Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1960 Leader

Lu Yu just went ahead and told the guards outside the door, then left the office with Guo Kun and went straight to the entrance of the Ark on the Other Side.

This was his planned trip.

Although the list of the first batch of people to enter the Ark has not yet been finalized, this does not prevent him from opening the Ark in advance.

Anyway, it will take a certain amount of time to crack the lock state of the Ark on the Other Side. Naturally, he cannot wait until all the personnel are confirmed, and then bring a large group of people over to see how he cracks it. Now, he will crack it in advance and wait until the list of personnel is confirmed. , you can arrange these immediately.

The only variable was that Guo Kun was temporarily brought along.

In fact, Lu Yu didn't plan on how to give him guidance. Considering the difference in realm between the two parties, it was a bit unethical for Lu Yu to give him guidance. He just planned to let Guo Kun witness the process of breaking the lock state of the Ark on the other side. What could he do? How much benefit he can gain from it all depends on his own talent and understanding... As long as he is indeed a piece of gold, he will definitely shine. If he is not that piece of material, Lu Yu himself will not suffer any loss.

Therefore, for Lu Yu, this is a sure-profit deal, and everything is just a piece of cake. But for Guo Kun, this means a great opportunity and incredible wealth!

In the blink of an eye, the two came to a valley in the eastern part of Fenghe State.

Guo Kun just recovered from the surprise of the Five Elements Escape of Heaven and Earth, and immediately found that the scene in front of him seemed familiar, and he couldn't help being stunned: "Huh? How did we get here..."

This is actually the original base of Shenyu Palace. Previously, all affairs of Shenyu Palace in Fenghe State were presided over by Guo Kun. Therefore, this base was established under Guo Kun's command. Naturally, he It feels very familiar here.

"Because this is the entrance to the miraculous treasure." Lu Yu replied.

Guo Kun couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, this place was already the entrance to the miraculous treasure. So, weren't they once just one step away from the miraculous treasure?

"To be precise, it should be one of the entrances to the miraculous treasure."

Lu Yu added, "In fact, there is not only one entrance to the miraculous treasure. Every abnormal location in Fenghe Prefecture is actually a potential entrance to the miraculous treasure. We just want to crack these external The appearance is not a simple thing, and these external appearances will also respond to each other..."

"Do you still remember the dragon god's mark that you saw in these appearances before? You mistakenly thought that it was the key to unlocking the miraculous treasure, but in fact it was the result of my influence on you?"

Guo Kun was stunned, and then he realized that everything was arranged by Lu Yu... In this way, they had fallen into each other's trap from the beginning, and this was destined to be an unwinnable competition. ... He couldn't help but feel even more grateful that he had made a wise choice.

"It is precisely because these entrances will affect each other, and in order to avoid accidents, we now have to close these many superficial entrances, leaving only the last entrance to crack, so that these can be foolproof!" Lu Yu continued to explain.

Guo Kun suddenly realized this and couldn't help but nodded.

Next, Lu Yu began to dismantle the appearance of this place.

The principle is very simple. The abnormal scenes that occur here are actually the evolution and transformation of the Dragon God's power. Lu Yu only needs to restore the Dragon God's power scattered here, and he can immediately restore the surroundings to their original state, thus To achieve the effect of closing this entrance.

Of course, it is easy to say it, but it is not necessarily so in practice! All this is only for Lu Yu. If it were any other person, there would be no way for him to be able to directly restore the divine power of an ancient giant like Lu Yu.

Therefore, when Guo Kun saw the strange power in the surrounding area, it was forcefully sucked out by Lu Yu, and finally turned into a tiny golden dragon in his palm... You can imagine the shock that all this brought to him.

In his opinion, all this is something that only gods can do.

Now even if someone told him Lu Yu's true background, that Lu Yu actually didn't even have a golden elixir, and that he couldn't possibly be a god, he wouldn't believe it at all.

