Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1952 Change of mouth

"What took so long?"

As soon as the two landed, Fu Jing frowned slightly and said.

Lu Yu only felt that her eyes were extremely sharp, which made him feel guilty for no reason, and he did not dare to look at her.

On the other hand, Mrs. Ru didn't care about her attitude and asked: "How long? I don't think it will be long. We didn't delay anything. It's just your own psychological effect. It's just a long time to wait for someone to see you!"

A suspicious color flashed in Fu Jing's eyes, and then she immediately noticed the change in Mrs. Ru's clothes, and she couldn't help but stare at her: "Why did you change your clothes?"

"Clothes?" Mrs. Ru said: "These are not clothes... These are all transformed by Afeng using magic. The name is puppetry. All the clothes I wore before were clothes transformed by him using magic. Don't you You know? The previous one didn’t work, so I asked him to make a new one for me!”

Mrs. Ru said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Fu Jing couldn't help but narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "Really? But I clearly remember that when I held you before, you were wearing a real piece of clothing..."

"Really? Are you sure you didn't remember it wrong?" Mrs. Ru still said in a calm tone: "Even if it is, it doesn't matter. Anyway, between me and Afeng...he has already used similar methods on me! "

After saying that, she stood there openly, looking directly into Fu Jing's eyes, as if there was nothing you could do to me.

At this moment, Lu Yu really felt the murderous intent between mother and daughter. He expected that the intrigue between mother and daughter would continue, but he did not expect that it would continue so intensely.

It was only then that Lu Yu understood Madam Ru's true intention of letting him cast the spell. It turned out that she had been planning this moment as early as that time.

Although he was unwilling to do so, Lu Yu had to admit that he had become a pawn in the struggle between mother and daughter...

But there's nothing wrong with being a chess piece, at least it doesn't take a lot of nerves to be a chess piece like this. He even wishes he could turn into a statue so that neither mother nor daughter would notice him.

The mother and daughter looked at each other silently again, their eyes facing each other.

"Childish!" Fu Jing suddenly said.

Even though she was the daughter, she justly rebuked Mrs. Ru for being childish.

"Do you think I can't see your trick? You must have forced him to do this, right? What do you think this will do?"

Mrs. Ru suddenly became speechless.

However, Lu Yu couldn't help but secretly exclaimed that he was awesome. He was indeed the successor whose bloodline power had been specially purified and who shouldered the mission of rising up the entire Guanlan clan. This vision was really awesome! No wonder Mrs. Ru was forced into such a situation. If she had spoken in this way when mother and daughter communicated before, it would be strange that Mrs. Ru was not angry to death.

Sure enough, Mrs. Ru became furious. She took Lu Yu's arm, leaned her whole body on Lu Yu, and said: "Of course it is useful! Now that things have happened, I might as well tell you that before you During my absence, Afeng and I have experienced many things together, and the relationship between us has also undergone major changes... From now on, only I can call him Afeng. As for you, I guess I need to change my words!”

Fu Jing couldn't help but be startled, her eyebrows suddenly stood up, but she quickly suppressed it, holding back her anger and said, "What do you want me to change to?"

"What do you mean by 'what do I want you to change it to'?" Mrs. Ru said: "You can change it to whatever you want, but in short, you can't call him 'A Feng' anymore. It doesn't matter if peers call him by his first name, but How can anyone call their elders by their first names? Ah Feng, don’t you think so?”

After saying that, Mrs. Ru turned around and looked at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu was immediately depressed. From the moment the mother and daughter quarreled, he wished he could bury his head in the sand, but he didn't expect that he couldn't escape after all... What's even more outrageous was that when Mrs. Ru turned around, at the same time, she With her back to Fu Jing's eyes, she suddenly stretched out her white palm and pressed it on her heart. Her intention was self-evident - if Lu Yu refused to cooperate with her, she would break her heart with one palm. Xinmai... At this moment, she can really do such a thing!

For a moment, Lu Yu felt as if ten thousand grass and mud horses were running through him. However, he could not reveal any clues and could only say with a serious face: "Ahem... I know this may be difficult to accept, but everything Yunru said is true. It's true, she and I did have feelings for each other, and we are both serious..."

Lu Yu couldn't bear what he said. Although he said it awkwardly, to be fair, it was not revealing. Now it was a very embarrassing thing, but Lu Yu acted a little embarrassed. Just right.

However, Fu Jing saw the flaw in this appropriate performance at a glance.

"Yunru?" Her eyes narrowed slightly, looking narrow and sharp: "You are not threatening her with death, are you?"

For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but want to call her a relative. As expected, he understood his difficulties! All of Mrs. Ru's calculations and pretense are completely invisible in front of her!

"That's enough! Huo Jingjing!"

Mrs. Ru stopped pretending and yelled directly at Fu Jing, her face full of grief, anger and pain:

"You have to force me to death before you give up, right? Okay, I'll leave it here today. I'm his woman now. I've told you a long time ago that men can't control themselves. The second child... Regardless of whether you can accept it or not, everything that should and should not happen between me and him has already happened. He is now my man. You insist on grabbing the same man as me. Yeah?"

While roaring, her eyes turned red, as if she was going crazy, and she seemed to be on the verge of collapse at any time.

This time, Lu Yu was even more afraid to speak.

Fu Jing just stared at her silently and didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, she nodded gently:

"Okay, if you insist on this, I just won't call him A Feng from now on. Can I change my name... Dad?"

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