stable in different dimensions, which means that it can be switched freely between different dimensions, and the power imposed on it can also be distributed to other dimensions through free switching.

In this way, the power acting on Jiujiu Liansheng will be greatly weakened, becoming one tenth or even one tenth of the original.

However, Lu Yu has not been able to comprehend the mystery of Jiujiu Liansheng for long. He has just realized that this golden elixir structure can be used in this way. He is not proficient in the specific application. It is also a helpless move to use it at this time.

In an instant, Lu Yu felt that his brain was about to split. The use of multiple dimensions tested him most not in the control of power, but in the transformation of laws. The huge amount of calculations involved was so great that even with the strength of his mind and consciousness, he could not help but feel stretched.

Even when facing the deduction of Xuanyang Dao Lock, the mental consumption at this moment was not as great as this moment.

However, only he knew the pain in it. What appeared in the eyes of everyone was that the red lotus on his body became extremely bright, as if the attack launched by the opponent was absorbed by a red lotus.

It actually succeeded!

And the effect was unexpectedly good! The red lotus itself is not a physical entity, but is composed of silk threads that communicate with various dimensions. The reason why it bursts out with bright light is that these silk threads are transferring the oncoming powerful attack to other dimensions. At this time, the force imposed on the front is probably only a few tenths of the original. Although it looks terrifying, when it really falls on Lu Yu, it is as warm as a breeze.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Lu Yu to have such a method.

This was something completely unfamiliar to them. After all, they had never seen a transcendent first-grade golden elixir, so how could they have imagined that this was a golden elixir of the Nine-Nine Lotuses that was derived from the transcendent first-grade? They could not even imagine that this was an effect triggered by the structure of the golden elixir, and only thought that Lu Yu had other treasures hidden on his body.

Even Madam Ru had the same idea.

Although she had seen the phantom of the lotus appear on Lu Yu's body several times, it was only a flash. Only this time did she clearly see the entire red lotus appear in its entirety, but all this could not be explained by common sense. Only by treating this red lotus as a treasure originally hidden on his body could all this be explained.

In any case, although Lu Yu himself suffered great pain, he finally successfully broke through the joint blockade of the four high priests.

After the four high priests, there were also many members of the Hades Temple to help. They also intercepted Lu Yu's offensive, but compared with the power of the four high priests, these people's offensive was much weaker. After being resolved by the multi-dimensional dissolution of Jiujiu Liansheng, it was no longer worth mentioning.

At this time, another benefit of using Jiujiu Liansheng's multi-dimensional dissolution of the offensive also appeared, that is, it avoided the collision of forces. In this way, the laws of the world in the big world would not be shaken, and the colorful light bands based on the laws of the world in the big world would not be affected.

Therefore, everyone could only watch the red lotus on Lu Yu's body bloom with brilliant light, and shuttled through their offensive without any delay.

Everyone was stunned.

Originally, their purpose of attacking in groups was to block Lu Yu from the main altar, but they didn't expect it to have any effect.

Finally, the colorful light band successfully broke through the blockade of everyone, successfully reached the center of the main altar, and landed accurately on the purple and white plant.

There was a loud rumble, and the center of the main altar collapsed with a bang.

It turned out that Lu Yu did not control his speed at all, and crashed into the core area of ​​the altar with his body.

To outsiders, this was the result of Lu Yu's impatience and deliberate actions, but Mrs. Ru, who had been with Lu Yu, could not help but feel cold in her heart, because she knew that all this was not intentional by Lu Yu at all. In fact, Lu Yu had lost consciousness a moment before he finally landed, and all this was done when he lost consciousness.

"Afeng! Afeng! Wake up..." Mrs. Ru was extremely anxious.

At this moment, the state of the ethereal state had stopped, and the magical red lotus on Lu Yu's body had disappeared. When he landed just now, she was the one who blocked the front, so she withstood the huge impact...

At this time, the bodies of the two were trapped in a piece of rubble, deeply buried under the ruins. In fact, this was not a big deal. Even if only Madam Ru was left, she had the strength of a great duke, and it was easy for her to escape from the earth and mud.

The problem was how to deal with the next situation after escaping?

Although they had just crashed the center of the altar, the advent of the Thousand-Eyed God did not stop, and the light and shadow spider webs bound to Fu Jing were not affected at all.

Without Lu Yu's help, Mrs. Ru had no idea how to deal with the current situation.

However, no matter how much Mrs. Ru called, Lu Yu never responded. Even when she used her hands to tease Lu Yu's vital parts, there was still no response.

The only thing that gave Mrs. Ru some comfort was that Lu Yu's breathing was still steady and strong, and it didn't look like he was about to die...

Just when she didn't know what to do, suddenly the earthwork and rocks above her head were lifted open, and Fu Jing's figure appeared in front of them.


Mrs. Ru was overjoyed. She didn't expect that Fu Jing had broken free from the shackles of the spider web of light and shadow. In this way, their collision just now had some effect...

However, she was immediately shocked, because in her daughter's bright eyes, there was a completely unfamiliar look... This strangeness made her feel a deep fear in her heart.

Fu Jing ignored Mrs. Ru in front of her, but looked straight at Lu Yu who was still deep in the soil, and sneered proudly: "We finally met officially, Lu Yu... you are still a step too late after all! "

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