Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1939 Shooting Oneself in the Foot

Seeing this situation, Qian Yanyanjun also realized the crisis and immediately launched an even more crazy counterattack against Lu Yu and Fu Jing.

However, several consecutive waves of attacks were skillfully defused by Lu Yu using the Heavenly Tribulation Vortex and the Galaxy Sword. Even when it could not be defused, Lu Yu would activate the golden elixir scene of the Nine-Nine Lotus and use multi-dimensional switching to distribute damage.

In short, all the counterattacks of Lord Thousand Eyes were still unable to hurt Fu Jing at all. He could only watch helplessly as the laws of heaven and earth were reshaped bit by bit, and one after another vortex clouds of heavenly tribulation continued to emerge.

Even if he is as proud as Qianyanjun, he has to admit in the end that these two people have too many methods after joining forces. He can no longer solve the current situation with his own strength.

Although there are many members of the Hades Temple on the ground waiting eagerly, and there are many powerful players among them. If they are mobilized here, they will definitely be able to greatly suppress Lu Yu and Fu Jing, but the water from far away cannot save the fire from near. Wait for them to come from the ground When I arrived here, I didn't even know if it was the Year of the Monkey or the Moon of the Horse... After all, not everyone has the ability to cross thousands of feet in the sky in a short time like the Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape.

Therefore, Qian Yanjun can only think of one solution at the moment...

In an instant, all the eyeballs suddenly withdrew and surrounded the exclusive mark of King Peacock Ming again.

"Peacock, let's just call it a draw today. How about we shake hands and make peace?"

Qian Yanjun's voice said: "I know the purpose of your coming here. Frankly speaking, I think you were most likely inspired by this kid and fell into his trap, so you came to this muddy water... But it doesn’t matter, I can promise you to evacuate this big world and make this place your source of faith, provided that you help me get rid of this kid in front of me!”

"The purpose of my coming here is just to deal with this kid. As long as you can help me achieve my wish, what's the harm in giving up this world to you? And I can also assure you that I will forget about this matter in the future, you agree. how?"

King Peacock Ming did not speak, and even the exclusive mark in the void stopped changing, as if he had fallen into silence.

Lu Yu secretly screamed, "Oh no!" In fact, although the struggle between the Peacock King and Qianyanjun has stopped, his intimidating power is still there. If he hadn't restrained most of Qianyanjun's energy, Lu Yu wouldn't have been able to do it. To such an extent.

In the current situation, let alone the Peacock King being incited to rebel, even if he completely stood by and watched, it would put huge pressure on Lu Yu and add many unknown variables.

We must stop the opponent's plan!

Lu Yu's mind was spinning, and before the Peacock King could respond, he already laughed out loud: "Qian Yanyanjun, weren't you very capable before? And you kept saying that even if you have worked hard for tens of thousands of years, you have to let others do it. Pay the price...Why don't you be so tough now? Are you asking for mercy from others? Is this the way the dignified Qianyanjun behaves?"

"Shut up! Stop sowing discord here! I act according to my own rules, and it's not the turn of a guy like you to make irresponsible remarks!" Qian Yanyan said angrily.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Qian Yanyanjun, don't be sentimental. I am not saying this to you, but to remind the Peacock Daming King... Your Excellency, the Peacock Daming King, after this contact, I believe you are also right. I understand the character of this Thousand Eyes Lord. Do you think that with his character, he will just let it go? I hope you will think about it carefully!"

Lord Qianyanyan was furious and took action angrily again. Unfortunately, Lu Yu was very clever and had prepared in advance. Before the attack could arrive, he ducked behind a vortex cloud, causing all the attacks to fail again.

The law of the big world is like a huge fishing net. There are many holes in the fishing net. Due to his low cultivation level, Lu Yu is like a small fish in the river. He can freely pass through these holes, but with Qian Yanjun's Despite his cultivation level, he was already a behemoth in the river. He could not pass through the holes in the fishing net and could only watch all this.

Lord Qianyanyan calmed down and ignored Lu Yu who was like a fish that slipped through the net, and continued: "Peacock, if you have any doubts about this, then I can swear by the real name of Xingkong..."

"As long as today's incident is over, I, Lord Thousand-Eyed Eyes, promise to expose it and forget the blame. If I violate this oath, I will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Qian Yanjun's voice was sonorous and powerful.

At this time, King Peacock Ming was finally touched and made his first voice since the sky was broken: "You just said that this matter seems to involve Immortal King Yongle?"

Qianyanjun smiled proudly and said: "That's right! I won't hide it from you until now. I am from Yongle Immortal Court, and this son is related to a huge plan of Yongle Immortal King... If you don't believe it, You can check my identity at any time, you already know my real name anyway!”

"Actually, you don't have to worry. Since I promised you not to pursue this matter, Yongle Immortal Court will also not pursue this matter... However, if you affect our Yongle Immortal Court's overall plan, the nature will be different. Even if you are hiding in a remote star field outside the territory, we will still find you and remove you from the starry sky completely!"

When Lu Yu heard this, he couldn't help but feel secretly anxious.

When I was in the original world, I heard Ancestor Yunxiao introduce that there are two transcendent and huge forces in the world. One of them is Yongle Immortal Court, which controls most of the territory in the world. On one side is the rising Shenhua Immortal Court, and the war between the two sides spreads all over the sky.

It was against this background that the Divine Sword initially erased the mark of its own existence, reborn as a weapon spirit and transformed into Old Man Tianjian, and entered the original world to stop the Earth Seal God.

Now Qian Yanjun has directly used the name of Yongle Immortal Court. Considering the current situation in the world, Lu Yu feels that it is difficult for anyone to waver under such pressure.

Especially a small god like Peacock King Ming... Compared to the behemoth of Yongle Immortal Court, he can indeed be considered weak now.

Lu Yu couldn't help but look up in the direction of Fu Jing. At this time, it would still take some time to complete the entire "patch". If King Peacock Ming suddenly rebelled and turned against him at this time, the consequences would definitely be unbearable for him...

We have to find a way to delay it for a little longer...

Lu Yu's brain started working rapidly.

In the current situation, if you want to continue to stabilize Peacock Ming Wang Guang, you can't rely on your status as a "devout believer". If you borrow the name of Shenhua Immortal Court, you may still have a certain chance, but for him, Shenhua Immortal Court, Apart from a name, I know absolutely nothing else about it, so from what angle should I approach it?

Before Lu Yu could figure out what to do, King Peacock Ming had already responded.

"If that's the case, then I can't stay out of this matter... because everyone in Yongle Immortal Court deserves to die!"

After saying that, the bird-like characters in the sky suddenly relaxed, and countless blazing sky fires descended, directly launching a fierce attack on Lord Qianyan. It looked like he was trying to kill the opponent.

Lu Yu was not expecting such a situation and couldn't help but feel stunned.

King Peacock Ming was just a god he randomly selected by chance. Unexpectedly, he happened to be the enemy of Yongle Immortal Court, and it seemed that the hatred between the two parties was not small...

Mr. Qianyanyan was so clever that he was mistaken for his cleverness. He shot himself in the foot!

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