Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1934 The world is broken

Mrs. Ru looked confused at first, and she was a little confused about the situation at first, but soon she saw Fu Jing standing aside, and her whole body suddenly became excited, and she suddenly woke up.


A crisp slap hit Lu Yu's face hard.

"Let me go! You stinky hooligan!" Mrs. Ru yelled angrily.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little confused for a moment. In fact, the slap didn't hurt, but the problem was that similar situations had never happened between the two of them before. Why did they react so bigly this time? Is it because Fu Jing is nearby?

"Mom, are you okay?"

Before Lu Yu could speak, Fu Jing turned around and spoke first.

"Jing'er!" Mrs. Ru cried with joy: "Is it really you? Are you really okay? Am I not dreaming?"

As she spoke, she pinched Lu Yu hard, making Lu Yu depressed. It was obvious that she was wondering whether she was dreaming, but why did she pinch herself?

"Mother, you should let A Feng go first..." Fu Jing said unbearably.

Only then did Mrs. Ru react. She quickly pushed Lu Yu away and said with an embarrassed look on her face: "Jing'er, actually I was with him, with him..." After stammering for a while, she couldn't explain why, and finally He simply pushed away all the responsibilities and snorted: "This guy is not a good guy. Don't be fooled by his appearance. He just took the opportunity to take advantage of me. He asked for it all!"

Fu Jing said: "The things I asked A Feng to do just now were actually what I asked A Feng to do. Mother, please don't blame him!"

"D-Did you...ask him to do it?" Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be stunned. She looked at Lu Yu and then at Fu Jing. She didn't know what to say for a moment.

Fu Jing nodded and said: "There is nothing you can do about the urgent matter. Why should mother care about such a trivial matter... Besides, mother, you should already know the secret of the blood power of our Guanlan clan, right?" ? Haven’t you done similar things before?”

One sentence immediately made Mrs. Ru feel even more embarrassed.

Even Lu Yu, who was so shameless, couldn't help feeling embarrassed and didn't know how to answer the question.

Fortunately, Fu Jing didn't need the two of them to answer the conversation. After saying this, she turned her back again, as if she didn't care about the matter.

"Look over there, it seems that the situation is about to change!" Fu Jing pointed to the sky and said.

The two of them looked in the direction she pointed, and saw that the sky was still full of flaming golden light. However, compared with before, there was one very obvious change, that is, the clouds in the sky could not stop. It floats as if there is a layer of airflow isolation, making the original scene look like a mirage and giving it an unreal feeling.

"Is this the Peacock King? He finally took action! Your plan really succeeded!" Mrs. Ru was shocked at first, and then turned to look at Lu Yu with great joy.

This is an obvious thing. If this plan had not worked, they would not have had the chance to stand here and talk. Lu Yu did not respond to her, but frowned slightly, as if he was seriously thinking and analyzing what appeared in the sky at this time. Variety……

"It turns out to be the Peacock King Ming..." Fu Jing murmured. Mrs. Ru's reaction just now can be regarded as confirming what Lu Yu said before. This is indeed a plan that Mrs. Ru also participated in throughout the whole process...

To put it this way, the god who was fighting head-on with Qianyanjun was really not a friend that Lu Yu had known for a long time.

"Yes, it's the Peacock King Ming!" Mrs. Ru nodded vigorously.

Then, she explained the entire plan operation process to Fu Jing.

Although they were just a few simple words, the danger and wisdom contained in them made Fu Jing stunned and speechless for a long time.

It has to be said that Lu Yu was really courageous, and his ideas were so whimsical that he dared to deceive even the gods... Fortunately, he won the bet in the end. Let's look at the results of all this first.

"It seems that Afeng's judgment is indeed correct. The Peacock King is indeed a powerful figure, and he can fight to such an extent with Qian Ye Shenjun... I just don't know if he can really succeed in preventing the arrival of Thousand Eyes Lord. "

At the end of the sentence, Mrs. Ru's eyes were full of expectation.

At first, she had no feelings for this Thousand Eyes King, but the way he chose to come was to forcefully occupy Fu Jing's body... This was something she could not accept no matter what.

If the other party can be forced back by the Peacock King, then there is no doubt that a big stone weighing on her heart will be removed.

Unfortunately, Fu Jing couldn't answer this question, so he turned to look at Lu Yu. He had been silent for a long time since the changes in the sky just now.

"A Feng, what do you think?" Fu Jing asked.

Lu Yu came back to his senses, shook his head and said: "It's still hard to say... but no matter what, we have already succeeded halfway. At least Thousand Eyes Lord can no longer select you as the target of possession!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the layer of floating airflow in the sky suddenly shattered, and countless fire rains fell one after another. The battle that was originally in outer space suddenly disappeared.

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