Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1973 It’s time to get to work

For the next period of time, Lu Yu behaved like this all the time. In addition to refining alchemy, he just thought about it. He seemed to be immersed in his own world.

Fu Jing originally thought that after Cui Zhenzhen woke up, Lu Yu would look for opportunities to continue exploring the bottom of the lake to further understand the mysterious conditions at the bottom of the lake. However, Lu Yu made no such request.

It's not like he didn't let Cui Zhenzhen take over, but even when Cui Zhenzhen took over, he just sat alone and thought, and didn't mention going deep into the bottom of the lake again. It seemed that he had forgotten that there were many things at the bottom of the lake. The mystery has not been fully explored.

Fu Jing and Cui Zhenzhen were a little worried at first, but as time went by, they found that Lu Yu had no other problems except that he seemed taciturn. At least he was not messy about the refining process of the alchemy furnace, and every step of the operation was done. They were all accurate... and the two of them gradually relaxed.

This went on for three days.

On the third day, Lu Yu suddenly said: "Zhenzhen, get ready. I will take you out of here later."

Cui Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment: "Where are you going?"

"Feng Hezhou." Lu Yu agreed briefly.

Then, it began to send a stream of green energy into the air. The green energy continued to break and explode in the air, which was exactly the method of "green-yellow grafting".

It turns out that the elixir in the natural elixir furnace has matured and it is time to harvest.

As the green and yellow energy alternated in the air, dragon mimics continued to roll down, condensing into the shape of pills suspended in the air.

Next it's just a matter of picking the pills.

Fu Jing and Cui Zhenzhen were about to help Lu Yu and flew into the air to collect these pills. However, before the two of them could take action, Lu Yu suddenly shouted, and suddenly the clouds cracked, the sky swayed, and each pill took shape. The Red Flame Dragon Controlling Pill seemed to have fallen into a funnel, rolling down towards his direction from all directions.

"No need to go to such trouble, I have an easier way!" Lu Yu said with a shrug.

Cui Zhenzhen couldn't help but be stunned and speechless. She didn't expect that he could still collect pills like this. She had no clue about this operation at all.

Fu Jing saw the secret and frowned: "Did you dismantle the entire natural alchemy furnace?"

Lu Yu said matter-of-factly: "If you don't demolish it, why are you keeping it? They're already moving out anyway!"

Fu Jing's eyes suddenly lit up: "Have you figured it out? Do you know how to break the seal at the bottom of the lake?"

Lu Yu answered truthfully: "It can only be said that I already have a clue. As for whether it can be cracked successfully, I won't know until I try it... However, I never thought that this seal would be difficult for me!"

After all, he has already unlocked the more complicated Xuanyang Dao Lock. This lake bottom seal may seem incredible to Fu Jing, but in Lu Yu's view, it is still not as difficult as the Xuanyang Dao Lock. At most, it is It just takes more of his time.

Seeing Lu Yu's attitude, Fu Jing felt more settled. In any case, Lu Yu seemed to have returned to his normal state now, and he talked more. It seemed that he had indeed made a lot of progress.

The Red Flame Dragon Taming Pills were like grain in a barn, and they kept rustling down. In less than a moment, they piled up like a hill in front of the three of them.

As Lu Yu said, this collection efficiency is indeed higher.

Lu Yu directly took out the iron box presented by Guo Kun and put all the elixirs into the storage space inside the iron box. Although he was very dissatisfied with the manufacturing process of this iron box, he had to say that at this time, it It works really well.

"Take it!"

After all the elixirs were collected, Lu Yu handed the iron box to Cui Zhenzhen's hand and said: "Next, I will use a spell to send you away. Of course, it cannot be sent directly to Fenghezhou... My spell will send you halfway, where Ning Wanqing will pick you up. When the time comes, ask Ning Wanqing to call her sister Ning Wanxuan, and then give this box to Ning Wanxuan... I understand. ?"

Cui Zhenzhen nodded blankly, carefully put the iron box away, and asked, "What happens next?"

"Then naturally follow Ning Wanxuan back to Fenghezhou. There is no need to come back here!" Lu Yu replied, "By the way, you ask Ning Wanqing to go back with you. There is no need to stay at the transit station to deliver news. , when you get to Fenghe Province, let Ning Wanxuan take you into the Miracle Treasure!"

"Miracle treasure?" Cui Zhenzhen was stunned. "With my strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything up there, right?"

Although she only stayed in Fenghe State for a moment, she still heard some news about the miraculous treasure. She knew that the first batch of selected people were actually all at the level of Grand Duke and above. If she also entered Among them, it is definitely a little green among thousands of flowers.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "There are so many things you can do! Do you think that if I want to move Suyu Yunchi, where will my final destination be? Of course I have to move the inside of the miracle treasure, and it will inevitably be necessary when the time comes. Your help... Of course, if you have the chance, I still hope you can hit the realm of cultivation. If you can break through to a higher realm, you can help even more!"

"I understand!" Cui Zhenzhen said seriously, "Sir, I will definitely improve my cultivation as soon as possible!"

"Just do your best, and don't force it too hard. You can't rush this kind of thing." Lu Yu said.

As he spoke, he waved his hand to draw a brilliant band of light, surrounding Cui Zhenzhen - since there was no natural alchemy furnace, he did not need to go out of the Canyon of the Dead to use the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape.

"Okay, hurry up. Ning Wanxuan is probably already waiting for the rice to be cooked. Get it to her as soon as possible!"

Cui Zhenzhen nodded, followed the guidance of the light belt, and stepped forward.

"Sir, can the entire Suyu Cloud Pond really be moved away?" Just as he was taking off, Cui Zhenzhen suddenly turned around and asked Lu Yu.

"Of course!" Lu Yu replied without hesitation, "This work is indeed difficult, but it can't be difficult for me. At most, it will only take a few more days!"

"Okay, then Zhenzhen is waiting for the news of your victorious return in the Miracle Treasure..." Cui Zhenzhen shouted, her voice mixed with the sound of wind, following the colorful light belt that quickly drifted away.

Only Lu Yu and Fu Jing were left at the scene.

Without the cover of the alchemy furnace barrier, the surrounding air gradually became clearer and somewhat returned to its original state.

Lu Yu clapped his hands and said, "Okay, now it's time for us to work!"

Fu Jing asked: "What are you going to do?"

Lu Yu rolled up his sleeves and said, "I don't know exactly what to do yet... Anyway, let's break the seal here first!"

Fu Jing was stunned: "You want to break the seal directly?" She thought she heard wrong.

However, Lu Yu's eyes reflected a confident and sharp light, and he confirmed: "Not bad! Let's break the seal directly!"

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