Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1961 Ark Restart

With Guo Kun's cooperation, the two quickly completed the closure of all "forks".

Finally, the two of them came to the only remaining entrance, which was originally a mountain stream and was also Lu Yu's original landing entrance.

However, the environment here has also changed drastically at this time. The surrounding mountains are constantly changing and moving like clouds in the sky, making everything full of a magical and unreal feeling.

Guo Kun was shocked and said: "Why did this place become like this... I remember it shouldn't be like this, right?"

At this time, the strange phenomena of heaven and earth around the two of them were extremely vast. If this scene had been like this for a long time, he would not have noticed it. But the fact is that he has been in charge of Fenghe Prefecture for several months, but he has never noticed it. I've noticed changes in this area.

Lu Yu said: "This is normal, because the nearby 'Chakou' has been restored and closed by us, but the miracle treasure still needs to convey information to the outside world, so all the changes in appearance will naturally be concentrated here, so here That’s why it turned out like this…”

Only then did Guo Kun understand that these external appearances would not disappear. They would only be forced to move as other "forks" closed... At the same time, new doubts arose in his heart. Why did the miraculous treasure have to be moved? Continuously convey information to the outside world? What's the point of this?

For a moment, he felt that everything in front of him was getting more and more mysterious...

"I guess you won't be able to help here anymore, just watch from the sidelines!" Lu Yu said as he stepped forward.

After taking two steps, he suddenly turned around and said meaningfully: "Don't force it. If you can't hold it anymore, remember to stop in moderation!"

Guo Kun couldn't help but be stunned, thinking that he was just watching a show on the side, how could he be so reluctant...

But Lu Yu didn't explain too much. After saying this, he directly started to drive the golden elixir seeds in his body to form a star orbit and absorb the power of the Dragon God in the surrounding area.

Suddenly, the surrounding mountains changed rapidly, and they were constantly rotating around the place where Lu Yu was standing.

Guo Kun felt that the world was spinning for a while, and his expression suddenly changed. Although he had long expected that the power of the Dragon God distributed here was extraordinary, he did not expect that it would be so powerful...

All of this is indeed far beyond the scope of his abilities. Not to mention that he can only control the mimicry of one giant flame dragon. Even if he can control ten mimicry of giant flame dragons at the same time, he would not dare to touch such one easily. A powerful force... He is now very curious about how Lu Yu will resolve such a powerful force in front of him.

However, what Guo Kun didn't know was that the problem Lu Yu actually faced was a thousand times more complicated than he imagined!

Since all the surrounding "forks" have been closed, the current entrance is the only entrance directly to the interior of the Ark. This means that what Lu Yu is facing is the last hurdle in the locked state of the Ark - Xuanyang Road. Lock.

Back in the seventh heaven of the original world, Lu Yu finally arrived in front of the Xuanyang Dao Lock after cracking several levels. But here, Lu Yu didn't need to bother so much. He directly made the Xuanyang Dao Lock appear. , which is another reason why he chose to close other "forks" first.

The surrounding mountains rotated faster and faster, and golden dragons continued to separate from the surrounding sky and earth. These golden dragons no longer disappeared and disappeared as before, but were connected and interlocked with a certain pattern. Continuously.

Seeing this scene, Guo Kun felt as if his head was exploding for a moment. The shape of the golden dragon and the laws contained in it made him feel extremely profound and mysterious, far beyond the thoughts in his mind. The limit...

Only at this moment did he understand why Lu Yu had just said such incomprehensible words and why he had to stop when enough was enough...

However, at this moment, he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. This was his last thought, and then he fell completely into a trance...

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Suddenly, a sound of snapping fingers woke Guo Kun up. Only then did he realize that it was Lu Yu standing in front of him.

The surrounding world has stopped rotating long ago, and the golden dragons that were connected in a strange state have also disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, Lao Guo, Lao Guo... wake up! Have you recovered?" Lu Yu said.

Guo Kun was stunned for a long time before finally reacting and asked cautiously: "Lu Shen, how long have we been here...?"

"How long can it last? It's only about an hour or so! How long do you think it will be?" Lu Yu asked.

Guo Kun was stunned for a moment. In his impression, he felt as if he had been lost in the ocean of thoughts for tens of thousands of years. Although he knew that this was most likely just his illusion, he did not expect that it was just In the past hour or so.

Lu Yu looked at the expression on his face and said, "Didn't I tell you to stop when enough is enough? Why are you still stuck?"

Guo Kun couldn't help but smile bitterly. He wanted to stop when enough was enough, but in fact he never had the chance to stop when enough was enough...

"Okay, don't be in a daze here! The door to the miraculous treasure has been opened. Everything has just begun. There are more things that will surprise you. Where are you from now... Let's go, I'll take the lead first. Go in and take a look!”

With that said, Lu Yu turned around and walked forward.

As he turned around, Guo Kun discovered that behind where he was standing, a group of mountains had turned upside down and was suspended in mid-air.

This strange scene brought him an unprecedented visual impact, and the shock was no less than the moment when the golden dragon appeared before.

"What's this?"

Guo Kun's face was full of shock. Although he understood that it should be the so-called miraculous treasure, he still couldn't help but ask.

He never expected that the moment the miraculous treasure truly appeared, it would turn out to be such an exaggerated sight.

"This is the miraculous treasure I have been talking about..." Lu Yu's answer did not surprise him, but then he added:

"However, in fact, it has another name, called - The Ark on the Other Side!"

After several months, the Ark on the Other Side finally reappeared.

When it came, people only saw a large-scale celestial phenomenon and mistook it for some kind of miracle. No one could see its true appearance.

At this moment, people finally saw the full picture of this miraculous creation that is famous in the heavens. It was not just Guo Kun standing in front of it at this time, not just the people of the Fuxing Alliance who were waiting for the list to be confirmed in Fenghe Prefecture, Not just other powerful people in this world...

Including the stars in the universe outside the sky, there are also eyes focused here...

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