Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1938 Patch of the Big World

In fact, Lu Yu has a variety of means to deal with the meteorite fire rain's offensive. With the Galaxy Sword in hand, he can even directly transform into the secret, and avoid the meteorite fire rain's damage by combining it with the star secret.

However, in order to prevent Fu Jing's domain from being affected, he still chose the most direct method. The Galaxy Sword flew out quickly and struck directly at the oncoming meteorite fire rain with a flying slash.

The Galaxy Sword carries the power of the stars, and even in the face of the roaring rain of meteorites and fire, its momentum is not at a disadvantage.

With one blow, the earth was shattered and sparks flew everywhere.

The scene looked extremely chaotic, but it successfully kept Fu Jing's side safe, and her progress in reshaping the laws of heaven and earth was not affected.

Lu Yu was bathed in the chaotic sparks and took the Galaxy Sword back into his hand. He didn't even have time to breathe for a moment before he immediately split the light again and changed the trajectory of the colorful light belt.

Because this was just the first wave of attacks from Lord Thousand Eyes. Just when he started splitting light for the first time, Thousand Eyes Nerve threw out another tentacle and launched a new wave of attacks in the direction of Fu Jing. Attacked.

Therefore, he must provide immediate support to Fu Jing to ensure that their plan to reshape the laws of heaven and earth is not affected.

Therefore, Lu Yu also slashed out the Xinghe Sword in the same way again, slashing through more than ten meteorites in a row, which was a tit-for-tat retaliation.

Of course, the offensive launched by the Thousand Eyes Army was far more than the dozen or so meteorites and fire rain, but the positions of the more than ten meteorites that Lu Yu broke were precisely calculated, and after breaking them, they happened to reveal a The gap allows him and Fu Jing's dazzling light belt to be perfectly avoided.

After several times in a row, Qian Yanjun couldn't help but become more and more angry. The main reason was that most of his energy was taken away by the Peacock King. Even if Lu Yu had the Galaxy Sword in his hand, it would be his turn to jump in front of him. Jump?

"You little flea, if you are stubborn and stubborn, I will completely help you!"

Accompanied by the roar of Thousand Eyes King, one eyeball appeared from the void, like a ferocious beast sticking its head out, and they all looked in the direction of Lu Yu.

These eyeballs were originally fighting with the exclusive totem of King Peacock Ming. Looking at the current situation, they have changed their targets... Apparently Lord Qianyanyan has also realized that he cannot concentrate on dealing with Lu Yu's interference. Peacock King Ming, so it’s better to free up your hands first and directly deal with this annoying guy like a fly.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but change his face slightly. He also knew that the reason why he was able to do so with ease was entirely due to the control of King Peacock Ming. If Lord Qianyanyan could make up his mind to deal with him with all his strength, then with his A little strength cannot be resisted no matter what.

"Qianyanjun, I advise you to think carefully. If I die here, you will get nothing, and your plan will be defeated!" Lu Yu deliberately delayed.

Qianyanjun snorted coldly: "The worst case scenario is that the plan of Immortal King Yongle will be delayed for tens of thousands more years... In short, I will let you die without a burial place today no matter what!"

Suddenly, all the eyeballs surged like a swarm of bees, sweeping towards Lu Yu.

You must know that this force was previously fighting against the Peacock King. If Lu Yu was entangled by them, there would be no chance of survival.

However, Lu Yu already had a plan to deal with it. He deliberately delayed the time just now in order to fully prepare for this plan. Although he only said a few words just now, this time was enough for him...

Lu Yu evacuated quickly.

Huge eyeballs followed him like a shadow, whizzing towards him. Just when he was about to catch up with Lu Yu, suddenly, a swirling lightning appeared in the sky, blocking the way of these eyeballs.

This swirling lightning was clearly a catastrophe, and Lu Yu was just right to hide behind it.

Everything is just right.

It turned out that at this time, Fu Jing finally completed the repair of part of the laws of heaven and earth, restoring the functions of the laws and order of the world, and then such a catastrophe was brewing in the void.

All this had been planned by Lu Yu when he asked Fu Jing to step on another dazzling light belt. All the delays and dealings before were all for this moment. Now this time is just right, Qianyanjun is right Lu Yu's full-strength offensive seemed like he took the initiative to run headlong into the calamity.


The eyeballs let out painful wails at the same time, and all the sounds came together to form Qianyanjun's shrill scream.

The power of the Heavenly Tribulation is equivalent to the backlash of the laws of the great world. Lord Thousand Eyes had previously used various means to avoid such a situation. Unexpectedly, Fu Jing had the means to reshape the laws of heaven and earth. This not only caught him by surprise. , and his entire plan was thrown into disarray.

"What's going on? This can't be your power... The lotus seed can't have such power!"

The eyeballs kept moving back one after another, and Qianyanjun's voice seemed to be at a loss.

Obviously, until this moment, he still couldn't believe that the law of heaven and earth, which had already opened a huge gap, could be repaired at this time, thus causing the natural disaster to reappear?

He has fought in countless big worlds, and has gained a wealth of experience. However, he has never encountered such a situation before. All of this is far beyond his knowledge.

Lu Yu responded with a sneer: "What about the power that the lotus seed cannot possess, coupled with the exquisite jade with seven orifices? Thousand-eyed Lord, just accept your fate! At least this time you have no chance!"

After saying that, Lu Yu once again drew a bright strip of light and connected with Fu Jing, who had just reached the landing point.

At this time, the degree of reconstruction and repair of the laws of heaven and earth is still not sufficient, at least not enough to completely push Qianyanjun out of the big world. However, with the power of heavenly tribulation as a cover, the next work has changed. Much simpler.

The colorful light strip drawn on Lu Yu's hand was like a patch on the entire Guantian World. When this patch was finally completed, it would be the moment of complete defeat for the opponent.

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