Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1946 Agreement

"Yes..." King Peacock Ming replied: "The area where I live now is a dark star field. The so-called dark star field does not mean that there is no light shining here, but it means that this place is out of the jurisdiction of the two immortal courts. The scope is a chaotic and disorderly land without an owner. Although the power of the two Immortal Courts is strong, there are still many such places in the world. Only here can I avoid the persecution of that enemy. …”

"At first, I came here out of necessity, but perhaps because of the blessing of heaven, I have gained a lot of benefits here. Not only have I been promoted to the divine level, I have cast my true name in the starry sky, I have also received many benefits here. In fact, there are not a few people like me who hide in the Dark Star Territory to avoid enemies. I have just said that after the disappearance of the Heavenly Power of the Storm Clan and the rise of Yongle Immortal Court, Time has gone through a very long and chaotic period in all the worlds. The unsullied spring in my hand was brought here by an ancestor who had the same experience as me at that time. , I didn’t expect that he didn’t put the Fountain of Innocence to use, but it ended up falling into my hands..."

"Originally, I didn't think about finding a lotus seed myself, and then finding a way to awaken it, but at this time, most of the central world has fallen into the control of Yongle Immortal Court, which means that all Almost all the newly emerged lotus seeds are in their hands. Although its effectiveness is not as good as before without the cooperation of the Innocent Spring, it is still a very rare genius treasure. Yongle Immortal Courtyard It is controlled extremely strictly, and I have no way to get involved, so this unsullied spring has never been put to use in my hands... It wasn't until I met you here this time that I had to believe everything. There is a certain destiny somewhere!”

Speaking of the last sentence, King Peacock Ming's tone was full of emotion.

Lu Yu finally understood the whole story. He didn't expect that the birth of the Lotus Seed had such a background. At the same time, this also explained why his mother got the Lotus Seed in the first place, because she came from the center of Yongle Fairy Court. In the big world, it is not unusual to get the lotus seed...

But in this way, another question was born, that is, why did the mother plant the lotus seeds into his body?

According to the information currently available, his mother planted the Lotus Seed into his body in order to stop Bixiao Palace's star field weapons plan... But now it is because of this Lotus Seed that it has awakened in his body. , but he became the key to completing the star field weapon... What exactly is going on?

According to Lu Yu's guess, his mother originally wanted to hide the lotus seed in her body. If it never awakened, there would be no subsequent troubles... But it happened that his father and the old man Tianjian used the starlight as a guide. , introducing starlight into her body, giving herself the potential to awaken the lotus seed... If the mother really wanted to completely annihilate the lotus seed, shouldn't she go with her father and the old man Tianjian? Please explain?

When thinking about the mother's true identity...she is actually one of the saintly clones of the previous Bixiao Shrine. The saint from the Bixiao Shrine in the upper realm has thousands of faces, each with a different personality, including Meng Ting, including Meng Ting, was just one of her clones... Thinking of this, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a shudder.

Lu Yu shook his head vigorously to drive these thoughts out of his mind. Fortunately, there was still a long time before he faced the Saint of Bixiao Shrine, so he did not need to consider these issues for the time being.

But then again, if what King Peacock Daming said just now is true, then the Fountain of Innocents is indeed very important to him.

"How is it? Have you thought about it clearly?" Seeing that Lu Yu had not spoken for a long time, King Peacock Ming took the initiative to say: "Frankly speaking, this is my best opportunity, and it is also your best opportunity! All heavens and worlds I don’t know if there are other impure springs scattered among them, but according to the information I have collected so far, I have not heard of such impure springs anywhere else, including Yongle Fairy! The court is inside!”

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You are so polite. I already owed you a favor, and now you have come up with such a good thing, how can I repay you now?"

Peacock King Ming said: "As long as you help me get rid of the culprit who killed my wife and children, it will be the best reward for me!"

Lu Yu said: "Okay, I promise you! I will make time to go to the star field where you are as soon as possible, but you also know that with my current ability, this will not be easy. When I really reach your location, I don’t know how many years it will take…”

King Peacock Ming said: "I said, I have enough patience, no matter how long, I will wait for you... However, when we meet next time, you may have to be more careful..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned and looked at the light group in front of him in surprise.

Just listen to the voice of King Peacock Ming to explain: "I can't go back this time. After losing such a huge part of my divine power, my body in the dark star field will enter a dormant state next, and our current He didn't know about the conversation, so I will probably be very irritable the next time we meet... But it doesn't matter, as long as you relay this conversation between us to him, he will eventually do the same thing as me. decision, after all, we are originally one..."

Lu Yu suddenly realized that this was the case...

"Okay, my time has come... I look forward to seeing you next time!"

After saying that, the light group in front of him gradually disappeared, and finally disappeared completely.

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