Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1932 Escape

"Reinforcements?" Fu Jing was even more surprised.

She really couldn't figure out how reinforcements would suddenly arrive and be powerful enough to deal with Lord Thousand Eyes... If Lu Yu really had such a trump card, he should have used it long ago. Why delay it until now?

Lu Yu didn't explain too much. He took a look at the surrounding situation and whispered: "It's time for us to withdraw!"

"Withdraw? Now?"

Fu Jing was even more puzzled. Since reinforcements suddenly arrived, shouldn't he cooperate with the reinforcements? No matter how bad the situation is, we still have to observe the situation beforehand. Why do we just withdraw immediately?

However, Lu Yu's attitude was very firm, and he nodded and said: "That's right, now! Let's find the wife first!"

Speaking of the air-to-air battle between Lord Qianyanyan and King Peacock Daming, Lu Yu is actually not optimistic about King Peacock Daming. After all, Lord Thousand Eyes is also a powerful being who forged his true name in the starry sky. King Peacock Daming This is not clear. He decided to take action only after being completely deceived by Lu Yu.

Even though the Peacock King is stronger than Qianyanjun, Qianyanjun has the geographical advantage. After all, Peacock King is attacking from a distance, so the chance of winning in the end is actually not great.

It would be best if he could successfully prevent the Thousand Eyes King from coming, but if he couldn't, Lu Yu would have nothing to be disappointed about. His purpose from the beginning was just to fish in troubled waters.

Moreover, the battle between these two great gods is not something he can do wrong at all. The most he can do is play the role of go-between and matchmaker. He has already accomplished this by gathering starlight just now. Presumably the Peacock King is too. Because of his operation of gathering starlight just now, he was able to lock the position of Lord Thousand Eyes so quickly... He has done everything he can do. If he doesn't leave now, when will he wait?

Soon the two of them found Mrs. Ru's figure under the rubble. Without a moment's hesitation, Lu Yu directly raised his hand to draw a brilliant strip of light, without even having time to check Mrs. Ru's injuries.

Seeing this, Fu Jing held her seriously injured and unconscious mother and was about to step into the colorful light belt, but Lu Yu stopped her and said, "Wait a minute!"

After saying that, he directly threw the three puppet techniques into the colorful light belt, vaguely transformed into the appearance of three figures, and flew into the sky following the colorful light belt.

However, before the three figures left the range of the altar, they were immediately intercepted by members of the Hades Temple. They were instantly wiped out and the colorful light belt was cut off.

Fu Jing couldn't help but be shocked. If it was the three of them who just stepped into the dazzling light belt, then this would be the fate of the three of them now.

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

As he expected, it was only Lord Qianyan who was in trouble, but the other members of the Hades Temple were still ready to attack. Naturally, they would not let Lu Yu and the others leave safely.

It's a pity that the protection of the peacock armor is no longer available.

In fact, the safest way now is that he still uses the golden elixir scene of Jiujiu Liansheng to share the opponent's offensive in a multi-dimensional conversion method. However, after the experience just now, he knows that this method is actually very effective. The loss of mental strength can be done once and never again.

The huge consumption of mental power, even after recovering from the ethereal realm, has not yet had time to replenish it. He is now relying entirely on the support of the Galaxy Sword Spirit to regain his energy, and there is no way to repeat the same trick again.

"How are we going to retreat now?" Fu Jing turned to look at him, "Kill out directly?"

Lu Yu shook his head.

Although it is indeed possible for the two of them to work together and with the Galaxy Sword in hand, it is possible to fight a bloody path, but there are too many variables, and he is not sure how long the Peacock Daming King can hold back Thousand-Eyed Lord. By the time they fought their way out, their nerves had calmed down. Then they would never have a chance to leave.

"Be patient and wait a little longer!" Lu Yu said.

As he spoke, he waved his hand again, drawing out a colorful light strip, and also combined it with three puppet techniques, using the same feinting trick as before.

Although it was the same trick, someone on the other side was still fooled and launched a fierce attack on them again. The figures of the three puppets were instantly turned into powder.

Lu Yu said nothing and continued to use his old tricks. This time, he even waved two colorful light strips in succession, rowing in two completely different directions.

You must know that the consumption of Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape is related to the target of delivery. If Lu Yu really delivers three people at once, then a few operations will be enough to completely make him paralyzed. However, if he is delivering only puppets, If you use a magic dummy, then this consumption is nothing.

But this is nothing to him, but it is different for the members of the Temple of Hades on the opposite side. It is not an easy task to cut off the colorful light eggs of the Five Elements Shield of Heaven and Earth. You must try your best to do so. After several attempts, the opponent suddenly became much more cautious and no longer dared to use all his strength easily.

"Okay! It's okay now!"

At this time, Lu Yu panted slightly and once again drew a dazzling band of light. This time, he no longer used puppetry dummies, but the three of them were really preparing to step into the dazzling band of light.

After all this trouble, even if someone on the other side still launches an offensive against them, it is already within the range that he can bear. If it is not possible, he will not faint again if he tries to start Jiujiu Liansheng again. .

"Let's go!" Lu Yu said, taking the lead in stepping into the colorful light belt.

Naturally, Fu Jing would not question his decision, so she hugged her mother and followed him.

The figures of the three people quickly flew away.

Everything was as Lu Yu expected. After these "Wolf Crying" incidents, although some people still launched an offensive against them, it was not the same as when he broke in and was intercepted by the four chief priests. Than, it is no longer worth mentioning.

The figures of the three people circled around with the colorful light belt, and successfully broke through the scope of the main altar.

This trip to the Temple of Hades took a long time and went through many hardships, but now I finally managed to escape.

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