Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1929 Awakening

"Jinger...what are you talking about?"

Mrs. Ru said with a trembling voice. She still couldn't believe that these strange words would come from Fu Jing's mouth. She only hoped that it was all her imagination.

However, Fu Jing's next action shattered all her illusions... When Fu Jing raised her hand, a huge eyeball totem was projected from her eyes, and it appeared vividly in Mrs. Ru's eyes. In front of Lu Yu, it was like putting her eyes in front of her to watch their every move. This completely unfamiliar power made Mrs. Ru completely understand that the Fu Jing in front of her was no longer the daughter she had always longed for.

For a moment, Mrs. Ru felt cold all over her body. She didn't expect that after so long efforts and all the troubles, she finally failed... What made her even more desperate was that Lu Yu was still unconscious at this time. She had no idea how to deal with the current situation.

"Are you already incapacitated?"

Fu Jing silently observed Lu Yu for a while through the eyeball totem, and gently shook his head: "It was in vain that I expended so much effort to come to this world. If it was just to this extent, it would make me a little disappointed... "

Lu Yu still had no reaction.

"Forget it, just based on your performance of killing the Earth Seal and the Lord of the Hades Temple, you are already qualified. I really shouldn't be too demanding on you... In short, this mission can now be handed over. "

With that said, she strode forward, ready to pull Lu Yu out from the rubble and earth.

The purpose of her pursuit of Lu Yu is naturally to make Lu Yu into the weapon spirit of the star field weapon. This is a secret plan that Bixiao Shrine has secretly implemented for hundreds of thousands of years. If the planning time is included, it may take millions of years. It's already over, so naturally it's impossible to give up easily.

However, it is not a simple matter to make Lu Yu into the weapon spirit of a star domain weapon. There must be a very complicated process. No matter what, Lu Yu must be taken away first.

Mrs. Ru was startled, and she suddenly summoned up her last remaining strength and opened her arms to block Lu Yu.

Fu Jing stopped and his eyes finally landed on Mrs. Ru for the first time. A stern smile appeared on his face: "You want to stop me?"

Mrs. Ru looked at the person in front of her who had the same appearance as her daughter but a completely different inner soul. She naturally knew that she was no match for this person, but she still stood firm in front of Lu Yu and put herself in front of him. The blood power of the Guanlan clan contained in his body was pushed to its strongest state.

Maybe she really couldn't stop the opponent, but even if it just delayed her for a moment, it would be great...

However, Fu Jing just raised her hand slightly, and Mrs. Ru immediately flew out and was buried deeper in the gravel and earth beside her.

She tried her best, but still couldn't give Lu Yu a moment to breathe...

"Hmph! You are not overestimating your own abilities!"

Fu Jing hummed softly and continued to move forward. This time, no one stood between her and Lu Yu.

She waved her hand again, and a strong wind suddenly blew up from the ground. The surrounding earth and gravel were blown away in an instant. Lu Yu was exposed in front of him without any cover. As long as she stretched out her hand, she could completely control Lu Yu in her hand.

Until this moment, Lu Yu still had no reaction.

Just when she reached out and was about to grab Lu Yu, suddenly a series of swords struck quickly.

The sword is majestic and powerful, like a river of stars flowing, and it is indeed the Galaxy Sword.

Even Fu Jing didn't dare to sharpen his edge. He frowned slightly and retracted his hand that was reaching out to Lu Yu. Instead, he flicked his fingers and unleashed a fierce force towards the Galaxy Sword that was flying towards him. Shoot away.

There was a loud bang, and the scene was once again shaken.

A strong wind swept by, causing sand and rocks to fly on the ground. Fu Jing still stood unmoving, but Lu Yu on the other side was knocked away by this blow.

However, he was not blown away too far. Soon a ray of light caught his figure. It was the Galaxy Sword. It turned out that it was not directly knocked away by Fu Jing's curled finger, but passed through the opponent. With his offensive, he went around behind him and pressed the hilt of his sword against Lu Yu's lower back.

Fu Jing narrowed her eyes slightly, and the Thousand Eyes Totem in front of her also slowly rotated, as if she was carefully examining the Galaxy Sword in front of her.

"Are you the God Shang after re-sacrifice? I didn't expect you to turn out like this... What? Do you want to be my enemy too?"

The Galaxy Sword naturally couldn't speak, but it responded with actual actions. With a flash of light, it immediately withdrew from behind Lu Yu and automatically flew into Lu Yu's palm.

Although Lu Yu was still unconscious, there was a powerful force attached to the sword, which supported Lu Yu's body to stand upright again.

At the same time, a gorgeous luster burst out from the sword. This gorgeous luster was very magical. It gradually spread out like watercolor paint, and spread bit by bit along the hilt to Lu Yu's body, first to his wrist, and then to his small body. arms, then arms, and finally spread to the whole body.

This scene fell into Fu Jing's eyes, or the Thousand Eyes Totem's field of vision, but it was a completely different scene... What she saw in her field of vision was not the blur of watercolor paint, but a ferocious head. The giant beast separated from the body of the Galaxy Sword and gradually invaded Lu Yu's body.

This scene might seem incredible to other people, but Fu Jing had the mind of a Thousand-Eyed King at this time, and she could tell at a glance that the ferocious beast was the original weapon spirit of the Galaxy Sword.

Fu Jing couldn't help but frown.

She didn't expect that there could be such an interaction between Lu Yu and the weapon spirit of the Galaxy Sword.

After a moment, Lu Yu's whole body was soaked in brilliant luster, and then he suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were as bright as stars, and all the fatigue had been swept away.

Finally, he woke up again.

"Brother... thanks, I didn't expect you to wake me up this time..."

Lu Yu looked at the Galaxy Sword in his hand and muttered to himself.

He could feel that his body was supported by another will. The source of this will was really the Galaxy Sword in his hand...

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