While being deeply shocked, Guo Kun was also greatly touched. In any case, this is the most intuitive and original manifestation of the power of the Dragon God. It is far closer to the source of power than when Lu Yu drove the flame dragon to fight in mimicry. The impact it brought to Guo Kun was also unprecedented. .

Guo Kun was completely stunned. Until Lu Yu completed the closing of five "entrances" in succession, he had not come back to his senses and followed Lu Yu blankly.

When he came to the sixth "entrance", compared with the previous visions of heaven and earth, this vision was undoubtedly much gentler, so Lu Yu suddenly said: "It's your turn to try it this time." Bar!"

"Ah... me?" Guo Kun was taken aback and suddenly became at a loss. This behavior was completely inconsistent with his status as a master of the Tianhuang Realm. "I... I'm afraid I'm not good enough..."

Although he had watched Lu Yu's demonstration five times in a row, he couldn't say that he had gained nothing at all, but he really didn't know what he was doing...

Lu Yu said: "The skills I practice are very special. If you want you to completely imitate my method, it will not work if you directly come into contact with the power of these Dragon Gods. But with the help of other tools, you may not have a chance to do it!"

With that said, Lu Yu handed a Red Flame Dragon Control Pill in front of him.

Guo Kun was stunned for a moment, then carefully took the red pill and said, "Then let me... give it a try?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry and try it boldly! The worst it can do is just waste a pill. Compared to the treasure house you contributed to, this loss is nothing at all!"

With Lu Yu's encouragement, Guo Kun immediately stopped hesitating and swallowed the pill immediately.

The flame dragon's mimicry quickly expanded on his body.

With this mimicry of the flaming dragon, it was as if there was a layer of media covering his body, allowing him to feel the origin of the dragon god's power more closely.

This feeling is like the molten iron that has been burned into liquid form in a furnace. Lu Yu can take out the molten iron with his bare hands and shape it into shape, but he does not have Lu Yu's ability, so he must use tools, and this flame dragon Mimicry is his target.

But what he didn't expect was that even with the "tool", it would not be an easy task to control all of this. The "tool" was far from as obedient as he imagined. He tried several times in a row, but still couldn't figure it out. .

At this time, Lu Yu promptly reminded: "Don't stick to the form. You have watched me operate it several times in a row. You must be able to understand my thinking. The specific method is not important, but the idea of ​​​​solving the problem is important!"

This sentence was like an enlightenment, and Guo Kun instantly gained enlightenment from it.

Suddenly, the flame dragon entrenched on him let out a howl. I don't know if it was a psychological effect or some other reason, but the lines on the flame dragon's body seemed to become softer.

Guo Kun was not impatient and coiled the flame dragon's imitation into the shape of a coil of incense, and all the surrounding mountain scenery was surrounded by the center of the coil of incense.

Immediately afterwards, a magical scene happened!

A piece of faint golden light appeared in the center of the flame dragon, slowly condensed, crystallized, and took shape, and finally successfully transformed into the shape of a golden dragon, just like the one that Lu Yu had condensed on his palm before.

"Succeeded! I succeeded! I actually succeeded!"

Guo Kun was so excited that he danced and shouted.

Following his shout, the condensed golden dragon disappeared immediately. Despite this, he still succeeded in closing this "entrance". The restored power of the Dragon God will no longer continue to evolve, but will only be withdrawn into the interior of the Ark on the other side.

"Let me tell you, this is actually not difficult! While the elixir still has some duration, go and help close the remaining entrances!"

Lu Yu said with a smile.

He was also very pleased to see Guo Kun mastering the trick in such a short period of time, which meant that Guo Kun had a very high affinity with the power of the Dragon God.

"Okay!" Guo Kun agreed and immediately set off for the next "entrance".

Seeing his fat but still vigorous figure, the smile on Lu Yu's face suddenly became warmer.

There is no doubt that the first leader in the Ark on the Other Side has been found, which will undoubtedly save a lot of time and effort for his future plans.

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