Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1968 The Last Lesson

When the colorful light belt descended on the Canyon of the Dead, the relationship between Lu Yu and Fu Jing had returned to its original state.

The estrangement caused by Mrs. Ru has not only disappeared, but the tacit trust between the two has reached a new level, because both of them have a clearer understanding of each other's position in each other's hearts.

As for Mrs. Ru's reaction to this, Lu Yu doesn't plan to think about it so much for the time being. In short, she is completely unaware of it now... To take a step back, even if she knows the truth, she will overreact again. , he also has the last trump card - the spell "Infinite Circle".

The reason why he was threatened by Mrs. Ru at this time was because he had not figured out the specific situation at that time, and he was not ready to cast the spell in a hurry... Now that he has understood Fu Jing's intentions, if Ru If Madam still wants to use the topic to continue to mess around, even at the risk of death, then he doesn't mind wasting part of his mental energy on her and using spells to completely control her.

Just because he was unwilling to do it before didn't mean that he really had no choice.

"Is this the Canyon of the Dead after you transformed it?" Fu Jing said with a surprised look on his face.

It has been less than two months since she was kidnapped by Xu Zhiyang, but the environment here has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "I said that after I reused the laws and regulations of the Suyu Yunchi bottom device, the environment here is indeed somewhat different from before."

"Some discrepancies?" Fu Jing shook her head, "When I heard you talk about it before, I didn't think it was anything, but now I have seen the situation here with my own eyes... How can this be 'some discrepancies'? This is simply beyond recognition!"

Lu Yu shrugged: "I don't dare to take credit... I can only say that this Jade Cloud Pond is so magical! Come on, let's go inside and have a look!"

With that said, Lu Yu opened the results and walked into the Canyon of the Dead.

Fu Jing followed closely behind.

As soon as she entered the Canyon of the Dead, she immediately noticed something unusual and was surprised again: "The natural alchemy furnace here seems to be working?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't look at me like that. I don't have that much ability to keep this place functioning normally after being away for several days... Yes, this alchemy furnace is working, but this is not I did it, but it was the work of one of my assistants.”

"Assistant?" Fu Jingqi asked.

"Well... she was the one I met on my last mission to the Darui Empire. Her name is Cui Zhenzhen. You must have heard of her..." Lu Yu said.

"is her?"

Fu Jing's eyes couldn't help but become suspicious.

Naturally, she had heard of this name. It was one of the names her mother mentioned to her at that time, and it was accompanied by many fragrant rumors... Who would have thought that she has now been trained by Lu Yu to become an assistant in alchemy?

Although Fu Jing has never officially met Cui Zhenzhen and does not know what her level of alchemy is, judging from the fact that she can drive such a huge natural alchemy furnace at this time, it is known that she has achieved a lot.

"I heard that she was originally just a dancer trained by Yunyan Pavilion, but I didn't expect that she had such a talent!" Fu Jing couldn't help but praise.

Lu Yu looked up at the gathering clouds in the sky and said, "In this aspect, she is indeed extremely talented. Frankly speaking, I have never seen anyone as talented as her, whether in the original world or in this world." Outstanding person...Looking at the progress of this batch of elixirs, it even exceeded my original expectations for her!"

Fu Jing looked back at him: "Never seen it before? What about yourself?"

"Me..." Lu Yu smacked his lips and smiled proudly: "If you compare her with me, then she is definitely a little behind..."

"Tch!" Fu Jing curled his lips disdainfully.

While talking, the two of them had arrived at the lakeside of Suyu Yunchi, and at the same time they also saw Cui Zhenzhen's figure.

Cui Zhenzhen also noticed the arrival of the two people immediately. Although she didn't know Fu Jing, she was very familiar with Lu Yu. She was immediately surprised and said: "Sir, why are you here?"

"Why can't I come over?" Lu Yu asked with a smile.

"Uh...not to mention that you opened the miraculous treasure in Fenghe Province, will you be very busy during this period?" Cui Zhenzhen said.

