Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1959 Cultivation

Guo Kun replied in a low voice: "This contains all kinds of materials collected by Shenyu Palace over the years. Didn't you say before that we need all the forces to contribute all their own material inventories? So I will put it in I brought it out... Even though it looks inconspicuous at first glance, it is actually equivalent to a treasure house of Shenyu Palace. However, this is not the entire collection of Shenyu Palace's inventory, only about a quarter... "

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect that the contents of this iron box were so critical. Although it was only about a quarter of the entire collection of Shenyu Palace, the value of this quarter was already an astronomical number.

He finally understood why the other two mountain masters of Shenyu Palace were chasing after him. Maybe they didn't just want to silence him.

Lu Yu calmly released a ray of spiritual thought and silently explored the space in the iron box. He found that Guo Kun was indeed not exaggerating. The items inside were not only extremely rare and valuable, but also the various materials were classified and organized. It has been done with great care and attention, and it is indeed a treasure trove.

After a rough estimate, the total value is probably comparable to what the Renaissance Alliance has collected from various places.

It seems that the three major sects are indeed worthy of being the super sects second only to the Temple of Hades. The wealth they have amassed is far beyond the ordinary local powers... Of course, there is no comparison between them and the Temple of Hades. The relationship between sects and local forces is like a food chain, and the Hades Temple is the real top of the food chain.

"Lao Guo, can I ask you a question?"

Lu Yu withdrew his mental thoughts, looked at Guo Kun again and asked.

Guo Kun immediately straightened his back and said fearfully: "Please tell me!"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous. It's not a formal discussion. I'm just chatting with you... Frankly speaking, this thing came very timely. It will have a huge impact on me personally and our next plan." From this point of view, I am very grateful that you can give it to me..."

"But I still can't help but wonder, what supported you to make such a decision in the first place? You must know that Fang Jianwen was still alive at that time, and the Renaissance Alliance was far from what it is today. At that time, you made such a decision The decision undoubtedly requires great courage..."

"Could it be can still predict the future?"

Guo Kun smiled coquettishly: "God Lu, you are kidding...Although Guo Kun has made some achievements in cultivation, he is still just an ordinary person. How can he have the ability to predict the future? The reason why I made such a decision in the first place , It’s entirely because of you, Lu Shen…”

"Although you and I only had a brief relationship at the time, you gave me a feeling that I had never experienced before. In the dark, I felt that your power was closer to the origin of the great road, and what you represented was exactly what I wanted. It is the source of the Dao! Although Guo is not qualified, he still has some pursuits of his own on the road to the Dao. I naturally hope to understand the true meaning of the Dao by your side... even if this is just an illusory opportunity! "

"Therefore, even though the future is slim, even though I have feelings for Shenyu Palace... But even if there are millions of people, I can go where I want to go! No matter how difficult this decision was at the time, I would not hesitate at all! If Looking back now, this decision was indeed the right one! It may be the best decision I have ever made!”

As he spoke, Guo Kun looked at Lu Yu with bright eyes, filled with a kind of fanatical and pious emotion.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel stunned. He never expected to get such an answer from Guo Kun... He didn't doubt the truth or falsehood of Guo Kun's words, but he thought it was really strange. Looking at Guo Kun at this time Kun's demeanor was that of a fanatical believer. Unexpectedly, he had gained a devout believer, and a believer with the strength of Tianhuang Realm.

To a certain extent, the power used by Lu Yu is indeed closer to the original power. At least it is closer to power than other strong men in this world - including many strong men in the Hades Temple. Originally, Guo Kun's feeling could not be said to be an illusion. Perhaps it was precisely because he had the strength of the Tianhuang realm that he felt this insight that ordinary people did not feel.

No matter from which aspect, Lu Yu felt that Guo Kun was a practitioner with extremely deep wisdom. Even though he was fat and ugly, his wisdom and wisdom actually had nothing to do with these things. He could just feel it. When it comes to the source of power, he is already stronger than many people.

Naturally, Lu Yu would not hesitate to cultivate people with such intelligence. Although King Ye, Ning Zhengyang and others have already shown excellent talents, this is not enough.

If we focus on the long-term future, he will not only have to fight against the Thousand-Eyed Lord and the Bixiao Shrine, but he may even have to cross the starry sky and go to other unknown star fields. It is not enough for him to fight alone. Naturally, the more outstanding talents of all kinds, the better.

It is precisely for this reason that Lu Yu carefully cultivated Cui Zhenzhen. Now that Guo Kun also shows extraordinary talent, he would not mind pushing him.

"How are you recovering now? Isn't it convenient for you to leave here?" Lu Yu suddenly asked.

Guo Kun was startled and quickly bowed and said: "If God Lu has anything to do, just ask him, Guo will do his best!"

Lu Yu said: "Actually, it's not anything special. To tell you the truth, when we first met, I used the power of the Dragon God. Since you have a special understanding of this power, then It can be regarded as a kind of fate... If you don't have any inconvenience in your movements now, I will take you to a place to experience the power of this power for yourself. Maybe you will have more insights from this..."

Guo Kun was shocked: "Lu Shen, what do you mean..."

Lu Yu smiled casually: "It seems that you have also guessed it. Yes, the place I want to take you to is the miraculous treasure! Now, I will not hide it from you. The miraculous treasure is exactly what the ancient Dragon God left behind. The secrets hidden in the ruins are far beyond your imagination. Are you interested in finding out?"

Hearing this, Guo Kun was surprised and excited, and his hands and feet trembled slightly involuntarily: "But... isn't the list of the first batch of selected candidates still under discussion?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "What does their discussion have to do with our actions? Besides, no matter how we discuss it, I think you should be on the list... Even if you don't give up a quarter of the treasure house of Shenyu Palace, Not to mention, I am very optimistic about you! "

Until this moment, Guo Kun still didn't understand Lu Yu's intention of cultivating him. He was so excited that he knelt down on the ground again and kowtowed heavily:

"Guo Kun depends entirely on Lu Shen's arrangements!"

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