Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1967 No Way to Change

"You also know the situation of the Su Yu Yunchi. The environment there is very special. It will naturally gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The reason is the mysterious device at the bottom of the lake."

"Last time we dived into the bottom of the lake to explore, although we couldn't figure out what it was, it also allowed me to understand its operating rules to a certain extent."

"After you were captured by the Hades Temple, I transformed the entire Dead Soul Canyon into a natural large-scale alchemy furnace based on the Su Yu Yunchi, which used the operating rules of the lake bottom... The Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill that everyone is using now was also refined by me there."

"However, with the opening of the Ark, the consumption of the Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill is now extremely high. I can't go back and forth between the two places every day to refine the pill. Moreover, considering the future, the consumption of the Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill is likely to increase further... In order to solve this problem once and for all, I plan to build a similar alchemy furnace inside the Ark."

When Lu Yu said this to Fu Jing, the two were already on the colorful light belt heading to the Su Yu Yunchi.

After hearing this, Fu Jing was silent for a long time before saying, "So, you plan to copy a Su Yu Yunchi inside the Ark?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "Not copying, my talent in creating and refining equipment is just average, I don't have the ability to copy such a creation... My plan is to move, move the entire Su Yu Yunchi to the Ark on the other side, and then build a large alchemy furnace based on it!"

"Move it away?" Fu Jing was stunned: "Can this work?"

You know, the Su Yu Yunchi is a very dangerous place, where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has liquefied into true essence. The Great Evil Empire was very afraid of this, fearing that the entire pool would explode accidentally, and in that case, the area within a thousand miles would be razed to the ground.

Only Lu Yu would be so bold and dare to transform the alchemy furnace on such a basis... But even so, he was still not satisfied, and even wanted to move it to the Ark on the other side. Would this become a powder keg on the Ark?

Lu Yu said: "This plan is absolutely feasible. Although the Ark is now in tatters, it is a vehicle for traveling through the star field after all. Its internal structure is extremely stable. Not to mention one Su Yu Yunchi, even if ten Su Yu Yunchi exploded at the same time, it would not be possible to destroy its internal structure, so there is absolutely no problem with safety..."

"The key lies in the specific operation. We cannot directly copy the device at the bottom of the lake, but it is also not an easy task to move it away. At least we have to figure out what it is first, and then we can determine what specific plan to adopt. This is the real reason why I asked you to accompany me this time..."

Fu Jing nodded: "I understand."

Although the two failed to explore the bottom last time, it was because their strength was not enough. But now that the two have joined forces, they have even been able to fight against the strongest heavenly tribulation. Therefore, it is no problem for the two to reach the bottom of the lake and uncover all the mysteries under the Su Yu Yunchi.

Next, Lu Yu introduced the details of the renovated Su Yu Yunchi to Fu Jing. Whether it was exploring the bottom or relocating, these were the information she had to master. Therefore, he took advantage of the time now to explain more to her so that she could be prepared for any eventuality.

Time passed quickly, and before he knew it, the colorful light belt had completed two rises and falls.

When he stepped on the colorful light belt for the third time, Lu Yu's behavior became a little strange, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Fu Jing looked at him, silently cursed, and said: "Come closer!"

"Uh...what's wrong?"

Fu Jing said softly: "Isn't your true energy almost exhausted? Why are you still pretending here? If you want my wonderful spirit seven jades to replenish you, just say it directly, why are you being so shy here?"

Lu Yu scratched his head and said: "It's true that there is not much left, but there are other ways to replenish it. After this heaven and earth five elements escape is over, I can also recover by meditating on the spot..."

Fu Jing rolled his eyes at him: "That will also take a certain amount of time. Where do you have so much time to waste now? Besides, I don't like it if you are willing to waste this time!"

As he said, he took the initiative to hug Lu Yu.

Lu Yu suddenly felt warm and soft in his arms. He smiled awkwardly while feeling the other's body temperature: "Have you really thought it through? Would this... not be a good thing?"

Fu Jing bit her lower lip until it turned white, and said: "You called me here with no good intentions... but now you ask me this question?"

Lu Yu said sincerely: "Indeed, the characteristics of the Guanlan clan's bloodline power in your body are of great benefit to me. I don't deny this... but I have already said that no matter what choice you make, I support you! This time, the plan to relocate the Su Yu Yunchi does require your help, but it is not necessary for us to enter the ethereal realm. If you think it through and decide to take the path arranged by your mother for you, we can also not enter the ethereal realm."

Fu Jing raised his head and looked into Lu Yu's eyes: "What else can we do if we don't enter the ethereal realm? Do I lend you all my power like last time and let you open the Nine Nine Lotus Life again?"

Lu Yu touched his nose and said: "At least this way, you no longer have to worry about your pure and pure jade being stained by me... You should be able to feel it, right? When entering the ethereal realm, in fact, our desires are all Mobilized..."

"Fool!" Fu Jing's voice deepened: "You know how to consider physical and physiological problems... but have you ever thought about how the golden elixir scene that helped you open the Nine-Nine Lotus Life like last time would have a negative impact on my state of mind? How much impact will it have?”

Lu Yu couldn't help being startled, and looked intently at Fu Jing in his arms, only to find that her eyes were already a little red, and her eyes were filled with tears. She was looking away quickly, not wanting Lu Yu to discover all this.

Only then did he realize that perhaps the combination like the last time had an impact on Fu Jing that far exceeded the level of the ethereal realm, leaving an indelible impression on Fu Jing's heart.

Perhaps this is the real focus of the conflict.

After cultivating to their level, under normal circumstances, the physical desires of the body can be controlled, but the thoughts generated in the state of mind are deep-rooted and difficult to change.

From the time the two met until now, the trust between them has continued to deepen. During this period, their respective strengths have made a qualitative leap, which can be regarded as mutual achievements.

All this may not be a big deal to Lu Yu, because he has already achieved Taoism and has a persevering mind. However, this is not the case for Fu Jing, because her Taoism was gradually shaped during this process. Become.

Especially after the deep combination of their powers last time, Lu Yu's existence has become an indispensable part of her Dao Heart. If this point is to be forcibly reversed, it is likely to lead to the complete collapse of the Dao Heart.

It wasn't until this moment that Lu Yu realized this belatedly.

Mrs. Ru should have realized this when she communicated with Fu Jing on her way back last time, so her attitude suddenly changed.

"I... I'm sorry, I really haven't thought about this problem. It's because I didn't think well..." Lu Yu was sweating like rain.

"How can I blame you for all this?" Fu Jing said quietly, "The reason for this situation is also my own fault... It's just that my mother is trying her best to plan another path for me, but she doesn't know the fact. I made my decision a long time ago and there is no way to change it..."

After saying this, she burst into tears.

So he buried his head into Lu Yu's chest, and his clothes quickly became wet with tears.

Under the breeze, the wet areas were ice cold, but Lu Yu could only feel the hot blood in his chest.

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