Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1944 Immaculate Spring

Lu Yu was startled: "So, you hope that I can help you get revenge? But you think too highly of me. Do you think I can challenge the entire Yongle Immortal Court on my own?"

King Peacock Ming said: "There is always a wrongdoer and a debtor. Naturally, I will not force you to challenge the entire Yongle Immortal Court on your own. You just need to get rid of the culprit who killed my wife and children!"

Lu Yu smiled bitterly and said: "You still think too highly of me. It's not that I mean to shirk it, but even you feel that it is beyond your ability. Why do you think I am capable? Even if you are optimistic about my future, when I really grow up to have When the power matches it, it will be who knows how many years later..."

King Peacock Ming said: "I am indeed optimistic about your future, but this is not the whole reason why I asked you to do this favor for me... First of all, I am gradually feeling powerless with the power of revenge. It is not that the other party's strength has reached an unshakable level. It's because the other party has been wary of me for a long time. If I take action, the movement will be too big and the other party will easily guard me. But if it is you, it will be different. The other party will never Thinking that you will take his life, your low cultivation level at this time becomes an advantage..."

"Secondly, although your cultivation level is low now, I can provide you with resources to help you improve your strength as soon as possible. I have been hiding in the dark star field for these years. I am not just accepting tribute from all parties. At the same time, I also collected a lot of good things, some of which are even rare treasures from the previous era... In short, I can arm you from head to toe to your teeth in the shortest time, so that you can have The ability to kill the opponent! "

"Of course, with your current level of cultivation, even if you are armed from head to toe to your teeth, it will still be very difficult to complete this matter... However, I have enough patience for this matter, and I have spent hundreds of thousands of years on it. I've survived it, even if I have to endure it for hundreds of thousands of years..."

Peacock Daming King's tone was full of exclamation, but also revealed his persistent belief.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel moved in his heart, and asked: "What exactly are these good things you call them? Can you tell me about them? Especially the so-called rare treasures from the previous era..."

He didn't know exactly what kind of chronological method was used in the heavens and the world, but since he mentioned the previous era, it was still very far away. At least it was the time when the Storm Clan ruled the heavens and the world and created the myth of heaven. era, or even longer, but not necessarily...

Lu Yu was really curious, what kind of treasure could be preserved after such a long time, and finally fell into the hands of the Peacock King?

King Peacock Ming smiled softly: "For example, how about Tianfang Flint? I wonder if you have heard of this name..."

Lu Yu's eyes suddenly widened.

Naturally, he has heard that the giant halberd on the Ark on the other side is driven by the Tianfang flint as the core of power. In order to fight for the ownership of the Tianfang flint, the ancestor of Yunxiao and the Diyin God once fought for the ownership of the Tianfang flint. Fight to the death...

It is said that in order to complete the star field weapon in the Bixiao Palace, it is also necessary to add Tianfang flint, and the role of Tianfang gravel in it is also crucial.

To this day, Lu Yu still doesn't know the specific function of Tianfang flint, but he knows that it is an extremely rare material. Even with the power of Bixiao Shrine, this material has only been found on the giant halberd of the Ark on the other side. . That giant halberd is a treasure left by the Dragon God clan, which dates back hundreds of millions of years. From this point of view, the Tianfang flint can indeed be regarded as a rare treasure from the previous era.

"It seems that you have heard of this name!" Peacock King Ming smiled, "Then you should be able to understand its value... However, this is not the best treasure in my hand. I have another one in my hand. This thing is more suitable for you than Tianfang flint, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a treasure tailor-made for you!"

Now Lu Yu couldn't help but become more curious.

Is there any treasure more precious than the Tianfang flint? Could it be that the Peacock King Ming could have a treasure similar to the Ark of the Other Shore in his hands?

"Oh? What is it?" Lu Yu asked.

"The Fountain of the Immaculate Fountain." Peacock King Ming replied.

"Fountain of Innocents?" Lu Yu couldn't help but frowned. He had never heard of this name before, and it was indeed beyond his knowledge.

King Peacock Ming said: "During the previous battle, I heard the Thousand Eyes King mention the Lotus Seed many times. I think you must be the awakener of the Lotus Seed, otherwise you would not be able to survive this catastrophe. Survive..."

"The Innocent Spring is an ancient thing. It is said that it is the best nutrient to match the lotus seed. Only after being stimulated by the Innocent Spring can the lotus seed exert its best effect... You say, this counts Isn’t it something tailor-made for you?”

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