Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1953 Become a biological father for once


Lu Yu was immediately shocked.

It's okay for the older one to be delirious, but why is the younger one also getting sick too?

"Why don't you promise me? Dad?" Fu Jing turned to look at Lu Yu and repeated the previous title.

"This... this..." Lu Yu suddenly felt a huge pressure, and the smile on his face was uglier than crying, "I think we should not make such a joke!"

"Do you also think this is a joke?" Fu Jing smiled contemptuously and turned to Mrs. Ru's side again: "Look, it's not that I refuse to change my words, but that he himself doesn't recognize it, and he also thinks that what you just said Those things were just a joke!”

Lu Yu was very depressed, why did he get involved again?

This is obviously a conflict between themselves, why do they always have to bring themselves out to talk about it?

Now he really wishes there was a hole in the ground that he could put his head in and hide for a while, and then he could come out again after the storm outside passed...

"You deliberately want to piss me off, right? Have you ever changed your tune like this?" Mrs. Ru was furious.

Fu Jing showed no pretense and sneered: "You were the one who asked me to change my story. You are still not satisfied after I changed my story, so what do you want me to do? Although the title 'Dad' is just local slang, I But he feels quite friendly... Do you still want me to call him 'dad'?"

When Lu Yu heard this, he almost choked on his own saliva.

These two girls are really fed up. When they quarrel, they always play out of character... How much hatred is there? How much resentment? Is this necessary?

Mrs. Ru was so angry that she started to tremble all over. She kept saying "You, you, you..." for a long time without uttering a complete sentence. Finally, she gave up and said: " No matter what you call him, he is now your elder. I hope you can remember your mutual identities and stop playing tricks here!"

Fu Jing said: "It seems that you really want me to call him biological father... That's okay!" After saying that, she turned to Lu Yu again, with a sweet and dangerous smile on her face: "Dad, let's still call him father." How long are you going to stay here? Can you leave now?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but turn his head to look at Mrs. Ru, and saw that she was keeping a cold expression on her face without saying a word. Lu Yu also felt that it would be best to separate the mother and daughter as soon as possible to prevent the situation from getting worse - this The two of them are now two barrels of gunpowder, and even a spark may cause them to explode immediately.

"Then let's go!"

As Lu Yu spoke, he opened his bow left and right at the same time, performing two Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escapes. Two completely different colorful light bands appeared on his fingertips and circled around the mother and daughter.

The spell was quickly completed, but Lu Yu was in trouble next. He wanted to explain his difficulties to Fu Jing, but he was worried about Mrs. Ru's attitude and whether she would suddenly explode again. Get up... Besides, Fu Jing's attitude towards him is also very problematic...

"You should continue to work with Huo Yunru and take good care of biological father!"

Sure enough, before Lu Yu could make a decision, Fu Jing had already spoken first, completely rejecting Lu Yu's desire to go together, and from her tone, it was not difficult to hear her deep resentment towards Lu Yu.

Although Lu Yu could understand her reaction, he still felt aggrieved.

"It seems that she also holds a grudge against me..."

Lu Yu forced a smile at Mrs. Ru. Since he had no choice, he had no choice but to go with Mrs. Ru. Only in this way could the battery life be replenished.

Mrs. Ru did not stop him from joining her, nor did she ask him why he was hesitating just now, but she also did not give Lu Yu a good look and snorted: "Don't touch me! Stay away from me!"

Lu Yu was very depressed. He wanted to say that when you begged me to cooperate with you just now, you didn't have such an attitude... But considering the other party's mental state, he didn't say it after all.

Unexpectedly, the intrigue between the mother and daughter ended up being the one who silently shouldered everything...

On the strip of brilliant light that seemed to be flying away, Lu Yu was filled with sadness.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Ru standing at the other end suddenly spoke again: "Come here!"

"do what?"

"Let me help you restore your true energy..." Mrs. Ru said. She seemed to have remembered her responsibilities again, and her tone became much gentler.

After saying that, without waiting for Lu Yu's response, he took the initiative to have "intimate contact" with Lu Yu.

Lu Yu couldn't resist her gentle offensive, especially when she showed off her pair of giant rabbits without reservation, and served Lu Yu with the utmost tenderness... Although Lu Yu was still somewhat resistant mentally, Physically, they were very honest, and the two quickly entered the ethereal realm again.

But even so, Lu Yu was mentally dissatisfied with her hot and cold behavior... However, Mrs. Ru didn't care about his thoughts. While serving Lu Yu tenderly, all she could think about was Things related to Fu Jing.

Even if she makes such a move now, it is essentially to further intrigue with Fu Jing.

"How about... you can be Jing'er's biological father for once!" Mrs. Ru said suddenly and coldly.

Lu Yu was startled: "What do you mean?"

Mrs. Ru said: "I hope that after returning to Fenghe Prefecture, I can mobilize the power of the entire Renaissance Alliance to hold a grand wedding for you and me..." There was a crazy flame in her eyes, "Since this girl If she wants to be stubborn with me, then I’ll let her be stubborn to the end! I want to tell the whole world about our relationship!”

Lu Yu was completely stunned. After a while, he stammered: "You, you...are you sure?"

Mrs. Ru's eyes immediately glanced at him, her eyes as sharp as knives: "You don't want to?"

Lu Yu clearly saw the morbid madness in her sharp eyes. He knew that as long as he dared to say "no", he might be in the same desperate situation as before... So when the words came to his mouth, he suddenly changed. Sub-tone: "It's not that I don't want to... But you also know that I am engaged... My main palace is still waiting for me in Feng Hezhou... I have to ask her opinion too …”

"You mean... Ning Wanqing?"


"What's the big deal?" Unexpectedly, after letting herself go, Mrs. Ru no longer plays according to the routine. What she said almost choked Lu Yu to death, "We can just do it together then. A man has three wives and four concubines." It’s not a big deal... but you want more than just Ning Wanqing, right? There’s also Ning Wanxuan, do you want to take her into the house as well?”


Without waiting for Lu Yu to answer, Mrs. Ru continued: "This is not a big deal. I will tell her when the time comes and we will organize the three weddings together!"

Lu Yu didn't know what to say at this time.

He could already foresee that Fenghe Province might be in a state of chaos again...

But it doesn’t matter. This world is very tolerant of the strong. After the victory in the Temple of Hades that just ended, I am afraid that no matter how outrageous he does, no one will dare to say anything about him. No... Besides, he didn't really care about things like reputation.

Just let her do it...

Lu Yu thought helplessly.

All he wants now is that the mother and daughter can calm down for a while, at least on the way back, so that he doesn't lose any more brain cells.

"You can do whatever you want! All I ask is that before the wedding, there must be no more quarrels between you and Fu Jing, let alone violence... Otherwise, don't blame me for not giving anyone face!"

Lu Yu finally said this.

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