Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1970 Infinite Mysteries

Guren slowly dived.

Sure enough, with the support of Jiujiu Liansheng's golden elixir, the huge pressure in the lake could not help the two of them at all. They even did not feel any pressure at all. This was the same as when Lu Yu dived last time. The bones were crackling under the pressure, creating a sharp contrast.

In the lake, Fu Jing soon discovered the "patch" that Lu Yu was talking about. As expected, the composition of the rules of this "patch" was not complicated, and it seemed that even she could understand it at a glance.

However, this is just a superficial phenomenon.

As long as you think about it carefully, you will find that the location of these "patches" is very subtle. The distribution between "patches" and "patches" implies a certain pattern, which seems to hide endless mysteries. The mystery of this makes Fu Jing deeply aware. Shocking...

However, before she could comprehend the clues, the two of them had already reached the bottom of the lake.

Before I could see clearly last time, I was sent away by a strange force. This time I can finally see what's going on...

The terrain here is very strange, resembling a huge turtle carapace. The lines on the carapace form very special characters. If you observe carefully... Fu Jing suddenly feels very familiar!

She turned her head to look at Lu Yu in surprise, and said in amazement, "Are the patches you put on them distributed according to the rules guided by these characters?"

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "That's what I said! This is actually very simple. There are ready-made drawings here. I just need to follow them. Even if it were you, it wouldn't be a problem."

Fu Jing was silent for a while.

Although Lu Yu said it lightly, she knew that this was not the case. Putting aside the other details, even if these characters were really a "drawing", it would not be easy to understand the drawing. What's more, the last time the two of them went deep into the bottom of the lake, there was only a brief glimpse of the whole process, and even she only saw a vague influence. It is simply impossible to write down and understand all this...

Perhaps, only this god-like guy can do all this...

"This is actually just a part of it. There are other places. Let's go to other places and have a look!" Lu Yu said again.

Fu Jing nodded: "Okay."

So the two pushed Honglian and slowly moved forward along the turtle-back-shaped bottom of the lake. Soon they reached the edge of the entire lake and there was no way out.

Fu Jing was about to ask Lu Yu what to do next. Unexpectedly, they crossed the edge directly under the influence of inertia and reached a new turtle-back-shaped terrain. The original "turtle back" was no longer there. It was as if they suddenly entered another brand new world from one world.

Fu Jing was surprised, but Lu Yu showed a happy smile: "It's true! Let me just say, the content I saw last time was incomplete, no wonder my crack failed..."

Fu Jing asked: "What on earth is going on?"

Lu Yu said: "How to put it... To put it simply, the device at the bottom of the lake is actually sealed. Everything we see now is the mystery of this seal. Only by completely unlocking this seal can we see it. The true face of... I tried to crack it once before, but it failed. The reason is that I didn't see all the mysteries. This time we have to look at all the mysteries first, and then try to crack it again!"

Fu Jing found it unbelievable and said in astonishment: "Is the Suyu Cloud Pond not naturally formed? If it is a seal, doesn't it mean that all this is man-made... Then who sealed this device and then Does it stay here?"

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly: "I also want to know who did all this... As long as this seal is cracked, the truth will naturally be revealed!"

The two of them continued to swim forward, silently writing down various characters and information on the turtle's back.

After a while, the turtle back also reached the edge. The two tried to move forward, and unexpectedly entered a new turtle-like terrain just like before.

"It seems that there are quite a lot of mysteries here." Fu Jing said.

Lu Yu said: "Go on, write it down first and then talk about it!"

So the two of them continued moving forward.

The next similar scene repeated itself. Whenever they reached the edge, they would break through the original boundaries and reach another turtle-shaped terrain. From the character information on the terrain surface, it can be seen that this is a brand new terrain... ...It was like this after walking through seven or eight places in a row. Although the scenes kept repeating, the character information on them was always brand new.

Even Lu Yu couldn't help but feel strange at this time, but he didn't say anything. His brain was working rapidly and he recorded every character of information accurately.

Fu Jing also wanted to try to crack the seal at first, but soon she found that it was difficult for her to even write down the character information, let alone process and crack it. This was simply not possible for her. I was just I had to give up and honestly play the role of assisting Lu Yu.

Soon after, the ninth turtle-back terrain also reached its end.

Fu Jing couldn't help but remind: "One hour is almost up. If we continue to move forward, I'm afraid it will be too late to get back to Miss Zhenzhen..."

Lu Yu looked at the border in front of him and said, "Let's go over and take a look to see if there are any new mysteries ahead."

So, the two of them swam towards the dead end border in front of them.

The result was no surprise, they arrived in a brand new space.

"It seems there really is a tenth one... I wonder how many mysteries there are in total here?" Fu Jing said.

Lu Yu said: "Let's go further and have a look!"

"But there's no time left..."

"From now on, we will not remember the information on the riddles, but only count the number of riddles."

"Even so, I'm afraid there won't be enough time to go back..."

"Don't worry, I have a solution for this!" Lu Yu assured.

Seeing Lu Yu say this, Fu Jing had no choice but to agree.

So the two of them worked together to speed up the swim.

After there was no need to record the character information on the entire turtle's back in detail, the speed was indeed much faster, and the two of them quickly broke through the eleventh riddle.

Next is the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth...

Time is getting shorter and shorter, but the speed of the two of them is getting faster and faster. In the end, they even need only one breath to break through the scope of a mystery.

The two of them were extremely shocked. In fact, the range he passed through was far beyond the lake surface of Suyu Yunchi. Unexpectedly, he still did not reach the end. I really don’t know how these turtle-like terrains are distributed. …

Finally, they came to the twenty-fifth riddle, but they still didn't know if this was the end of all riddles.

"Okay, let's stop here! There is no time!" Fu Jing reminded again.

Lu Yu did not persist this time and immediately stopped, hovering in the middle of the twenty-fifth mystery.

Fu Jing raised her head to look up and said, "If we swim up from here, will it still be our original position?"

Lu Yu said: "I don't know where this corresponds, but we don't need to try it. I have a more reliable method... If my judgment is correct, as long as the crack fails, we will be sent back to The original place.”

After speaking, Lu Yu directed his mind and consciousness towards the turtle-like terrain under his feet.

In an instant, he learned all the information on the entire terrain - it was in this way that he had mastered extremely large and complex information in a quick glance.

And when his mind reached the boundary and wanted to continue to expand, suddenly a strong resistance came, which not only prevented the expansion of his mind, but also produced a very strange force on the entire terrain, which will He and Fu Jing's bodies were pushed out suddenly.

The next moment, the two of them felt the world spinning.

Then they found themselves being sucked into a whirlpool. After a period of ups and downs, they were sent back to the surface of the lake, exactly where they first started diving.

The two of them looked at each other as the waves gradually calmed down, and could not help but be stunned and speechless for a moment.

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