Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1963: Driving the tiger and swallowing the wolf

After a short silence.

Qianyanyanjun sneered again: "What can it do even if it is activated again? Are you still afraid that it will not be able to start again? As far as I know, the Ark on the Other Side here is only the shell part. Not only does it lack the internal core, but it also lacks the most important components. The key power system..."

The messenger said: "That's true, but Lu Yu also broke away from his original world with just this shell before, and fled all the way here. Having learned from the past, this matter must be guarded against... Moreover, what happened this time has already happened in many places. There was quite a tremor in the sky, and even the Shenhua Immortal Courtyard has seen some changes, which will inevitably lead to long nights and many dreams, and this matter cannot be delayed any longer..."

Qianyanjun was silent for a moment, and his attitude seemed to have softened: "Then what does Qiutong Palace mean?"

The messenger said: "The gentlemen of the Qiu Palace understand your current situation very well, and know that it is not appropriate for you to start a war now. They do not want you to regress in your cultivation because of this... Therefore, the princes feel that it is time to use the card hidden in the underworld. The secret trump card in the temple!”


Qianyanjun's tone became louder again: "They actually want to release that crazy woman? Have they ever thought about the consequences of doing so?"

The messenger said: "That trump card is indeed a rebellious person. It is difficult to predict what kind of consequences it will have if he is released back to the mountain. However, all of you agree that the current situation in Guantian World is out of control. Even if No matter how bad it is, there will be no worse results. Relatively speaking, this is the most time-saving and labor-saving way.”

"Absurd! Ridiculous!"

Qianyanjun was furious, and the giant cocoon surged rapidly: "Don't forget, that crazy woman is the supreme power of the Guanlan clan! How big of a trap did she create for us back then? In order to get rid of her, we have to How much energy it took!”

"With all due respect, the actions of the Lords of Qiutong Palace have completely healed the scars and forgotten the pain! In order to solve one trouble, they do not hesitate to cause a bigger trouble. They feel that everything is still under control. It’s so whimsical!”

The messenger was indifferent to his anger and said calmly: "Your Majesty, I am considering this from the perspective of the Lord God... Things here can no longer be delayed, otherwise, even if the Ark on the other side flies out of this star field, , but if people from Shenhua Immortal Court are attracted because of this, do you think everything here can continue to be covered up? "

"In short, this is the result of your long-term discussions. They are not asking you to release the most powerful person, but they have set a deadline for you to resolve the matter. You only have one month now. Come and solve this matter. If you are really worried about letting the tiger go back to the mountain, then it is up to you to take action again!"

After saying that, the messenger raised his head again and stared at the giant cocoon that was constantly moving in front of him, as if he was looking directly into the eyes of Lord Thousand Eyes.

There was a long silence.

The messenger never took his eyes back.

I don’t know how long it took, but finally the fetal movement on the giant cocoon gradually narrowed down. Qianyanjun snorted and said: "Okay, I will release that crazy woman! But if anything happens because of this, Qiu Tong Don’t expect me to wipe your ass for you, gentlemen in the palace!”

Soon after.

A group of high-level officials from the Temple of Hades hurriedly gathered at the main altar.

In the previous war, many regional facilities including the main altar were destroyed, but the main altar was the first to be repaired and restored, and its repair was completed almost immediately.

There is no other reason, because this facility is a bridge for them to communicate directly with the world above. When the master of the main hall died and there was no news of the failure of the Thousand Eyes Lord, they were eager to get guidance from the world above. Even if it's just a little bit of instruction.

However, what makes them extremely frustrated is that since the main altar was repaired, they have sent dozens of messages for help to the world above, but all of these messages have been ignored and there has been no response. This makes the senior officials of the Hades Temple They all couldn't help but wonder if the gods in the world above had completely forgotten them.

Until not long ago, the main altar finally received a response from the world above.

This was a personal response from Lord Thousand Eyes. It was not only as simple as responding to their message, but also asking them to hold a sacrificial ceremony.

Everyone in the Temple of Hades was immediately excited and held a sacrificial ceremony, which meant that the Thousand Eyes Lord would directly communicate with them at the mental level, and even grant some of their divine power.

You must know that the divine power of Thousand Eyes Lord is different from the divine power of other gods. In fact, the reason why the Temple of Hades can operate and continuously defraud and obtain divine power from other gods is precisely the result of the support of Thousand Eyes Lord's divine power. The source of every sacred monument in the temple was created by the power of Thousand Eyes Lord. It can be said that it was precisely because of his existence that the Hades Temple existed at this time.

Not to mention the exchange of ideas, it also means that they will receive personal guidance from the Thousand Eyes King.

The senior officials of Hades Temple were keenly aware that Lord Qianyanyan was making targeted arrangements for Lu Yu. Recently, some very strange things happened in Fenghe Province. A huge mountain range actually floated upside down. …

Although they didn't know what this meant, they knew that all this must be related to Lu Yu, and it was definitely not a good thing... Unexpectedly, before they could report it, the Thousand Eyes God had already noticed this scene.

Unfortunately, there were only five people who could directly communicate with the Thousand Eyes God this time. In addition to the four Gods in charge of the first God level, there was another one, Xu Zhiyang...

Everyone was very confused about why Xu Zhiyang could be in the first God level, but this was a direct instruction from the Thousand Eyes God, so they couldn't say much and could only wait patiently for the final result.

The whole ceremony lasted for nearly an hour.

Finally, everything was settled, the divine light was gone, and the five Gods who received the instructions from the Thousand Eyes God slowly walked down the platform.

Everyone immediately surrounded them with excitement, but found that the five Gods were all solemn, and they didn't seem to be happy at all for just getting the instructions from the God.

"Uh... My Lords, is there anything wrong?" God Zheng asked.

The four first-level gods looked at each other, all with helpless expressions, and shook their heads with a wry smile.

Seeing this, Zheng Shensi had no choice but to focus his attention on Xu Zhiyang. Although he saw that Xu Zhiyang had obviously gained some of the power of the Thousand Eyes God, he was still unceremonious: "Old Xu, what happened? The Thousand Eyes God...what did he say?"

Xu Zhiyang took a deep breath and said with emotion: "The Thousand Eyes God suffered very serious injuries when he descended last time. He has determined that he can no longer provide us with assistance in the short term... Therefore, he specially selected a new candidate for the chief hall master for us."

"The new chief hall master?" Zheng Shensi couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Who is it? You?"

Zheng Shensi's suspicion was justified, because among the five people who just stepped down from the high platform, only Xu Zhiyang had a powerful divine power, and it was obvious that he was favored by the Thousand Eyes God.

Xu Zhiyang shook his head: "It's not me. Although the Thousand Eyes God has given me powerful divine power, these powers are used to release our new chief hall master..."


"Yes!" Xu Zhiyang's eyes condensed, and his stiff tone revealed complex emotions: "Because our new chief hall master is suppressed under the Demon Heart Hall, only the divine power given by the Thousand Eyes God can release him!"


This time, not only Zheng Shensi, but everyone present was shocked.

Almost all members of the Underworld Temple know that the Demon Heart Hall is a forbidden area in the Underworld Temple. There is an extremely powerful seal there. Even for the top leaders of the Underworld Temple, it is also a forbidden area that cannot be easily entered.

It is said that in that forbidden area

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