Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1948 Mother and Daughter Struggle

Lu Yu and Fu Jing soon crossed thousands of miles and arrived at Mrs. Ru's place of stay.

In fact, Mrs. Ru stayed in the same place and did not leave. Even when the meteorites rained down and one of them happened to fall near her, she did not move at all and just used her own strength to bear the shock wave. The purpose of the impact was to prevent Lu Yu from being unable to find him when the time came.

The period since the two of them turned around and went back to find Qian Yanjun was an outright torment for her.

Now that she saw the two of them finally returning safe and sound, the joy on her face suddenly couldn't be greater.

"Jing'er! Afeng! You are finally back... Jing'er, are you injured?" After saying that, Mrs. Ru squeezed in between the two of them before they could stand still, and looked at Fu Jing carefully up and down. Check it out.

That eager look immediately made Lu Yu feel a little dissatisfied: "Madam, although you and the young lady are like mother and daughter, you can't be too unfavorable to one, right? I'm still here, don't you even ask? Don’t you want to ask?”

Mrs. Ru rolled her eyes at him fiercely and said: "Since you can still use the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth to escape back, it means that you are fine. What else do you need to ask? But Jing'er is different. She is originally the one who wants to be possessed by Thousand-Eyed Lord. With the goal of landing in person, you are just sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth this time. Who knows what kind of methods Mr. Eyes will use. Can you guarantee that she will not be damaged at all inside and outside? "

Lu Yu was speechless and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

Fu Jing said helplessly: "Mom, I'm fine, you think too much... With Afeng here, what can happen to me? Even if there is any damage, it has been recovered long ago..."

Mrs. Ru's face suddenly changed slightly when she knew that Fu Jing and Lu Yu could also trigger the ethereal realm, just like herself.

But she quickly hid her emotions and said instead: "Tell me, what is going on? You have been there for so long, what happened?"

"Since we can return here safe and sound, it naturally means that we are the final winners..." Lu Yu said, "As for what exactly happened, let me tell you! You two, mother and daughter, have been separated for so long. , I believe you have a lot to say between you, and I am willing to give you some alone time..."

With that said, Lu Yu once again used the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape, sending the two of them into the dazzling light belt.

Then he displayed another dazzling light belt, stepped into it himself, and chased in the direction in which the two of them were flying.

The reason for doing this is naturally not really to avoid suspicion, but purely to reduce the consumption of real energy.

You must know that the real energy consumption of Tiandi Five Elements Escape will increase exponentially as the number of delivery targets increases. The real energy consumption of delivering three people will be more than twice as much as that of delivering two people. It is naturally more efficient to deliver separately. Somewhat cost effective.

Of course, the best option would be for the three of them to be transported separately, so that they would not be able to communicate during the process. Considering the emotional needs of the mother and daughter to reunite after a long separation, Lu Yu decided to take care of them.

Moreover, after this series of battles, he not only improved his personal strength, but also gained a lot of important information. He also needed some time to think and settle, so he was also happy to combine the mother and daughter. Get together and allow yourself to be alone for a while.

Although this period of the Five-Star Escape from Heaven and Earth did not last long, in terms of Lu Yu's thoughts and consciousness, it was enough to make him think a lot...especially the next plan and arrangement, which was his key consideration.

Although the incarnation of Lord Thousand Eyes was swallowed up by the laws of Guantian World, and they succeeded in preventing this coming, the body of Lord Thousand Eyes has not disappeared. At this moment, it is still staying at a "transit station" somewhere outside the sky. ", I don’t know when it will come back...

Even if Qianyanjun's own strength is damaged due to his incarnation being destroyed, he will definitely call in other helpers. In short, Bixiao Shrine and Yongle Immortal Court behind it will never let him go. Even if this time the plan is frustrated, there will definitely be other follow-ups one after another, Guantian Great World Sooner or later, it will become a place of death. It is best to leave here before the next wave of attacks arrives...

And if he wanted to leave here, he would naturally have to use the power of the Ark on the other side, which meant that he needed to repair the Ark on the other side as soon as possible.

Lu Yu originally didn't have much confidence in this, but with the successful development of the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill and the many resources he saw in the Hades Temple, he now has confidence in it. As long as it can be handled properly, at least it can be done. To a certain extent, restore the ability of the Ark on the Other Side.

Lu Yu was thinking silently while imagining various details...

Soon, this period of brilliant light came to an end, and he caught up with Fu Jing and his daughter again.

I don’t know what the mother and daughter said before in this section of the colorful light strip. They didn’t seem very happy...

Lu Yu's mind was full of thoughts about the Ark on the other side, and he had no interest in caring about the emotions of the mother and daughter. However, if he had to use the Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape to continue moving forward, he could not let the mother and daughter stay together, because the true energy in his body could no longer support him to make such a journey again. One of them must stay with him to maintain the state of emptiness and recover quickly, and the other one could only fly alone like he did just now.

"Afeng, I will go with you next!" Mrs. Ru seemed to have seen Lu Yu's situation, and said directly without waiting for Lu Yu to speak.

Fu Jing couldn't help but frowned slightly: "You and Afeng together... This seems a little inappropriate, right?"

"What's inappropriate? Hasn't it been like this all this time? It's not like I can't help him recover his true energy!" Mrs. Ru said.

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