Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1974 Acceleration at the bottom of the lake

"But don't we still have many mysteries that we haven't explored yet?" Fu Jing reminded.

"Yes, there are many more..." Lu Yu said: "To be precise, the total number of mysteries should be 46,656, and we have only explored eleven of them, leaving 46,000. Six hundred and forty-five dollars have not been explored. If we go by our previous efficiency, it will take at least several years to explore them all."

Fu Jing couldn't help but widen her eyes and looked at Lu Yu in surprise, wondering where he got these numbers.

Lu Yu didn't show off and explained: "I got this number through calculation. Although there are many mysteries at the bottom of the lake, the changes between different riddles are regular. All the laws are hidden in the first six Among the puzzle pieces, the remaining 46,000 pieces are all evolved on the basis of the first six pieces. As long as the first six pieces are known, the rest can be deduced through calculation. "

Fu Jing was stunned. It was very difficult for her to understand the character information on the riddle. She didn't expect that Lu Yu could summarize the patterns on it. Anyway, she couldn't see any patterns at all, and it was just unbelievable for her for a moment.

Lu Yu continued: "Do you still remember the last mystery before we left the bottom of the lake?"

Fu Jing nodded and said, "That's twenty-five yuan."

"Yes, it's exactly twenty-five yuan!" Lu Yu said: "There was not much time at that time. In order to come back before the agreed time, we took advantage of the rule that if we failed to crack the code, we would be sent back to where we were... Although I was just I cracked it randomly, but at the moment when my mind and consciousness interacted with the seal at the bottom of the lake, I still learned all the information on the puzzle at that time. "

"According to the rules I summarized, the information on the twenty-fifth puzzle just verified my inference. The information on it was exactly the same as the information I calculated. It can be seen that the information I summarized The rules are feasible.”

Fu Jing was stunned and said: "But even if the verification is correct, it is only twenty-five yuan. How can you know that the total number of riddles is more than 46,000?"

Lu Yu said: "As long as the law is correct, then we can naturally calculate the limit of its change through this law... It is a coincidence that I happened to study a law similar to this in the past. Do you still remember the infinite circle spell I used? Right? In fact, it took me a long time to master this spell. At the beginning, I didn’t master it in one step, but its semi-finished product - the six-pointed star array."

"Simply put, the six-pointed star array makes full use of the hexagonal rules. Now think carefully about the terrains we saw at the bottom of the lake. Are they all hexagonal in shape?"

Fu Jing thought about it carefully and found that the overall terrain at the bottom of the lake was indeed in the shape of a turtle's back. Each small piece of carapace on it was hexagonal, and when many small pieces of carapace were spliced ​​together, the overall shape was also the same. A large hexagon.

"Yes..." Fu Jing replied.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "I have some experience with the changes in the hexagonal rules. The limit of its evolution is at most six to the sixth power. In this way, it happens to be forty-six thousand six hundred and five sixteen!"

Fu Jing was stunned for a while.

But she also knew that this had touched upon her blind spot of knowledge. This level of summary of rules was simply beyond what her mind could bear...

She shook her head and asked, "What if it wasn't like this? There wouldn't be any unforeseen circumstances?"

Lu Yu said: "There is no such thing as a surprise here. If it were not like this, then there would not be what we see in front of us."

Fu Jing was startled, then laughed again: "Although I still don't understand what you are saying, but since you are so confident, let's do what you want... What should we do next?"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "Having confidence is one thing, but whether it is really the case or not, we have to verify it before we know... Next, let's find out these 46,656 pieces of the puzzle first! "

So, the two came to the lake surface of Suyu Yunchi, and after activating the golden elixir of Jiujiu Liansheng again, they began to dive slowly.

After a while, the two reached the turtle-back-shaped bottom of the lake again.

When he first arrived here, Fu Jing saw nothing.

Coming here for the second time, Fu Jing was deeply shocked by the mystery and grandeur here, and her heart was filled with emotions of fear and awe.

But this time, perhaps because of Lu Yu's conclusive tone just now, she suddenly felt that this place was no longer as mysterious as before.

"In order to save time, I will divide the work... Later I will be responsible for pushing the acceleration with all my strength, and you will be responsible for counting. There is no need to remember the information on the puzzle faces, only the number of puzzle faces we passed... Do you understand?" Lu Yu said .

"Yes." Fu Jing nodded. Such a simple job naturally had no problem for her.

"Okay, now you can choose any direction." Lu Yu said again.

Fu Jing said: "Why should I choose? Is there any difference?"

Lu Yu said: "The difference lies in how many times we need to repeat a similar process... There are six directions here. If my calculation is correct, the best place to crack the seal should be at the end of a certain direction, that is to say , If we are lucky, we can succeed in one go, but if we are unlucky, a similar process may need to be repeated six times.”

Fu Jing was stunned: "So, you let me choose, just so that you can shirk responsibility when the time comes?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Clever! If you are really unlucky enough to have to repeat it six times, that's your problem too!"

Fu Jing glanced at him: "Then I will choose the same direction as last time, because you decided the direction last time. If you don't choose the direction, you also have the same responsibility!"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "Okay, at worst, I'll take the blame with you!"

So, Lu Yu started to push Honglian and swim in the same direction as last time.

While slowly accelerating, he said: "According to my calculations, there should be a total of 7,776 puzzle pieces in this direction. When we are about to reach the end, remember to remind me, otherwise we will be full of collisions. It’s so small, I’m afraid something will go wrong with the device at the bottom of the lake!”

"Okay, I remember it!"

The speed of the two gradually increased.

The environment at the bottom of the lake is different from other places. In fact, there is a huge pressure here. It is not easy to accelerate. Lu Yu also relied on the golden elixir properties of Jiujiu Liansheng to obtain a sustained and stable thrust. , so speeding up requires a certain process.

It wasn't until he entered the sixth riddle that his speed made a qualitative leap, and he could travel through a riddle in a few breaths.




Fu Jing remembered Lu Yu's instructions. Every time he entered a new puzzle, he not only kept the numbers in mind, but also counted them clearly.

There was no problem in doing so at the beginning, but as the chase continued, the speed of the two became faster and faster, and the serial numbers of the riddles became larger and larger. After reaching the 100th riddle, Fu Jing had no time to open his mouth, because there were still Before she could finish speaking, the entire mystery had passed through, so she could only keep it silently in her mind.

The speed was getting faster and faster. When the number increased to one thousand, the one thousand in front of her eyes was like a fleeting glimpse. Fu Jing had no time to express her feelings. She didn't even dare to blink her eyes, because it would probably be over if she blinked. I missed several puzzles in a row.

"It's seven thousand!"

Fu Jing suddenly said urgently.

Before she could finish her words, she immediately added: "Seven thousand one hundred! Seven thousand two hundred! Seven thousand three hundred..."

After Lu Yu heard this, he immediately adjusted the direction of Honglian's rotation, causing it to generate a reaction force and achieve the effect of deceleration.

The two forces came back and forth, all acting on the two of them, causing their bodies to shake suddenly, as if they were struck by lightning.

Fortunately, they finally achieved the deceleration effect and quickly slowed down.

Fu Jing couldn't care less about the churning internal organs. She stared straight ahead and kept counting silently.

"Seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-six!"

Finally, when they reached the boundary of the 7776th puzzle piece, the two stopped smoothly.

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