Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1969 The light shining into the darkness

"Ah...are you trying to refine the Red Flame Dragon Control Pill?"

Cui Zhenzhen quickly exclaimed as she watched the materials flying into the Suyu Cloud Pond in an endless stream.

Lu Yu turned around and couldn't help but show approval in his eyes.

In fact, he had never explained to Cui Zhenzhen the specific composition of the Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill. The last time she came to help, she only joined in halfway and had no idea what specific materials were used. Unexpectedly, just with the materials added by Lu Yu, Determining the type of elixir to be refined next undoubtedly proved once again that she has an extremely keen insight into the characteristics of materials.

This is purely a talent and cannot be compensated for by acquired learning.

"Yes, it is the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill." Lu Yu said, "Last time you only performed the second half of the operation, this time we will also make up for the first half... You need to prepare quickly, we will need to do it later. You did it yourself!”

Cui Zhenzhen suddenly became uneasy: "I...can I do it?"

She clearly knew that what she was responsible for last time was only the final finishing stage. If she were to get started with the first half, the complexity would be many times more complicated than last time.

Lu Yu said: "If I hand over the entire refining process to you, it will naturally not work. You are not strong enough to control the overall situation, but if I just hand over a certain link to you, then there is still no problem. It's just right. I can also take the opportunity to be lazy and do other things... Isn’t that the role of an assistant? "

Cui Zhenzhen nodded: "I understand... Please rest assured, sir, I will do my best!"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "With your words, I feel relieved!"

Next, Lu Yu began to explain various essentials and operational details to Cui Zhenzhen in detail. His expectations for Cui Zhenzhen were not just to allow him to take the opportunity to be lazy, but he also hoped that she could have an overview of the overall situation and take charge of her own role.

But this can't be rushed. As he said, Cui Zhenzhen's hard power is not enough to control the overall situation, but this does not prevent him from passing on the corresponding knowledge and skills to her first, and wait until one day her strength breaks through to a higher level. Realm, then everything will naturally fall into place.

Of course, Lu Yu chose to refine the Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill at this time not just to teach her a lesson, but mainly because the stock of pills at the Ark on the Other Side was about to run out.

The time for moving Suyu Yunchi is uncertain. If you wait until the relocation is completed before opening the furnace to refine the Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill, you may have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse. Therefore, the best way is to open the furnace first and have a certain amount of time. The inventory will then be moved, so that neither party is delayed.

In addition, Cui Zhenzhen, his assistant, is now here, so that he does not have to stay here all the time. In this way, he can also take advantage of the break to explore the bottom of the lake with Fu Jing, maximizing the use of time.

"Okay, do you remember what I just said?"

After a lengthy explanation, Lu Yu asked Cui Zhenzhen.

Cui Zhenzhen nodded, her eyes clear and bright.

"Then..." Lu Yu looked at the changes in the clouds in the sky and roughly estimated the time in his mind, "In the next hour, this place will be left to you!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at Fu Jing aside. What he said was not only to Cui Zhenzhen, but also to Fu Jing. Now that there is an hour to spare, the next step is to explore the mysteries at the bottom of the lake.

Cui Zhenzhen was stunned: "Sir, where are you... going?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't go far. We just plan to go to the bottom of the lake to have a look... If there is any situation here, I will rush over immediately."

"What? Bottom of the lake?"

Cui Zhenzhen was immediately shocked.

Although she has never officially set foot in the Suyu Cloud Pond, she also knows how dangerous the bottom of the lake is, because the various changes inside the natural alchemy furnace originate from the depths of the lake.

"Don't worry, we have already been there once, and we know what the situation is like there... Moreover, even if it is a more dangerous situation, it is not like we have never faced it together."

As he spoke, Lu Yu couldn't help but turn his head and look at Fu Jing.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then held each other's hands and stepped into the Suyu Cloud Pond together.

Cui Zhenzhen watched the two figures disappear into the thick white fog, with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

But she soon withdrew her gaze and refocused on the strangely changing clouds in the sky, her gaze becoming sharp and firm.

The interior of Suyu Yunchi is like a large boiling steamer.

Countless white mist billows up, constantly washing away all kinds of rare materials, refining them into elixir energy, and then these elixir energy combines with the mist, transforming into clouds of vague gaseous giant dragons.

The entire process of refining the elixir is actually a process of continuously purifying these vague "dragon air masses".

It is not until all the "dragon air masses" gradually become clear and turn into lifelike dragon mimics that the entire refining process is finally completed.

Therefore, all changes and reactions actually occur on the surface of Suyu Yunchi.

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