Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1947 Forward Base

Until the light ball in front of him completely disappeared, Lu Yu turned to look at Fu Jing aside and said, "At least we have a target next..."

Fu Jing said in surprise: "This Peacock Ming King must be in a very far star field... Do you really want to go?"

"Of course!" Lu Yu said, "If what he just said is true, then the Fountain of Innocents is very likely to be the key to me forming a golden elixir. Only by reaching him can I formulate it in the shortest time. The golden elixir... Even if what he said is untrue, going to him is still a good choice. He entered the Dark Star Territory to avoid his enemies. My current situation is actually worse than him. He just offended one person. That's it, I have offended the entire Yongle Immortal Court. Before I have the strength to protect myself, there are not many places for me to choose..."

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned and said, "But, how should we get there?"

Lu Yu looked at her and asked with a smile: "Do you want to go with me too?"

Fu Jing lowered his head silently, not daring to look directly into Lu Yu's eyes: "Didn't you just say that if I want to step into the starry sky, it is not that far away? I think you should have a way to take me away. Bar?"

Lu Yu nodded and said: "There is indeed a way, and the key to this method lies in Fenghe State... Otherwise, how do you think I got here? In terms of my own strength, I am far from being able to compete in the Star Territory. The fact that I can travel freely between places is all because I took an aircraft capable of crossing domains at that time, and this aircraft is now buried under the ground of Fenghe State. "

"So, this is the whole truth about Fenghezhou's miracle?" Fu Jing was shocked, "Is the miracle treasure you have been talking about actually real? It is the aircraft you came here on. ?”

"To be precise, its name is the Ark of the Other Shore, and it is the most precious treasure of the Dragon God Clan. The Dragon God Clan is also one of the five ancient heavenly clans. Their glorious era was even greater than the Storm Clan mentioned by King Peacock Daming just now. Earlier..."

Lu Yu simply explained, "In short, this is a treasure that is famous in all the worlds. Although it is an aircraft, it looks more than just a simple aircraft. I guarantee you that the first It will definitely surprise you when you see it!”

"Really?" Fu Jing said, "After you said that, now I can't wait to go to Fenghe Prefecture!"

"Let's go!" Lu Yu said while drawing a colorful light strip on his hand, "But before going to Fenghe State, we have to go to the Great Evil Empire first. I hope there is no trouble there... …”

"Trouble? What kind of trouble could there be in the Great Evil Empire?" Fu Jing asked doubtfully.

Lu Yu said: "I said that during your absence, we have done a lot of things. Not only Fenghe State, but also the structure of the entire world has been completely changed. The Great Evil Empire has naturally also changed greatly... Details Yes, after meeting Madam later, let her tell you personally that most of these things were handled by her..."

Fu Jing couldn't help but be surprised.

At this time, colorful light strips began to fly, and the figures of the two people moved quickly in the sky. In the blink of an eye, they crossed the distant airspace and returned to the normal height.

Towering giant stone monuments reappeared in their sight.

Although the previous violent turmoil in the world reduced many buildings and facilities in the Temple of Hades to ruins, these monuments used to communicate with the stars outside the territory were not greatly affected - at least on the surface, they remained Standing tall.

When they were on the ground before, these monuments looked majestic and imposing, but from this angle, they no longer felt that way.

I don’t know if it’s a change in mood, or if the functions of these sacred monuments are really affected, or maybe both...

“And aggressive.

Now that they have survived even the strongest catastrophe, and even the incarnation of Thousand Eyes King has been eliminated by them, now they are in a leaderless situation, and this is the best time to eradicate them completely in one fell swoop.

Then, Lu Yu shook his head and said: "Ignore them for now... Although they must have turned into a mess now, our situation is actually not much better than theirs. We want to defeat them all with the strength of the two of us." If we eradicate them all, I'm afraid we will both be exhausted to death..."

"Besides, this is a treasure house. The accumulation of thousands of years in Guantian World has been accumulated here. Just the two of us cannot take these things away... So, let's wait until the next time!"

"That's fine!" Fu Jing said, her eyes gradually softening again.

Lu Yu also looked back at the many sacred monuments below, with deep eyes, and sighed softly: "When we come again next time, we will completely conquer the entire Hades Temple... This place will become our forward base to officially step into the starry sky. !”

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