Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1975 The final answer

"We've really reached the border!"

Fu Jing stretched out his hand and gently touched the boundary. There was a real touch on his hand, which never penetrated directly like before. This meant that there was no new mystery ahead.

The 7776th puzzle piece is the limit in this direction, just as Lu Yu had judged before.

"You are indeed right, seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-six, exactly no more and no less!" Fu Jing exclaimed.

"Then it depends on our luck!" Lu Yu said.

After saying that, he took a deep breath and put on his posture.

According to his judgment, there is only a one-sixth chance of directly breaking the seal here.

Although Fu Jing didn't know exactly what he would do, seeing his posture, she couldn't help but become nervous and involuntarily grasped Lu Yu's hand.

Lu Yu's face was full of solemnity. Just when Fu Jing thought he was about to start cracking, Lu Yu suddenly relaxed, turned back to look at her, and smiled: "Don't be nervous, even if the cracking fails, we will just go back to where we were." It’s just a place, there won’t be much loss!”

Fu Jing couldn't help but slap him: "You're so annoying! Can you stop being so surprised?"

So, Lu Yu regained his posture.

Frankly speaking, he himself was a little excited. Perhaps in tens of thousands of years, no one had ever reached such a situation like him. He also wanted to know what kind of secrets were hidden behind all this.

After a while, Lu Yu suddenly relaxed again and turned to look at Fu Jing.

Fu Jing thought he was teasing her again, and she was so angry that she asked, "Are you finished? Can you crack it properly?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "It's been cracked!"

Fu Jing was stunned for a moment: "Has the crack been cracked? Then we..."

Lu Yu said: "Since we have not been sent back to where we came from, it means that the crack has worked... I didn't expect to be so lucky that I won the prize in one bet! It seems that neither of us will have to take the blame!"

"You mean we have successfully cracked the seal?" Fu Jing said in surprise, "But if the crack is successful, why is there no reaction?"

"Wait and see!" Lu Yu said, "After all, we are now in the 7776th puzzle piece. It is not easy for it to react immediately..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was suddenly a rumble under his feet, as if the earth was shaking violently.

Fu Jing looked around blankly, but for a moment he didn't notice any changes in his surroundings. He didn't know where the rumbling sound came from.

Lu Yu seemed to feel something, and suddenly said to Fu Jing: "Hold me tight!"

Fu Jing quickly followed her words and hugged Lu Yu tightly. She thought that violent shocks and impacts were about to follow, but she didn't expect that Lu Yu suddenly withdrew Jiujiuliansheng's golden elixir in front of her. Real scene.

You must know that the pressure at the bottom of the lake is extremely powerful. Without the support of the Nine-Nine Lotus Golden Pill, even the bones on the body will be crushed to pieces... Now that Lu Yu has made such a move, isn't he seeking death?

However, the reality once again exceeded her expectations.

As the real scene of Jiujiu Liansheng's golden elixir disappeared, strong pressure did come, but the intensity of this pressure was not as strong as before. It was far from the point where it would crush the bones. Even Fu Jing was stunned. Be able to withstand this pressure without any problems.

At the same time, this pressure is gradually weakening.

Only then did Fu Jing realize that it was not that the surroundings had not changed, but that the changes were invisible to the naked eye. The pressure at the bottom of the lake had indeed become smaller, and it was changing at an extremely fast speed.

"What's going on?" Fu Jing was surprised.

"I think this should be the scene where the seal is broken that you are looking forward to." Lu Yu replied.

After another moment, changes visible to the naked eye finally appeared.

It turns out that the lake water has receded rapidly from unknown time, and the height of the water surface is within reach of the two of them. No wonder the pressure at the bottom of the lake has become so small. It turns out that the liquid essence is almost drying up.

At the same time, the turtle-like terrain under his feet also began to shrink sharply. In just the blink of an eye, it shrank to only the foothold of the two of them.

Before the two of them could figure out what was going on, they felt a spinning sensation. This time, they were no longer involved in the whirlpool, but the entire space was constantly twisting and rotating. It's like falling into a constantly folding space-time tunnel.

I don’t know how much time passed, but everything finally calmed down again.

Fu Jing was surprised to find that the lake of liquid essence had disappeared, and the original turtle-like terrain had also disappeared. They came to a completely unfamiliar scene.

"Where is this?" Fu Jing asked in shock.

Lu Yu looked up and looked around and replied: "I think this is the true face of Suyu Yunchi!"

Fu Jing was stunned, and then looked around. Only then did he realize that the nearby terrain was indeed the mountain top of the Canyon of the Dead. They were at the bottom of the entire canyon. According to the original terrain, this place should be right. It is the center of the Suyu Cloud Pond, but now the entire Suyu Cloud Pond has disappeared...

In her impression, they crossed 7,776 mysterious terrains at the bottom of the lake. Based on the distance, they should have been thousands of miles away. Unexpectedly, they were just spinning in circles the entire time.

Fu Jing was so surprised that he was speechless.

At this time, Lu Yu suddenly squatted on the ground and observed something attentively under his feet.

Fu Jing followed his gaze and found that there was a strange sphere beside them.

This sphere is not regular. It is composed of many hexagons. Each hexagonal plane is interlocking and the structure is extremely ingenious. When Fu Jing saw it, he couldn't help but think of what Lu Yu said - the ultimate use of the hexagonal rule.

Although the specific material cannot be seen, it can be seen at a glance that it is definitely an extraordinary creation.

"Is this the final answer?" Fu Jing asked in astonishment: "Is the lake bottom device of Su Yu Yunchi evolved from it? We have been exploring on these spheres before?"

Lu Yu frowned and nodded gently: "It seems to be like this..."

Fu Jing felt incredible: "How is this possible? It's so small!"

It must be said that this is indeed far from the lake bottom device in her impression.

"Size has never been the key factor in determining strength." Lu Yu replied, "You also saw the iron box I gave to Zhenzhen before. It was only the size of a palm, but it could hold piles of pills... and this thing, its structural principle is tens of thousands of times more complicated than that iron box!" Fu Jing saw that Lu Yu seemed to have a different expression, and couldn't help but tremble slightly, and asked: "Have you figured out its origin?" Lu Yu nodded with difficulty: "As for who put it here, I can't answer this question now... But as for the specific manufacturing process, it happens that I have seen similar manufacturing processes in other places in the past, and I know who made it!" "Who?" Fu Jing asked. Lu Yu exhaled gently: "The Demon Spirit Clan."

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