Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1936 Give it a try

Mrs. Ru suddenly felt a bad feeling and asked in horror, "What are you going to do?"

Lu Yu still looked at Fu Jing and said, "I want to try it."

Fu Jing nodded lightly: "Then try it!"

After saying that, the two of them looked at Madam Ru in unison. Lu Yu casually drew a bright strip of light and surrounded Madam Ru without any explanation.

"Madam, please go ahead and we will come find you later!" Lu Yu said.

Mrs. Ru was anxious, but Lu Yu was very tough and sent her directly into the light belt. Fu Jing stood aside and watched without interfering at all.

Mrs. Ru was so angry that she stamped her feet, but she had no choice but to watch her figure float up with the colorful light, getting further and further away from the two of them.

After doing all this, Lu Yu once again drew a dazzling strip of light, this time in a completely different direction, leading straight into the vibrating deep space, and then stretched out his hand to Fu Jing.

The two people's hands naturally held each other's hands.

Nothing needs to be said.

The two stepped into the dazzling band of light together, and their figures instantly rose from the ground, reaching high altitude after a few breaths.

Within this distance, the details of the Peacock Ming King's exclusive mark and the tentacles transformed by the power of the Thousand Eyes Lord appear more clearly. The vibrations in the sky are also more obvious. You can even see golden runes constantly coming from Precipitating in the void, this represents the rapid agitation of the law.

Lu Yu moved his fingers three or four times in the direction of the violent vibrations in the sky, trying to connect the colorful light belts, but failed. The colorful light belts cut off on their own once they entered, which meant that The laws of heaven and earth there have been severely damaged, and there is no basis for the use of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape.

"Where do you want to go?" Fu Jing asked.

Lu Yu nodded and said: "The closer we are, the better our chances are. We can't do anything at this distance now..."

Fu Jing narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Just go there and I will figure out the rest!"

When Lu Yu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

If he wanted to get close to the front line of the battle between the Peacock King and Thousand Eyes King, the only method that could be used was naturally not just the Five Elements Shield of Heaven and Earth. Originally, Lu Yu planned to use other methods when the Five Elements Escape of Heaven and Earth failed. , Unexpectedly, Fu Jing suddenly made such a guarantee now, and he was naturally happy to see the success. After all, compared to other methods, the Five Elements Escape from Heaven and Earth is always the most efficient means of escape.

"Okay!" Lu Yu agreed and continued to move forward along the established trajectory.

Soon, they entered a range of more violent fluctuations.

At this time, the colorful light belt has become a bit blurry, and is no longer as bright as before. The bodies of the two people also began to jolt violently. If this situation continues, the colorful light will soon become brighter. The light belt will be completely ineffective.

At this moment, Fu Jing suddenly opened his own domain. Compared with the violent vibrations in the sky, its domain was not large, but the effect was extremely astonishing. Countless rays of law flickered in it, and a large number of them were Part of it is clearly the law of heaven and earth...

She is actually using her own domain power to reshape the basic laws of the entire world of Guantian... This is really amazing!

You must know that the existence of a domain is essentially a change to the surrounding laws of heaven and earth, but this change is not a change out of thin air, but exists based on certain laws of heaven and earth.

No one can create a new law out of thin air and completely replace the original law... If someone can really do this, it means that his field has actually reached the same intensity as the big world. In this way Its power cannot be accepted by the laws of the great world at all, and will be immediately squeezed out by the entire great world. This also forms the so-called "heavenly tribulation".

Under the catastrophe, one will either be completely destroyed or completely detached, and there will never be an indistinct state in between.

It is naturally impossible for Fu Jing's domain to have reached the strength of the Tribulation Stage. The reason why it was able to reach this level was because of the power of her own bloodline.

Lu Yu has long seen that the essence of the bloodline power of the Guanlan clan is actually a variant of the true name of the Great World of Guantian. Now that Fu Jing can make such a move, it has undoubtedly confirmed this once again.

"It seems that Miss has made some progress in awakening the power of blood... Have you successfully entered the second stage of awakening now?" Lu Yu said.

Fu Jing said: "I don't know if this is the second stage of awakening, but it is true that there has been some progress... All of this is actually thanks to you. The last time I was in Suyu Yunchi, from your I suddenly realized a lot of my own problems... These problems have troubled me for a long time, and I didn't understand them until recently. Then I found that my power seemed to have improved..."

Sure enough, last time Lu Yu saw the mystery of the Seven Apertures Exquisite Jade from Fu Jing, which benefited him a lot. It was on this basis that he realized the Nine-Nine Lotus Life... Unexpectedly, Fu Jing also found out about him. I have received huge benefits, and now it seems that the effect of this enlightenment is mutual.

"Can I talk about each other?" Lu Yu smiled and said, "In fact, my experience during this period of time has been similar, and you have also given me great inspiration!"

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