Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1972 Advanced Direction

After a while, Lu Yu finally finished a stage of operation, and the alchemy furnace entered a stable period again.

He turned around, looked at Fu Jing standing behind him and Cui Zhenzhen, who was sleeping peacefully, and asked in surprise: "She fell asleep again?"

Fu Jing said: "What do you mean? She has been suffering for several days in a row before this, okay? Considering her cultivation level, this is already very commendable... Do you think that everyone is like you, made of iron?" Can’t do it?”

Lu Yu laughed dumbly: "It was me who got dizzy... You don't know, the last time I separated from her, she also fell asleep like this..."

Fu Jing rolled her eyes at him angrily: "How dare you say that? Miss Cui is so unlucky to have you as a teacher..."

Lu Yu didn't answer, shook his head and smiled, his eyes soon became deeper.

Seeing him like this, Fu Jing knew that he was starting to think about the mysterious things underwater again, and couldn't help but persuade him: "Would you like to take a rest too? Don't think about cracking the seal yet..."

Lu Yu glanced at her and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I know what you are worried about! When we were at the bottom of the lake, we were activating the Nine-Nine Lotus Life and recording the character information of the mystery. These things are indeed very energy-consuming, but I This person's natural spiritual power is stronger than others, it doesn't matter..."

Fu Jing was still worried. She naturally knew that Lu Yu's spiritual will was extremely powerful, but processing the mysterious information at the bottom of the lake also required a huge amount of energy... and asked, "Is it really okay?"

"Don't worry, when I really can't stand it anymore, I will sleep to death like her." Lu Yu pointed to Cui Zhenzhen on the ground and said, "If that situation really happens, you will need to use your ethereal spirit at that time. The realm has come to restore me..."

Fu Jing couldn't help but blush slightly and said, "Then I might as well just recover for you now..."

After saying that, she looked at Cui Zhenzhen aside, hesitated for a moment, and then silently leaned next to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu's body froze slightly, then relaxed again and hugged her.

The two were closely attached to each other, and each felt the other's needs.

In fact, not only was Lu Yu's consumption huge, but the entire process at the bottom of the lake was also huge for Fu Jing. Although she had always been in a position of assistance, being able to cooperate with Lu Yu meant a lot. High threshold.

The ethereal realm was successfully activated, and the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth was continuously inhaled into the two people's bodies.

"I have a question..." Lu Yu suddenly asked.

"What are you asking?" Fu Jing said.

"Actually, Madam once warned me not to allow me to recuperate with you in this way, saying that it would overwhelm your body and even endanger your life... Is this true?"

Fu Jing glanced at him and asked: "Then you have tried so many times with her, have you overstretched her body? Endangered her life?"

Lu Yu said: "Her situation is different from yours. As you know, she had a very special experience in the Hades Temple. It can be said that the Hades Temple has specially cultivated her, so there is no need to worry about this. "

"You believe everything she says?" Fu Jing said, "No matter how special the experience is, this ethereal state is also one of the effects of the Miaoling Qiju. To put it bluntly, it is a way to use the power of the Guanlan clan's bloodline. "

Lu Yu said in surprise: "You mean, she deliberately lied to me?"

Fu Jing said: "It's not enough to lie to you. Perhaps according to her understanding, this is indeed no different from letting me die slowly... Because when we interact like this, the power in my body will undergo some attribute changes, and this This transformation is irreversible.”

"Attribute change?"

Fu Jing continued: "How should I explain it to you? You also know that I have now entered the second stage of the awakening of bloodline power. This stage is actually very critical. It is at the intersection of two very important branches..."

"One branch is like what we are doing now, which changes the power attribute to a partial auxiliary nature; as for the other branch, it is a completely different attribute. It pursues pure original power, such as the previous repair of the laws of heaven and earth. Strength becomes another branch..."

"What my mother wants me to take is actually the latter path. Therefore, our current actions will definitely be considered by her as a stain on the power of my blood... But she actually She doesn’t understand that all this is not as simple as she imagined. Neither of these two branches will lead to the end easily!”

Lu Yu was stunned.

Unexpectedly, the bloodline power of the Guanlan clan would undergo such incredible changes. These two completely different branch directions actually represent two completely different advancement directions.

"What about you? Which branch do you want to take?" Lu Yu asked again.

Fu Jing looked at him silently without saying a word, his eyes as clear as water filled with affection.

Lu Yu said sternly: "Don't look at me like this, I understand what you mean... But it's best to ask your own heart for this kind of thing. Don't wrong yourself just to cater to me or your mother. That will only make you worse." Counterproductive!”

Fu Jing said softly: "What if... I don't feel wronged?"

Lu Yu felt his heartstrings were lightly touched and said: "Actually, no matter which branch you choose, it will be of great help to me. In short, you have to think carefully... Anyway, there is still something to consider about this matter. There is no need to rush for time.”


Neither of them spoke anymore, each thinking about his own thoughts.

In fact, Fu Jing really wanted to talk to Lu Yu about the issue of sealing the riddle and tell him some of his previous thoughts. However, seeing that he was so focused, he ultimately did not disturb him, so as not to interrupt his train of thought.

Presumably with his wisdom, he must have considered everything that he can consider.

Fu Jing comforted herself like this.

Therefore, Lu Yu seemed to turn into a puppet. Until he regained his strength and Fu Jing took the initiative to end the state of the ethereal realm, he still stood there blankly, looking like he was concentrating on thinking.

Only when the clouds in the sky change and each giant dragon cloud needs a new round of purification, will Lu Yu leave the place and stand on the operating table again to start operating dizzyingly.

Seeing this scene, Fu Jingcai finally breathed a sigh of relief. At least Lu Yu was not completely caught up in the mystery of the seal. He was still thinking about business... It's just that he could use such a complicated pill even if he was distracted. The refining process was so easy that Fu Jing didn't know what to say for a while.

Therefore, Lu Yu maintained two postures from now on, either dazzlingly manipulating the natural alchemy furnace, or standing still and contemplating, without any unnecessary words or paying attention to any external objects.

Even when Cui Zhenzhen woke up, he was still indifferent. He neither continued to explain to her nor explained anything to her.

Cui Zhenzhen didn't understand why she got up. She came to Fu Jing's side with an aggrieved look and asked in a low voice: "Miss Fu, did I do something bad that made him angry? Why has he been ignoring me? ?”

Fu Jing smiled helplessly and said: "He is also ignoring me now... Don't pay attention to him. This actually has nothing to do with you. He is having a headache about the relocation, and there are still some problems that he has not figured out..."

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