In fact, the two had not seen each other since the last separation. When she woke up in Ning Wanxuan's mansion, Lu Yu had already entered the Ark on the other side. At that time, she also saw that the Ark on the other side was like a The sight of the mountains floating upside down shocked her beyond measure. Unfortunately, her cultivation was not high enough to take the Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill, so she did not have the opportunity to enter the interior of the Ark on the other side to see what was going on.

But having said that, even if she is qualified, I am afraid she will not choose to enter the Ark on the other side, because for her, the attraction of Suyu Yunchi is far greater than the Ark on the other side.

Of course, it wasn't that Lu Yu didn't make any arrangements for her. He left her a page of spiritual seal paper and asked Ning Wanxuan to deliver it to her personally. The furnace of elixir being refined now is a very low-risk practical exercise under the guidance of Lu Yu. Only ordinary materials were used, and even after being refined, the elixir was of very low grade, mainly for her to practice her skills.

Lu Yu said: "I'm really busy, but it's not so busy that I can't leave. In fact, the work here is also very important... How have you been here these days?"

Cui Zhenzhen said: "I have been strictly following your instructions these days, and every step has been verified. Anyway, I feel fine, but I don't know the specific effect..."

As he spoke, he involuntarily glanced at Fu Jing behind Lu Yu, showing a hint of uneasiness.

"She is Fu Jing, my old club. You should have heard of it a long time ago... This is Cui Zhenzhen." Lu Yu briefly introduced the two of them.

The two women said hello and exchanged a few pleasantries.

Suspicion arose in Cui Zhenzhen's heart. Lu Yu kept saying that Fu Jing was his old club, but judging from the behavior of the two of them, there was no master-servant relationship between them... Of course, she could only say this in her own heart. , but they dare not say it directly.

"You are ready to start training!"

After the two of them said hello, Lu Yu looked at the clouds in the sky and said with emotion.

Although the scene in the sky at this time is not as majestic as the Ten Thousand Dragons Soaring Jiao when refining the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill, it is still quite majestic. If exposed to the outside world, it is enough to make secular people worship.

"When we were outside just now, I said it looked like you did a pretty good job... Looking at it from this perspective now, I think my evaluation just now seems to be a little too conservative... This is not just good, everything you have done is... Every detail is almost perfect, even I can’t find anything wrong with it!” Lu Yu was full of praise.

Cui Zhenzhen became increasingly uneasy: "Sir, this furnace of elixir has not been refined yet. Is it too early for you to say this now?"

Lu Yu said: "Don't you still believe in my eyesight? Although the refining has not been completed yet, you have done all the details in place, and the final result is already certain... There is no more elixir in this furnace. It’s necessary to continue refining it!”

As he spoke, Lu Yu waved his hand, and suddenly a strong wind blew in the air, quickly blowing away the gathering clouds.

Cui Zhenzhen was immediately shocked: "Sir, what are you doing?"

That piece of cloud was the elixir energy refined from many materials, and was the raw material for the final elixir. Lu Yu's behavior was tantamount to destroying an entire furnace of elixirs.

However, Lu Yu was indifferent and continued to wave his palms. It didn't take long for the clouds to be swept away and they fell into the jade cloud pool, disappearing without a trace.

The interior of the entire natural alchemy furnace returned to a clear state.

"The pot of elixirs just now were too low-level. Even if they were made, they would be of no use, so it's not worth wasting any more time... Now, let's change to a pot that's more challenging! This is also our last lesson here. !" Lu Yu said.

"The last lesson?" Cui Zhenzhen looked panicked: "Why?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Because after this class, we will move out!"

As he spoke, he took out an iron box from his arms, which was the Shenyu Palace treasure filled with various precious materials.

Then in front of the two of them, he slowly opened the edge of the iron box.

In an instant, all kinds of rare materials were flying out of the iron box like butterflies.

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