Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1940 The stars are like the moon

Lu Yu did not hesitate for too long. Although he did not know what kind of hatred there was between the Peacock Daming King and Yongle Immortal Court, it did not prevent him from seizing this golden opportunity in front of him.

"Thousand Eyes Lord! It seems that your Yongle Immortal Court has already become angry and resentful! Today your death day has come!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu unfolded the Galaxy Sword. This time, it was no longer a flying slash with starlight, but many secrets of the stars appeared at the same time. The powerful forces gathered together, and it was a powerful Great Galaxy Sword Technique. .

This was the first time he had used this sword technique in the Great World of Guan Tian. Due to the differences in the laws of the world, Lu Yu could not perform this sword technique at first. However, as time went by, he now understood The difference between them has been able to be displayed smoothly.

He had never used this secret technique before because it was not necessary. Even if he exerted the power of this sword technique to its maximum, he would not be able to do anything to the Lord Thousand Eyes. But now the situation is different. With the Peacock King fighting for his life, With normal restraint, Qian Yanyanjun had no time to take care of Lu Yu's defense, which meant that all his weaknesses were exposed.

Huge star spheres appeared one after another. Even the vortex clouds next to them could not block the huge size of the stars. The power of Pei Ran made people involuntarily shocked.

In the blink of an eye, twenty-eight huge star spheres were connected in a string, hanging in the sky like the full moon on an autumn night, full of strange aura.

This scene was not only seen by a few people in the deep sky, but also by everyone on the ground.

"Mom, look! Why are there so many moons in the sky?" A childish voice said to her mother from the ground.

The child's mother had a look of panic on her face and warned: "My child, that is not the moon, that is God's punishment for us... Stop talking and pray with me for God's forgiveness!"

After saying that, the mother pulled her child and kowtowed to the strange sight in the sky.

Similar situations occur in various places. This is not simply the result of Lu Yu's Great Galaxy Sword Art. It also includes all the previous turmoil, especially the falling of meteorites and fire rain, which made many people feel that the world has come to an end. The end seemed imminent.

Even in the Hades Temple, everyone is not exempt from vulgarity.

"Xu Shensi, what's going on? This doesn't seem to be the power of the Thousand-Eyed God..." Zheng Shensi lowered his voice and said to Xu Zhiyang on the ruins that had just been destroyed by the meteorite and fire rain.

Xu Zhiyang shook his head, with a wry smile on his lips: "I don't know more about the Thousand-Eyed God than you do, Zheng Shensi, why do you bother to ask me... However, this does not seem to be the power of the Thousand-Eyed God. ”

Zheng Shensi said worriedly: "I don't know what is going on up there now... Is this really the god Lu Yu invited?"

Xu Zhiyang couldn't help being silent for a while, and he couldn't answer this question.

However, recalling his previous experience of fighting with Lu Yu and the two consecutive mushroom clouds, he tended to agree with this answer in his heart.

"No matter what the situation is, I think we must consider a realistic issue now..." After a long silence, Xu Zhiyang spoke again.

While saying this, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the main altar. Although the main altar was shattered, the main members of the entire Hades Temple were still gathered in that direction, including several first-class gods. A powerful presence.

Xu Zhiyang breathed out softly, and then said the second half of the sentence: "If the arrival of the Thousand-Eyed God ultimately fails, what should we do next... This matter must be considered early!"

Zheng Shensi was stunned and looked at Xu Zhiyang in front of him in astonishment. However, he still did not say anything to refute...

At the same time, Mrs. Ru was hundreds of miles away.

Looking at the twenty-eight stars hanging in the sky, she also didn't understand what was going on, but she had a vague idea in her heart, thinking that all this must have something to do with Lu Yu...

After all, the original name of his divine sword was the Galaxy Sword, and besides, he could gather starlight from outside the sky... I think the appearance of these star spheres must have something to do with him.

Mrs. Ru didn't know what the final result would be. At this moment, she could only hold her hands over her heart and pray silently to the distant sky.

The sight of twenty-eight star spheres hanging in the sky did not last long. Soon these star spheres exploded one after another, and the resulting vibration caused a huge tsunami to rise directly on the sea surface.

Let’s not mention how frightened the fools on the ground were, but the Thousand-Eyed Lord above the deep sky laughed strangely.

"Is this all your power? I have to say that after Shen Shang fell into your hands, his power was indeed greatly reduced. You can't kill me with this level alone!"

After speaking, eyeballs reappeared from the chaotic sky. These eyeballs represented the power of Qianye Shenjun. They gathered together again and turned into a huge Thousand Eyes Totem.

This means that he has given up attacking a few people and has turned to a comprehensive defensive stance.

"Who said we want to kill you?" Lu Yu took back the Galaxy Sword and said with a faint smile, "What do you think that is?"

As he spoke, he pointed his finger, and saw that the place he pointed to was clear, forming a sharp contrast with the chaotic situation around him - it was Fu Jing's exclusive domain. Within her domain, the last part of the laws of heaven and earth had been reshaped, and the patch of the entire world was completely completed.

The clarity of the sky was only temporary. As soon as Lu Yu finished speaking, dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, and thunder and lightning flashed continuously.

An unprecedented huge cloud of heavenly tribulation began to form.

Since the laws of the entire world have been completely repaired, its backlash has reached an unprecedented intensity.

Such a force, even the Thousand Eyes God Lord couldn't help but change color.

"Even if I can't kill you, I have to leave a part of you completely!" Lu Yu said.

The Thousand Eyes God Lord was really scared now. Although his face could not be seen, the fear in his heart was reflected in his voice.

"Are you... crazy?"

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