Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1954 Walking Alone

I don’t know if it was because of Lu Yu’s promise that Mrs. Ru felt that she was on the winning side. After that, she did not have any more verbal disputes with Fu Jing. Even in the face of Fu Jing’s cynicism, she still had a smile on her face. Smile, but don't talk back.

Although the relationship between the two was still not harmonious, at least Lu Yu no longer had to be involved in the battle between two women and could bury his head in the sand for a while.

“This is Fenghe State!”

Since there was no dispute to distract their energy, after several rounds of seamless connection in the Five Elements Escape, the three of them quickly reached their destination and landed in front of the government office of Fenghe Prefecture.

Today, this place has been built even more magnificently, because it is no longer the seat of Fenghe State, but the core of the entire Renaissance Alliance.

The Renaissance Alliance is a super alliance that covers all the forces in the entire Guantian World. Therefore, the status of this place will naturally increase. Even without the existence of miracle treasures, it can be foreseen that this place will become the entire world. center of.

"The Renaissance Alliance...since you established this alliance under the banner of reviving the Guanlan Dynasty, then as the person with the purest blood power among the Guanlan clan, I naturally become the legal person in charge of the entire Renaissance Alliance. Therefore, here It's actually my territory, am I right?"

Fu Jing said as he looked at the tall buildings that were springing up like mushrooms in front of him.

Lu Yu introduced: "In fact, we have been establishing the Renaissance Alliance in your name... Although you were in the Hades Temple at that time, you were the supreme leader here. To rescue you from the Hades Temple, the entire The highest mission of the Renaissance Alliance... Now that this mission has been completed ahead of schedule, you should naturally return to your original position."

"Really? So, I am still the leader of the Renaissance Alliance?" Fu Jing looked at Mrs. Ru aside, with pride in her eyes: "Am I allowed to command anyone here at will? And this person must also listen to me?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Mrs. Ru scolded: "The Renaissance Alliance can reach its current scale because of the hard work of many people... Although the original purpose of its establishment was to fight against the Temple of Hades in order to rescue you, but They also shoulder the mission of reviving the Guanlan Dynasty. Everyone here is the team to rebuild the Guanlan Dynasty in the future... What's more, this place also involves Afeng's more ambitious plans, and this is not a place where you can do whatever you want! "

Fu Jing said: "That's all I'm saying. Do you really want to do whatever you want here? I'm not like some people who can use any means to achieve their goals!"

Lu Yu suddenly had a headache again.

But relatively speaking, this level of insinuation is still much better than a head-on conflict between the two. Before the situation worsened, he quickly said:

"Although you have returned early, the problems facing the Renaissance Alliance have not changed. Our biggest enemy is the Hades Temple and the three major sects that have been subdued by the Hades Temple... Next, we will improve our strength while taking precautions. The Temple of Hades may come to attack. Although there is little chance that they will launch an attack on us at this time, they must take precautions. In addition, there are still many internal affairs that need to be dealt with..."

"I will be responsible for improving the strength. As I said before, I will open the Ark on the other side, select some strong men to enter it, and use the Red Flame Dragon Control Pill to practice... These things have already been done What was planned in advance will be implemented by me personally and will be implemented step by step.”

"As for you, you will be responsible for the rest of the affairs. Is there any problem?"

Fu Jing said: "I have no problem, but I am afraid that someone will not listen to me, the leader of the alliance."

Lu Yu could only pretend not to hear what she meant, and said: "You have just come back, and you are indeed not familiar with many affairs in the alliance, especially the personnel aspects. Including me, I am not familiar with many people in the alliance. They don’t know each other... However, the entire Renaissance Alliance was established from scratch under the witness of Madam... Yunru. She is very familiar with this aspect, so let her help you handle these things! "

Mrs. Ru also returned the favor and said, "It's okay to help with the docking, but I'm afraid some people will think their wings are stiff and won't listen to me!"

Lu Yu's head was as big as a bucket and he said: "Anyway, you can figure it out yourself! Since the establishment of the Renaissance Alliance, no other members of the Guanlan clan have been found to defect to the Guanlan royal family. Currently, there are only two of you in the Guanlan royal family. If you insist on confronting them, If the time comes, the great cause of rejuvenation will fail, but no one will be blamed!”

Both mother and daughter snorted heavily, but no one answered.

Lu Yu no longer wanted to be the peacemaker between the two of them. He just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, and then said: "Okay, then, let's do what I just said! I'll leave it to you here. You guys, I’m leaving first!”

The two women were stunned for a moment, and looked sideways at the same time. At this time, they said in unison: "Where are you going?"

Lu Yu said: "Isn't it already agreed? I want to go to the Great Evil Empire first to see what kind of Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill there is... I should have gone directly there, but the plan If something changes, I’d better send you here first and I’ll go there alone!”

"I'll go with you!" the two said in unison again.

Realizing that the other party had said the same thing as themselves, the two immediately looked at each other and said in unison again: "No!"

Seeing this posture, Lu Yu didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately waved his hand to draw a brilliant strip of light.

"No, no, you can't help with things over there. I can do it alone. On the contrary, I need more of your efforts here!"

As he spoke, he stepped onto the colorful light belt and flew away in a blink of an eye.

Originally, he wanted to see how Guo Kun's injury was recovering before leaving, but now he had to give up.

Although this would prevent him from recovering the ethereal realm, his true energy would be enough to support him alone.

He just hopes that when he comes back again, the mother and daughter can resolve their differences and get back together...

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