Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1976 Six Peptide Rubik's Cube

"The Demon Spirit Clan? One of the five ancient celestial clans?" Fu Jing was astonished.

Lu Yu nodded slowly: "Yes."

In fact, his knowledge of the Demon Spirit Clan naturally came from the original ancestors Yunxiao and Li Fuyun. According to the words of the ancestors Yunxiao, Li Fuyun is a genuine descendant of the Demon Spirit Clan. As for whether he is a Demon Spirit Clan, his statement is ambiguous.

But in short, he holds the key inheritance of the Demon Spirit Clan. Whether it is the Fuyun Palace or his mechanical arm, they all come from the most top-notch achievements of the Demon Spirit Clan. Lu Yu's so-called similar manufacturing process is also derived from his mechanical arm.

When he was in the original world, the ancestors Yunxiao had shown the power of the mechanical arm in front of him more than once without reservation. The precise and ingenious structural style is extremely similar to the sphere in front of him, which makes Lu Yu involuntarily associate the two together.

Just like the creations of the Dragon God Clan have their own unique style, in Lu Yu's opinion, this similar style of the two can be called the "Demon Spirit Clan style."

"Didn't you say that the five ancient celestial races have disappeared now? The Demon Spirit Clan... They should have been active earlier than the Storm Clan, right? How could such a device be left here?" Fu Jing asked.

Lu Yu said: "Disappearing is only relative to their past glory, they are not really completely extinct... In fact, in my cultivation experience, I have had some intersections with these five races to a greater or lesser extent. Maybe their most glorious era has passed, but the influence they left behind is still there, and many of their descendants are trying their best to find the possibility of revival... Doesn't this sound similar to you?"

Fu Jing was stunned.

Indeed, since she learned the mystery of her life experience, she has always had a persistent goal, that is, she hopes to revive the Guanlan Empire. This is the same for both her and her mother, but with the help of Lu Yu, this goal has been close to realization.

Now she has adjusted her new goal, that is, she hopes to find the source of the Guanlan clan and complete the long-cherished wish that the Supreme Power did not complete at the time.

Lu Yu continued, "Every species hopes to continue over the long river of time. This is the characteristic of the species, and no one can be an exception..."

"However, as for the device in front of us, whether it was placed here by the Demon Spirit Clan is still a matter of debate. We can only confirm that it uses the manufacturing technology of the Demon Spirit Clan, and we cannot even be sure whether it was made by the Demon Spirit Clan..."

"As far as I know, it is not only the Demon Spirit Clan that now has the inheritance of the Demon Spirit Clan's technology. My old rival, the Bixiao Palace, has mastered some of the very sophisticated Demon Spirit Clan's technology."

When he said the last sentence, Lu Yu's tone became cold involuntarily.

The Bixiao Palace's plan to transform the Huangtian World into a star field weapon ultimately originated from the technology of the Demon Spirit Clan. If not, he would not have left his hometown and ended up in this situation.

" you mean that it might have been placed here by the Bixiao Palace?" Fu Jing asked.

"Considering the collusion between the Underworld Temple and the Thousand Eyes God, it is not impossible." Lu Yu replied.

"What's their purpose?" Fu Jing frowned and said, "If their purpose is to create the Su Yu Yunchi here, in fact, they have never managed this place, but let it be occupied by the Great Evil Empire..." Lu Yu said, "This is just a matter of the last few hundred years, right? What about before that? Even before that... For example, when your Guanlan Dynasty did not even exist?" Fu Jing was stunned: "Could it be that all this is related to our Guanlan clan?" Lu Yu said, "I didn't say that. I just want to express that we can't rule out any possibility now... In fact, if you want to know whether all this is related to the Bixiao Palace, there is a simplest way to verify it..." "What method?" "That is to take it away directly, and then see what kind of changes will occur in the future, and what kind of reactions will the Bixiao Palace and the Underworld Palace have. At that time, it will be clear at a glance!" Lu Yu said. "This should not be easy, right?" Fu Jing asked. Although this sphere is not large, it gives people a very strange feeling, as if it has taken root and is integrated with the laws of the surrounding heaven and earth. It is very difficult to pry it, let alone take it away completely. "It's not easy, but how can we know if we don't try?"

