Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1962 Messenger

Extraterrestrial sky.

An empty and silent deserted land.

A huge spider web is spread out in the universe. The texture of the spider web is very special. Occasionally, if light shines over, it will be swallowed up immediately, so the surrounding area looks dark, just like most areas of the starry sky in the universe.

This is the home of Lord Thousand Eyes, and almost no one is aware of its existence.

Except for those who originally knew where this place was...

At this time, there was a ray of light traveling through the universe, speeding towards the direction of the spider web.

Being able to travel freely in the vacuum of the universe is definitely not something that an ordinary person can do. Although he has used the power of a magic weapon, it still fully shows that this person's strength cannot be underestimated.

The escape light was extremely fast, and suddenly it crashed into the spider web, and a huge shadow suddenly appeared, which turned out to be a huge spider with a ferocious face.

As the entire void floated, the ferocious big spider actually uttered human words:

"Stop anyone who comes! You have entered the absolute realm of Lord God. Please indicate your identity and intention immediately, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!"

The visitor was unhurried, and Dun Guang continued to move forward. It was not until the huge spider whiskers could no longer bear to launch an offensive that he explored it and took out a nameplate representing his identity.

"I am the messenger of Bixiao Shrine. I have urgent matters and I need to see Lord Thousand Eyes immediately!"

The huge spider phantom silently looked at the nameplate on the visitor's hand for a long time, and then slowly said: "I recognize your identity, but I'm sorry, it's not convenient for Lord Shenjun to see guests now... If you really have something urgent, If so, the same thing applies to me here!”

When the messenger heard this, he couldn't help but sneered: "Can you alone be the master? If you were really strong, you wouldn't have let Lord Qianyanyan get hurt like this... Get out of the way! What I'm bringing this time is Qiu. Tong Gong’s direct order needs to be explained face to face with Qian Yanjun. If there is any delay, I can’t even afford to chop off your head!”

The huge spider's shadow couldn't help but change, which showed that the threat of this messenger was really powerful, but due to its duty, it did not dare to retreat easily.

Just when the scene was at a stalemate, Qianyanjun's voice suddenly came out from the deep darkness: "Xiaochi, please step back! Let the people from Qiutong Palace come in!"

The huge spider phantom no longer hesitated, and immediately moved out of the way, making way for the reality messenger in front of it, but its eyes were still full of vigilance. It looked like it was raised by Thousand Eyes King. Like a gatekeeper spirit beast.

The messenger didn't care about the unfriendly gaze of this "little pool". He used the escaping light to walk straight forward along one of the spider threads, seemingly falling into endless darkness.

Soon, the escape light reached the end of the spider silk, and a huge cocoon appeared in front of reality.

This huge cocoon seems to be the source of all darkness. If the believer did not have superior strength, he would definitely not see the shape of this cocoon, and could only see an endless darkness.

At this time, the cocoon seemed like a living embryo. Its surface was constantly squirming slightly, and things similar to blood vessels were clearly visible. The messenger felt extremely powerful vitality in it.

If it were anyone else, they would inevitably mistake this cocoon for the Thousand Eyes Lord's true form, but this messenger knew that what was presented to him at this moment was not the Thousand Eyes Lord's true form, it was just the prey he had captured. It's just nutrients used to heal wounds... That's right, before Qianyanjun attained enlightenment and became a saint, his true form was exactly a spider.

Now, he has exposed his past animalistic instincts again, which shows that he has indeed suffered a very serious injury this time.

"Tell me! Qiutong Palace sent you here, what do you want to say to me?" Qian Yanjun's voice came from inside the giant cocoon.

The messenger bowed slightly and said, "Your Majesty, your actions in Guantian Great World were frustrated and you were seriously injured. You specifically asked me to come here to greet and visit..."

"Visiting?" Qian Yanyanjun couldn't help but sneer, "Don't I still know how those guys behave? They say they sound nice, but in fact they are eager to see my jokes!"

"Okay! Stop talking these useless nonsense! Tell me what kind of instructions there are from Qiutong Palace. If you really have nothing to say, then get out of here!"

The messenger said: "Master Shenjun, please be patient. You have been practicing and sleeping during this period. Some situations may not be clear... Not long ago, the celestial phenomena in the world of Guantian suddenly fluctuated sharply. According to the Star Watcher, Based on my observation and analysis, it seems that the Ark on the Other Side has been activated again... Qiutong Palace wants me to ask you what is the response to this?"

"What did you say?"

Qianyanjun's voice suddenly rose an octave, and even the giant cocoon in front of him began to fluctuate more violently, as if it was about to burst at any moment.

"The Ark on the Other Side has been activated again? How is this possible?"

The messenger lowered his head and replied: "This is absolutely true!"

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