Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1955 Born to eat this bowl of rice

The colorful light belt just landed and flew up again a moment later. It didn't even have time for King Ye and others to come over to meet them.

Lu Yu believed that everyone must be full of doubts at this time, but he had no intention of answering. In any case, this would not affect the morale of the Renaissance Alliance. Fu Jing reappeared in front of them alive, which was more important than anything else. Persuasiveness.

In addition, Lu Yu is not worried that mother and daughter will bring the entire Fuxing Alliance into chaos. No matter what, they are still clear about their missions. They know that if the Fuxing Alliance is destroyed, it will not be good for the revival of the Guanlan Dynasty. There is no benefit whatsoever.

Therefore, based on this, no matter how much trouble the mother and daughter make, they will not delay the business. It is for this reason that Lu Yu can rest assured to keep them both here at the same time.

Lu Yu could vaguely guess that the reason why the mother and daughter were in such a quarrel was precisely because of him...but it was not just because of the personal relationship between the children, but there seemed to be other more complicated factors involved. .

Mrs. Ru will not tell her what the specific reason is. Fu Jing is also in a mood now. Perhaps she can only find out after she has calmed down...

Lu Yu shook his head and laughed at himself. Since he finally got rid of them temporarily, why bother thinking about these upsetting things again?

Let’s think about what’s going on right now…

I don’t know how well Cui Zhenzhen is refining the elixir at Suyu Yunchi...

There was nothing he could do about forcing Cui Zhenzhen to take over the job. Although he said it lightly, he still couldn't help but feel a little worried when the matter came to pass.

After all, Cui Zhenzhen still lacks experience. If she made any mistakes during the refining process, it would not be a big deal if the elixir materials were lost. However, Cui Zhenzhen herself would be irreversibly damaged. But if the good alchemy seedling that he had finally selected was lost here, the gain would outweigh the loss...

Looking back now, maybe pulling Cui Zhenzhen over to take over was not the best choice. He had confidence in Cui Zhenzhen, but this put her in a dangerous situation... But that's it, There is no use in regretting. I can only pray secretly that Cui Zhenzhenji will have his own destiny and nothing will go wrong.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel more urgent.

After several relays of Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape, Lu Yu finally approached his destination. Between the mountains guarding the Necromantic Mountains, the strange celestial phenomenon above the Suyu Cloud Pool was clearly visible. But today, it is no longer appropriate to call it the "Mountains of the Dead" because it has actually become lush and full of life.

"Sister-in-law, are you back?"

Before Lu Yuren landed, Ning Wanxuan's voice had already been heard. It was obvious that she had been strictly following Lu Yu's instructions when she left. She was responsible for guarding the outside of the Dead Soul Canyon and was ready to be dispatched by Cui Zhenzhen at any time.

When Lu Yu landed, her people happened to appear near the landing point to welcome Lu Yu's arrival.

"Why are you alone? Could it be..."

Ning Wanxuan's expression suddenly changed.

She knew that the blood power of the Guanlan clan could trigger the ethereal realm, so Lu Yu would take Mrs. Ru with him wherever he went... But now that he is the only one coming back this time, could it be because of this? What happened during the trip to the Temple of Hades?

"Don't think too much, everything went smoothly, and Fu Jing was rescued by us from the Hades Temple... However, they all stayed in Fenghe State!" Lu Yu explained.

"You all stay in Fenghe Prefecture?" Ning Wanxuan showed a suspicious look, and with her intelligence and cunning, she immediately guessed some clues, and then laughed: "It must be inconvenient to take anyone with you, right? That’s why you just didn’t bring anyone with you…Sister-in-law, now you know how rare it is for sisters like me and Qing’er to live in harmony with each other and never be jealous?”

Lu Yu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

He doesn't know that this woman is also not a fuel-efficient lamp. She has no idea how powerful her scheming methods are, she just talks beautifully.

Lu Yu didn't want to dwell on this issue, so he changed the subject and said, "How is the situation here?"

"What aspect are you asking about?" Ning Wanxuan said with a smile: "If it is alchemy, I am not familiar with this aspect, and I can't tell you the specific situation... If you are asking about sister Zhenzhen, then Don't worry, she will always remember your instructions, and I won't dare to offend her in the slightest. I won't cause you such trouble..."

"Sister Zhenzhen?" Lu Yu's mouth couldn't help but twitch again.

"Is there any problem?" Ning Wanxuan said with a calm face, "Although she is your disciple in name now, sooner or later she will become a sister with me..."

Lu Yu was completely unable to resist now, and he did not dare to answer her words anymore, and said: "Okay, can continue to guard outside, I will go in and see what's going on!"

After saying that, without waiting for Ning Wanxuan's response, she ran through the Canyon of the Dead as if running away.

The inside and the outside are two completely different worlds. It's sunny and sunny outside, but it's like purgatory inside, with countless flames bursting out, smoke lingering, and giant flaming dragons swimming in the sky like schools of fish...

Compared with when Lu Yu left, the situation here has undergone tremendous changes, but overall it is still stable. Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little at ease. Since all the changes here are progressing as usual, Cui Zhenzhen should not encounter any problems here. to dangers outside the situation.


Finally, Lu Yusu saw Cui Zhenzhen’s figure in an open space outside the Jade Cloud Pond.

Until this moment, Lu Yu's hanging heart was completely relieved, because Cui Zhenzhen's location was exactly the best place he had demarcated for her. He had written all this on the Shensi Seal Paper at that time. Since Cui Zhenzhen relied on Shensi to If the content of the printed paper is found here accurately, it means everything is fine.

In fact, in Lu Yu's original plan, Cui Zhenzhen came to take over the role of guarding the fire. However, due to the special situation here, not just any person can do the job, so Cui Zhenzhen was specially recruited. , now it seems that she has completed the task well.

"Sir!" Hearing Lu Yu's voice, Cui Zhenzhen turned her head with joy: "You are finally back!"

The moment their eyes met, Lu Yu originally thought he would see a tired look on her face. After all, the environment here was an unprecedented experience for her. Let alone anything else, it was just flying in the air. The densely packed dragons will bring great psychological pressure to her...

However, the actual situation was completely opposite. Instead of seeing a trace of fatigue on Cui Zhenzhen's face, he saw her face was full of energy and seemed to be radiant.

Lu Yu originally wanted to say "Thank you for your hard work", but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them. In the end, Cui Zhenzhen asked a series of questions first.

"My lord, how on earth do you make this place work?"

"How are the energy of uniform fire and the weight of earth and earth retained?"

"In addition! I noticed that every quarter of an hour, there are one thousand and twenty-four flame dragons flying across the sky, many and many, always like this... Why is it this number?"

Lu Yu looked at Cui Zhenzhen, who was as curious as a baby, and the smile on his face was filled with emotion and a bit of relief: "You are really born to eat this bowl of rice!"

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