Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1933 An unprecedented experience

Lu Yu's spirit had been highly tense and he was paying attention to the surrounding situation to avoid being suddenly attacked again.

After this series of battles, he knew that in this area, even the Five Star Escape from Heaven and Earth was not absolutely safe.

The situation at this time is different from before. Now the targets projected by the colorful light belt are three people. If he is suddenly attacked again under such circumstances, he will never be able to split the light at will like before. Can rely on Jiujiu Liansheng's multi-dimensional sharing to carry it head-on.

Finally, the colorful light belt fell to the ground. At this time, the towering sacred monuments were far behind. The three of them finally successfully escaped from the area where the Hades Temple was located. It was only then that Lu Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief. , the spirit was slightly relaxed.

It was only at this moment that he finally had the time to take a look at the situation behind him.

At this distance, the Thousand Eyes Totem no longer shrouded their heads, but was like a huge sun rising in front of them, and they could barely see the entire Thousand Eyes Totem clearly.

However, the most eye-catching thing in the sky at this moment is no longer the Thousand Eyes Totem, but a sea of ​​​​fire spreading in the sky, as if the entire sky is burning. From the spreading trend of the sea of ​​​​fire, it can be vaguely seen that what is happening is It is a pattern of a peacock.

It was not until this moment that Lu Yu was finally convinced that it was indeed King Peacock Ming who took action.

It seems that the battle between the two sides should have taken place in the outer space above the sky. Not to mention the distance is too far away. Even if the battle between the two sides was close enough, it would be difficult to see the specific clues based on their level. .

At this moment, no matter whether they are ordinary people or powerful men, they can only watch the excitement.

"Is this the reinforcement you are talking about?" Fu Jing said in surprise.

Even if you are just watching the excitement, you can see that it is extraordinary. It is obvious that there are two forces in the sky, one of which is the Natural Thousand Eyes King, and the other. Judging from the situation presented at this moment , actually not inferior to Qianyanjun.

"Not bad." Lu Yu replied.

"Is this also a god?" Fu Jing's face was full of astonishment, "Is he a... friend you invited from heaven?"

"Friend..." Lu Yu had a weird look on his face, shook his head gently and said, "It's true that he was invited by me, but I don't think we can be considered friends yet... Regarding this Madam knows the whole story best..."

As he said that, he looked towards Mrs. Ru. It was only then that he finally had the opportunity to pay attention to Mrs. Ru's injuries, but found that she was still unconscious and her body was covered with bruises. Apparently, Qian Yanjun had casually glanced at her before. With just one wave, it had already caused huge damage to her.

"Mother's injury is very serious..." Fu Jing lowered her head, looked at her mother as well, her expression darkened, and said, "Now that we are temporarily out of danger, under the current situation, the people of Hades Temple should There is no time to chase us... Can you help her now?"


Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned. Although he had various methods to treat Mrs. Ru, obviously those methods were not the most efficient: "How do you want me to help?"

"Just like... what we did just now..." Fu Jing said.

With that said, she handed Mrs. Ru in front of Lu Yu and deliberately exposed her beautiful red lips. Obviously her intention was self-evident.

Lu Yu felt that he had to explain that the state of the ethereal realm was indeed derived from the blood power of the Guanlan clan, but this power could not be triggered at will by simple physical contact...

However, when he met Fu Jing's clear and bright eyes like a stream of autumn water, he was speechless.

"Then, how about I give it a try... But can you please step aside for a moment? If you stand on the side and watch like this, I will be very stressed..." Lu Yu said.

Fu Jing glanced at her and said nothing. He turned his back silently and watched the battle between the two gods in the sky. Although the battlefield was thousands of miles away from them, they could still see it. The forces on both sides are constantly evolving, and the situation is ever-changing.

However, even if Fu Jing's back was turned to him, Lu Yu was still under great psychological pressure. Although he had had close contact with Fu Jing and Mrs. Ru before, it was all done without one of them being present or knowing. of.

Lu Yu has never had such an intimate contact with her mother in front of her daughter, even with her acquiescence and supervision.

After all, when it came time to actually get things done, Lu Yu was not vague at all. After confirming that Fu Jing was not peeking, he gained courage.

After a lot of fiddling, he quickly entered the ethereal realm smoothly.

This time, the contrast between the two is even more obvious. Since the ethereal realm is derived from the blood power of the Guanlan clan, there is no doubt that the awakening level of the blood power in Fu Jing is much higher than that of Mrs. Ru. Therefore, The effect of the ethereal realm is also more significant.

However, even if the spatial realm between the two was not as efficient as the ethereal realm between him and Fu Jing, this was already a very significant recovery effect, and Mrs. Ru soon woke up leisurely.

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