As he spoke, Lu Yu had already pressed his hand on the strange sphere.

In an instant, the wind and clouds in the sky suddenly changed, and the wind rose from the ground, and dark clouds gathered from all directions.

Fu Jing looked up in surprise, and then she found that the sky had become overcast in an instant, as if a storm was about to come.

Lu Yu was not moved at all, and smiled lightly: "Interesting..."

As he spoke, he pressed his other hand on the sphere, and both hands began to exert force at the same time, trying to lift it from the ground.


Thunder sounded, and the dark clouds turned into a rolling thunder vortex, which actually brewed a heavenly calamity right above their heads!

Fu Jing's color suddenly changed. She had just seen a similar scene not long ago. The power of the Heavenly Tribulation was such that Qianyanyanjun and Peacock Mingwang did not dare to challenge him - although Lu Yu's Jiujiu Liansheng's golden elixir could. To resist, you must be prepared in advance, and you must not be distracted during the process of resisting.

"A Feng! It's dangerous! Stop!" Fu Jing reminded loudly.

However, Lu Yu remained unmoved. He continued to exert force with his hands and said without looking back: "Come and help!"

"How can I help?" Fu Jing asked in confusion.

"Use your best ability!" Lu Yu said, "Aren't you able to repair the laws of the great world? Since you can repair it, then destruction should not be a problem at all... This sphere has been deeply integrated with the surrounding laws of the great world. I Its movement is regarded as a threat to the entire world, so this situation is created. You can find a way to help me cut off this connection between them!"

" should I cut it?"

"Cut whatever you want! Cut whatever you want!" Lu Yu shouted loudly.

After being yelled at by him, Fu Jing instantly understood his intention. In fact, it was impossible to cut the two accurately like surgery in a hurry. I am afraid that even Lu Yu himself did not know the specific connection between the two at this time. Where, but as long as the surrounding laws of the world are weakened, it is equivalent to weakening the connection between the two.

So Fu Jing immediately activated the domain, and the power of blood in his body burst out. Suddenly, a line of ashes ignited in the void, and countless law characters shattered and separated.

As Lu Yu said, since she knows how to repair, she also knows how to destroy. Everything just depends on how she uses her power.

Soon, crisscrossing lines of wolf smoke and ashes ignited in the sky, and countless law characters fell like snow flakes. A scene similar to that in the Temple of Hades was staged here again.

In this way, the effect was immediate. The gathering speed of the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder overhead was immediately slowed down a lot... But it was only slowed down. The Heavenly Tribulation did not disappear. Everything Fu Jing did was only temporary. It just delays the process.

"No, it's too late! Give up first! Then think of other ways!" Seeing the catastrophe approaching, Fu Jing persuaded him again.

Although her power can destroy the laws of the great world, this destruction is also limited. With her power, it is not enough to carve a big hole in the original intact laws of heaven and earth.

Lu Yu gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Keep on holding on, it will be fine soon!"

Fu Jing had no choice but to grit his teeth and continue to buy time for him.

The thunder in the sky was getting closer and closer, forming a whirlpool and completely surrounding the two of them.

Gradually, Fu Jing had no room to operate at all, and saw that the terrifying power of the catastrophe was about to completely devour the two of them.

At this time, Lu Yu finally finished his wrestling with the strange sphere and picked it up from the ground.

As the ball lifted off the ground, an incredible scene happened. The thunderbolt stopped abruptly less than half a foot away from the two people, and then quickly faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the sky cleared up, the sun was shining, and the sky was blue... It seemed like two completely different worlds from the scene just now!

Fu Jing looked at the incredible scene and was so surprised that he was completely speechless.

However, Lu Yu didn't care about this. He turned the strange sphere over in his hand and saw a line of small words on the bottom of the sphere, just like its signature.

"Six Peptide Rubik's Cube..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but read softly.

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