Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1943 Bloody Feud

"Peacock King Ming?"

Lu Yu and Fu Jing were surprised. They didn't expect that they hadn't found any trace after searching for so long, but then he suddenly appeared again.

However, Lu Yu was soon shocked again. At this time, the Peacock Ming King was no longer the complete Peacock Ming King. Even the manifestation of the characters was incomplete compared with before. At best, it was just a residual idea. And it seemed that The appearance will not last long...

Lu Yu suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart. In fact, the Peacock Ming King could not withstand the ravages of the most powerful catastrophe before. However, he used some secret method to transfer the remaining thoughts out. Because of this remaining The idea does not come with powerful power, it is just a pure spiritual body, so it has become a fish that slipped through the net of the laws of the world, and it has existed until now.

All this is like the broken tail of the gecko. The remaining thought that appeared in front of them at this time is the broken tail of the gecko. Although it is still alive and kicking for the time being, there is not much time left before its final demise.

If Lu Yu was right, the reason why he appeared in this way at this time was precisely because he was waiting for him... Lu Yu hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand to the incomplete characters in front of him, and injected a ray of brilliance into it. .

This ray of light is the unique power of the Peacock King. Although the Peacock armor has been completely broken by now, Lu Yu has mastered his exclusive mark. It is not difficult to simulate a small amount of the unique power of the Peacock King... With the injection of this ray of divine power, the character marks in front of him were suddenly moistened by rain and dew like withered grass in the desert, and instantly rejuvenated, and some details that were originally incomplete in the circle became complete again.

"Sure enough, it's you..." The voice of King Peacock Ming came from the light group, as if he had just gone through a long sleep, and there was a sense of vicissitudes in his voice.

Although this sentence had no beginning or end, Lu Yu understood the other party's meaning instantly. King Peacock Ming already understood that the "devout believer" who contacted him through the transfer station was himself.

Lu Yu had no intention of hiding it. From the moment he reactivated the opponent, he knew that this matter could not be hidden, because apart from him, a "devout believer", it was impossible for anyone else to do anything to Peacock. King Ming’s exclusive mark is understood to this extent.

"I'm right..." Lu Yu said, "I'm sorry for deceiving you in this way. In fact, it's not just me, but also the believers before you. They are not sincere, and their purpose is just to deceive you of your divine power. … I had to take this step to confront them this time, but no matter what, you have helped me a lot, and I will try my best to compensate you if I have the chance in the future.”

King Peacock Ming was silent for a while, and then he said leisurely: "After all, you are still more skilled, but being able to deceive me is also your skill... Although you caused me to lose tens of thousands of years of cultivation. , but I don’t bear any grudge against you. Instead, I feel a little relieved because you gave me hope again..."

Lu Yu's heart moved, and he vaguely guessed the other party's intention, and said: "Sir, it's okay to say that there is nothing I can do to help you. As long as I can do it, I will do my best and treat it as such." In return for your generous action..."

The Peacock King couldn't help but laugh: "You are indeed a very smart person. No wonder you are able to deal with the people of Yongle Immortal Court so far. It is not unfair for me to be coaxed by you... But before that, I hope you can first Answer me a question, are you from Shenhua Immortal Court?"

"How should I say this..." Lu Yu thought seriously: "I know a senior, he should be a person under the throne of Shenhua Immortal King. Without him, I would not be where I am today, but I personally have never had the same relationship with Mr. Shenhua." I have no contact with the Yongle Immortal Court, and I don’t know if I am considered a member of the Shenhua Immortal Court, but in short, continuing to fight against the Yongle Immortal Court will be my lifelong goal... I don’t know if this answer is satisfactory to you? "

King Peacock Ming said: "It doesn't matter if you are satisfied or not, this question is purely out of my personal curiosity. In fact, from the attitude of Lord Qianyanyan towards you before, we can see that you and Yongle Immortal Court are absolutely at odds with each other. Just knowing this is enough for me.”

Lu Yu said: "It seems that the hatred between you and Yongle Immortal Court is really quite big..."

"It's not just a big deal? It's simply a blood feud!" Peacock Pluto smiled miserably, his voice revealing infinite hatred: "My wife and children all died at the hands of Yongle Immortal Court!"

"I now live in the dark star field far away from the central world. My purpose is to accumulate strength and avenge my wife and children. For this reason, I even accept sporadic worship from far away areas, just to accumulate as much strength as possible. ...But as time goes by, I feel more and more powerless. With my own strength, I may never be able to avenge them in this life..."

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