Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1937 Hijack me

"Where should we start?" Fu Jing asked.

Although her bloodline power has awakened to a whole new level, she knows that Lu Yu is better in terms of eyesight.

The current scene is in chaos, and it is very particular about where to start. After all, compared to the power of Peacock King Ming and Qian Yanjun, their power is very weak. They must find a suitable fulcrum to leverage the entire situation. situation.

"We won't do anything to them..."

Lu Yu's eyes flashed with excitement, and he said: "Originally, I planned to use all my strength to launch a fatal blow. As for whether I could succeed, I completely left it to fate... But now, after seeing your new power, I have an idea to make peace with you. !”

Fu Jing said: "What's your idea?"

Lu Yu said: "Since your power can reshape the laws of heaven and earth and prevent the performance of the Five Elements Escape from being affected, why not increase your strength? We can repair more and larger laws of heaven and earth. In this way , both of them will be more repulsed by the laws of the big world, wouldn't this be better than us fighting them head-on with our own strength?"

Fu Jing couldn't help but be startled. To this day, she has some understanding of the characteristics of the Great World Law. If she can use the repulsive force of the Great World Law to launch an indirect attack to completely drive away the two gods, this is undoubtedly a better choice, but The problem is that it is not an easy task to achieve such an effect. There will be countless laws of heaven and earth to be repaired, and even if she uses all her strength, she will not be able to complete it.

"I'm afraid this won't work..." Fu Jing shook her head, "My strength can't last that long at all. Even if I recover in the same way as you and my mother did before, I still can't support such a huge consumption..."

Although the recovery effect of the ethereal realm is extremely amazing, it is not without its shortcomings. The ethereal realm is one of the characteristics of the bloodline power of the Guanlan clan. In essence, its recovery effect is achieved by overdrafting the bloodline power. .

Lu Yu and Fu Jing have only had two such interactions, and the two interactions were separated by a long time, so there are no clues about Fu Jing. But he and Mrs. Ru have had many such interactions, especially in the past two days, they have frequently entered the ethereal realm. Certain clues can be seen in Mrs. Ru, but because of Ru Because Madam has received special training, she has a very deep foundation, so there has been no problem for the time being. But in the past two days, it was still obvious that she had become quite haggard.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I don't want to rely on the ethereal realm... wool grows on the sheep. Reshaping the laws of heaven and earth has already consumed your bloodline power. How can I use this method to further overdraw your bloodline power?" Strength? But this is not the only way to quickly restore strength. Didn't you show another method before at the center of the main altar? "

Fu Jing understood instantly: "You mean domain hijacking?" Then she frowned again: "But who should I hijack?"

When she was at the center of the main altar before, she did it entirely because of the situation. It was precisely because there were many members of the Temple of Hades on the side ready to attack that she had the opportunity to hijack such a huge force, but at this time there was no one around her. Under such conditions, she was only allowed to fight against the Peacock King and Thousand Eyes Lord in the void. Should she be allowed to hijack these two gods?

Lu Yu patted his chest: "Of course he kidnapped me!"

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned: "Hijack you?"

Lu Yu smiled: "You have been subsidizing me before, now it's time to switch over and let me help you back... Let's stop talking nonsense and try it out as we go. You will understand it soon!"

After saying that, silk threads appeared one after another, outlining the shape of a lotus on his body, which was exactly the scene of the golden elixir born from the nine-nine lotuses.

At the same time, a beam of starlight fell from the sky. Although the surrounding world was in chaos, the power of the stars was not affected by the changes in the laws of heaven and earth, and it still shone on Lu Yu accurately.

After being twisted and refracted one by one, the power of the starlight was transformed into other forms of energy and dispersed in the air.

Fu Jing immediately understood Lu Yu's intention. It turned out that he wanted to hijack such a power to supplement his consumption of reshaping the laws of heaven and earth... The power of stars is the highest level of power currently known. Form, it can be transformed into various other forms of power, such as the power of Tiangang and Earthly Evil, which are transformed under the influence of the laws of the great world over the years.

Although Lu Yu's Jiujiu Liansheng is mysterious, it has not yet reached a level comparable to that of the Great World. Therefore, his transformation is not sufficient. It can even be said that the degree of transformation is quite low, unless there is a divine sword like the Galaxy Sword. carrier, otherwise it would be impossible to directly use such a force...

But all this is enough for Fu Jing. Originally, reshaping the laws of heaven and earth is a process of restoring power. She does not need to absorb such a power into her own body. She only needs to place it within the domain and interact with her. The scattered characters interact with each other, and the power used is naturally as close to its origin as possible.

At this time, she is equivalent to a huge mold. The raw materials are characters scattered in the void. The power of restoration is provided by Lu Yu by transforming the power of stars. She just acts as a glue in the middle. In this way, Not only has the speed of reshaping the laws of heaven and earth not slowed down, but its efficiency has increased to a higher level.

In just an instant, large swathes of the sky can be seen

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