Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1977 The World Changes

"Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube?"

Fu Jing came back to her senses and looked at the sphere in Lu Yu's hand: "Is this its name?"

Lu Yu nodded, his eyes still locked on the line of small characters at the bottom. It seemed that those characters were not just simple characters, but also contained other more complex information.

"Why such a strange name..." Fu Jing couldn't help but mumbled, "The Rubik's Cube is easy to understand, but what does hexapeptide mean?"

"Perhaps you can only answer this question by asking someone from the Demon Spirit Clan." Lu Yu said.

Fu Jing asked: "Then what are you looking at?" As he said that, he moved his head over.

Lu Yu then handed over the Rubik's Cube in his hand: "Here, see for yourself!"

Fu Jing was startled. The scene just now left a deep shadow on her. How could she dare to touch it so easily?

"It's okay, take it!" Lu Yu said: "It is now equivalent to an orphan without a father and a mother. It will be fine!"

Hearing this nondescript metaphor, Fu Jing glared at him angrily, but finally felt relieved and carefully took the Rubik's Cube.

To her surprise, the weight she got was not heavy. Fu Jing couldn't even feel its weight. It was really hard to imagine that such a light thing could have such great power... let alone the scale it had evolved before. Huge jade cloud pool.

She also looked at the line of small characters at the bottom carefully. Unfortunately, she didn't know this font at all, let alone interpret more information from it. She didn't know how Lu Yu identified the "Six Peptide Rubik's Cube" These are the words.

"I can't understand...what does it say?" Fu Jing asked.

Lu Yu shrugged and said: "I don't quite understand. It probably means that this thing is an important hub of something... I have tried my best and can only see so much. If I meet two old acquaintances in the future, maybe I can Ask them to help translate.”

Fu Jing was stunned and said: "Since it is an important hub, if we take it away like this, will there be any serious consequences?"

Lu Yu smiled disdainfully: "How serious can it be? Could it be more serious than just now?" Without waiting for Fu Jing to answer, he continued: "If we can't take it back and use it to develop the Ark on the Other Side. , then we will have serious consequences... As for here, even if there are problems later, I don’t know which company’s problem it is. I think there is a high probability that it is the trouble of Bixiao Shrine... We really don’t need to go to them. Damn this idleness!"

"Then... we just take it away like this?" Fu Jing asked.

"Isn't this the original purpose of our coming here?" Lu Yu said happily: "I can't wait to see it take root on the Ark on the other side!"

Fu Jing looked at the Rubik's Cube in his hand and said, "The Ark on the other side is indeed very big, but you have already seen the scene just now. Can your Ark... really be able to accommodate this Rubik's Cube?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "It seems that you still don't understand the strength of the Ark. Don't forget, when I arrived here on the Ark, I had a head-on collision with the laws of the entire world. You see it is now affected. Yet?"

"I admit that this little Rubik's Cube is indeed powerful, but it is at best one of the achievements of the Demon Spirit Clan. Perhaps it cannot be ranked among the many achievements of the Demon Spirit Clan... But the Ark on the Other Side is a dragon. The most pinnacle achievement of the Gods, if the Ark of the Other Side cannot accommodate this gadget, then there is no place that can accommodate it!”

Fu Jing said: "I'm also worried that there will be problems with the compatibility of the two... Since you are so confident, let's go back and install it quickly!"

With that said, she took the initiative to move closer to Lu Yu, preparing to let Lu Yu take her away.

In this world where there is no stable transmission channel, no escape method is as efficient as the Five Elements Escape of Heaven and Earth.

Lu Yu had the same thought, but when he raised his hand to draw out half of the colorful light strip, it suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Fu Jingqi asked, "Is there anything else you forgot to bring?"

Lu Yu looked a little embarrassed: "I'm afraid we can't use the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth to escape this time, so we have to go back on foot..."


Lu Yu didn't answer. He turned his hand and directly connected one end of the colorful light belt to the Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube. Suddenly, with a "whoosh" sound, the entire colorful light belt suddenly burst into bright light, as if half of it was burned. Then It turned into ashes and disappeared, leaving only an afterimage in the sky.

"As expected..." Lu Yu smiled bitterly.

Fu Jing was shocked: "What's going on?"

Lu Yu explained: "Although this Rubik's Cube is small and light in weight, it is actually the effect of the folding of its internal space; and the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape I performed also utilizes the rules of space transformation to a certain extent. , if these two come together, it will involve very complex spatial principles..."

"In short, you can understand that the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube is a behemoth, and the Five Elements Escape of Heaven and Earth is a small boat. This small boat cannot carry this behemoth at all. If it has to be forced, it will completely capsize like just now..."

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned.

She still couldn't understand the theories mentioned by Lu Yu, but so far, there were too many things beyond her understanding, and she didn't care about one more thing.

"In this case...then you just said it was a gadget?" Fu Jing said, holding her forehead.

"Small or not, this is relative! Compared to the Ark on the Other Side, it is indeed just a gadget... But if it is compared to me, then I am a gadget..." Lu Yu said helplessly said.

Fu Jing said: "So, we can only walk back now, right?"

Lu Yu nodded: "To be on the safe side, it's best to walk."

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and hurry up! If I remember correctly, it should be thousands of miles from here to Fenghe Prefecture, right?"

The two held hands and supported each other all the way.

When he walked out of the scope of the Undead Mountains, Lu Yu couldn't help but look back.

At this time, dark clouds gathered in the sky again, and the mountains behind them were shrouded in a sea of ​​clouds. The clouds and mists changed rapidly between the mountains, and it seemed that a heavy rain was brewing... But this was not a backlash of power, it was just a process of natural restoration of the laws of the great world. .

The Undead Mountains are originally connected to the underground spiritual veins. It was on the basis of absorbing the spiritual veins that the Six Peptide Cube evolved into the Jade Cloud Pool. Now that the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube is taken away, the Undead Mountains will surely Once again, it has undergone tremendous changes, showing a completely new look.

The world will change, that's for sure.

But looking back at the mountains at this time, Lu Yu always felt that some changes outside of the situation were quietly happening, but he couldn't say what they were.

Lu Yu shook his head, took a deep breath, no longer paid attention to the changes in the situation behind him, and looked forward persistently.

There is a broader world ahead waiting for him to change. Relatively speaking, the changes in the mountains behind him seem insignificant.

However, what he didn't know was that the changes caused by this move were not limited to the mountains behind him, but even affected more distant places.

For example, in the Hades Temple thousands of miles away, there was a seal inscribed with ancient characters. The moment Lu Yu took the Six Peptide Cube out of the Necromantic Mountains, the seal suddenly loosened...

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