Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1930 Fighting

I remember that the old man of Tianjian once said that he had liberated the new weapon spirit on the Galaxy Sword from its cage. For so long, there has never been a formal communication between Lu Yu and this fairy weapon spirit. Thinking of the first real comprehensive communication, the tacit understanding between the two parties has reached such a level.

"I didn't expect... you can have such a tacit understanding with a weapon spirit. You are indeed a natural weapon spirit!" Fu Jing couldn't help but admire. Not only was he not surprised by Lu Yu's reawakening, but his eyes Revealing great excitement.

"Qianyanjun?" Lu Yu looked up at the other party and said.

Fu Jing, who was on the opposite side, suddenly became even more excited: "Yes, it's me! I didn't expect you to even know my real name. I am indeed an extraordinary person... Now, I am more confident in the Star Domain Weapon plan!" "

"Your Excellency seems to be too happy too early..." Lu Yu said, looking up at the sky.

At this time, there is still a huge Thousand Eyes Totem across the sky. The Thousand Eyes Totem is the symbol of the power of the Thousand Eyes Lord. Although it has been much smaller than before, it has not all fallen to the ground. This shows that Not all of his power entered Fu Jing's body.

"If I'm not mistaken, it seems that your advent ceremony has not really been completed..."

"So what?" Fu Jing said proudly, "In fact, this body is far more outstanding than I expected. Even if my power is not fully integrated, it is definitely not something you can resist... Do you think you still have it?" Can chance stop me from coming?"

"It's true that I can't..." Lu Yu shook his head and suddenly laughed strangely: "But, maybe someone can!"

"Oh? Who is it?"

"No matter who it is, you will know soon...but before that, please leave my friend's body first!"

After saying this, Lu Yu suddenly swung his sword.

The red lotus flower appeared on his body again.

A beam of starlight fell from the sky and shone on him. After circling along the path of the red lotus flower, it finally blessed the Galaxy Sword.

Suddenly, the Galaxy Sword suddenly flew out of his hand and turned into a brilliant galaxy, rushing towards the Thousand Eyes Totem in front of him.

There was another violent shaking.

The small Thousand Eyes Totem in front of Fu Jing has the same origin as the huge Thousand Eyes Totem in the sky. The two are interconnected with each other, and the vibration of one of them must also affect the other.

In an instant, not only the center of the altar where the two of them were standing shook violently, but also the entire Hades Temple shook violently.

Dark clouds continued to billow in the sky, and streaks of thunder continued to appear. This was the result of the collision between the power of the Thousand-Eyed Totem and the laws of the world, just like the scene of the end of the world...

No matter in the sky or on the ground, the two Thousand Eyes Totems, large and small, were spinning rapidly, as if they wanted to resolve the violent turmoil in this way.

Finally, after a while, the turmoil gradually subsided.

Although Fu Jing was a little busy, she still stood there unmoving. In fact, this action did not cause much damage to her. In terms of the overall strength of Qian Yanjun, even facing the starlight was nothing. , but she didn't expect Lu Yu to have such an attack method, so she was caught off guard.

"You are really surprising... There are many people who have been cultivated by lotus seeds, but there are really very few people who can awaken to your level..."

"If it weren't for the fact that the star domain weapon is a plan we have been planning for a long time, and Diyin has already paid his life for it, I would really be reluctant to use you as a weapon spirit..."

As Fu Jing spoke, the speed of the Thousand Eyes Totem's rotation gradually slowed down, and his eyes focused on Lu Yu again.

"But, so what can this do? Do you think you can shake my power with this! It's simply a wishful thinking..."

"Now that you have tried it, do you want to give up now? I hope you will stop struggling in vain and give up resistance... Otherwise, even if I can't bear it, I will inevitably beat you... "

Halfway through her words, she suddenly froze.

Because at this time she was about to attack Lu Yu, but when she raised her hand, she realized that the Galaxy Sword was already in her hand.

In fact, with her strength, the Galaxy Sword could not pose much of a threat to her, but what frightened her was that she had no idea about it, and it seemed that the Galaxy Sword had somehow found its way into her hand.

If all of this is not her autonomous consciousness, it means that there is someone else who is leading all of this... Before he could react, the hand holding the sword suddenly aroused again and slashed at the Thousand Eyes in front of him with a sword. totem.

With a sneer, the Thousand Eyes Totem split open.

At the same time, a stream of bright red blood flowed from her eyes.

At this moment, Qianyanjun finally realized that something was wrong. The original owner of this body, which had been completely suppressed by him, showed signs of recovery and wanted to compete with him for control of this body again.

All of this was naturally accomplished by the Galaxy Sword.

The Galaxy Sword, Lu Yu, and Fu Jing already had a tacit understanding. When the Galaxy Sword fell into Lu Yu's hands, it once again supported Lu Yu's thoughts. When he fell into Fu Jing's hands again, it became a A bridge for Lu Yu and Fu Jing to communicate with each other.

In fact, this is the deeper purpose of Lu Yu launching this sword. To shake Qianyanjun's power and make him have a violent collision with the laws of heaven and earth in Guantian World. This is just a cover. The real purpose is to reawaken Fu. Akira's mind continues to fight against Thousand Eyes Lord.

The advent ceremony has not been completed, and the battle is far from over.

Previously, Fu Jing was bound alone in the spider web of light and shadow, fighting against the Thousand Eyes King alone. But at this moment, when her hand held the Galaxy Sword again, it became her, Lu Yu, and the Galaxy Sword. The forces gathered together to fight against the Thousand Eyes Lord.

"Bitch! You deserve to die!"

Qianyanjun was furious and roared loudly through Fu Jing's mouth.

"You are so brave! How dare you offend me like this!"

"I was so merciful before. If I had known better, I should have killed you bitch completely from the beginning!"

At this time, Fu Jing seemed to be going crazy, sometimes swinging his sword to harm himself, sometimes attacking Lu Yu opposite him, and sometimes slapping himself. He looked confused.

At the same time, more eyeballs fell from the sky, and they continued to turn into light and shadow to bless Fu Jing's body. With each eyeball blessed, Qianyanjun's power increased by one point.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu ignored the danger and rushed directly to Fu Jing's side, activating the golden elixir scene of Jiujiu Liansheng, hoping to use the laws of Jiujiu Liansheng to shield the eyeballs falling from the sky.

However, Fu Jing was still in chaos at this time, and his thoughts had been reactivated, but most of the control was still in the hands of Qian Yanjun.

With a scoff, the Galaxy Sword in Fu Jing's hand stabbed into Lu Yu's chest.

In such a chaotic situation, even if the Galaxy Sword connected with his mind, it could not stop the sword in time and directly stabbed him through.

Fortunately, Lu Yu finally rushed to Fu Jing's side, and the light and shadow of the red lotus from Jiujiu Lotus burst out, successfully shielding each eyeball from the outside.

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