Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1978 Breaking the Seal

Demonic Heart Palace.

On the circular high platform, a group of high-level officials from the Hades Temple gathered together.

Xu Zhiyang, who was in the middle of the high platform, suddenly stopped moving his hands and showed an incredible expression.

Someone around immediately noticed the abnormality and quickly asked: "Xu Shensi, why did you stop? Is there any problem?"

Xu Zhiyang swallowed unconsciously and said: "The seal has been lifted..."

Everyone was suddenly surprised.


"How can this be?"

"How could it be so fast!"

In fact, they were conducting a ritual to break the seal of the Demonic Heart Palace.

Ten days have passed since I received the order from Lord Thousand-Eyed Eyes. Although it was a direct order from Lord Thousand-Eyed Eyes, lifting the seal of Demonic Heart Palace is an extremely important matter for the entire Hades Palace. Therefore, the deliberation was still delayed for two days before the cracking ceremony was officially started. The entire ceremony has lasted for eight days so far.

This is not because everyone is lazy, but the seal of the Devil's Heart Palace is really a very huge project. It is said that when the seal was first laid, a total of ten priests received the power granted by the god to complete the project together... But now Because Lord Qian Yanyan was seriously injured, he only gave Xu Zhiyang the power to lift the seal, so this work naturally became protracted.

According to the previous progress, the entire cracking process would take at least fifteen days. Unexpectedly, the seal has been successfully lifted just after half the time. Everyone can't help but feel incredible about this.

"Xu Shensi, are you sure the seal has been lifted?" an old man with white hair and beard asked solemnly.

This person is Bei Haiguang, the leader of the Golden Crow God, one of the four people in charge of the first divine level. After the death of the main hall master, he is actually the oldest and most influential person in the entire Hades Palace. .

Xu Zhiyang closed his eyes silently and was about to re-confirm the status of the seal. However, before he could take action, a black energy suddenly spread from all directions and enveloped the entire Demonic Heart Palace in the blink of an eye.

"No need to waste any more effort. Let me answer this question for you. The seal has indeed been lifted." A strange voice suddenly sounded.

At the same time, black energy gathered, and a vague figure condensed in the center of the high platform.

"Chief Hall Master!" Bei Haiguang shouted out loud.

Everyone couldn't help but be startled, thinking that the dead Chief Palace Master suddenly came back to life, but after taking a closer look, they realized that the image of the man was completely different from that of the Chief Palace Master, and then they realized that this was another Chief Palace Master. host.

In the long years, it is impossible for the Hades Temple to have only one chief hall master. Before the late chief hall master Feng Shi'an, there was another chief hall master Wu Qibin. He passed the throne to Feng Shi'an without passing away at that time. , because he used self-sacrifice to fall into the seal with the remaining soul of the most powerful Guanlan. It was equivalent to suppressing the remaining soul of the most powerful Guanlan at the expense of himself. Only then did he So that the seal can be laid down smoothly...

For this period of history, there were very few witnesses left at that time, and most people had only heard about it. Only now did they finally believe that this period of history was true.

"I didn't expect that someone would remember me..." On the high platform, the man's whole body was surrounded by black energy, and his tone was full of vicissitudes of life: "Where is Feng Shi'an? Where is he? Why don't you come to see me?"

"Mr. Feng...he has fallen!" Bei Haiguang lowered his head and replied.

"Is even Feng Shi'an dead?" The man's tone was surprisingly weird, and it was hard to tell whether he was happy or not. "Then who is in charge of the Hades Temple at this time?"

Everyone looked at each other for a while, and finally all focused on him.

The man suddenly realized: "I understand... So you broke the seal and summoned me from the underground to let me take charge of the Hades Temple again... Tell me, what kind of trouble did you encounter this time? Could it be that there is another Huo Siyu? Is it possible to be born empty?”

Huo Siyu was the name of the most powerful person from the Guanlan clan. When everyone heard that he used Huo Yuyan to compare this crisis, their hearts sank.

Bei Haiguang said dejectedly: "The trouble this time is probably far greater than that of Huo Siyu a thousand years ago. After all, a thousand years ago, no matter how critical the situation was, the Thousand-Eyed God did not come incarnate... But this time, the Thousand-Eyed God not only took a large-scale The unprecedented arrival, and the arrival ultimately failed, not only did Feng Zongdian die, but even the Thousand-Eyed God himself was seriously injured..."

"Even Thousand Eyes was injured?" The man was surprised: "Who is it that has such great power?"

Beihai Guangdao: "We only know that his name is 'Lu Yu', he comes from another distant world, and he has power comparable to the gods..."

Then, Bei Haiguang and others recounted the previous riot in Hades Temple. Of course, it was limited to the part they knew. As for the battle between Lu Yu, Thousand Eyes Lord, and Peacock King Ming in the sky, they could only see it. Just the tip of the iceberg.

After listening to everyone's narration, a playful smile appeared on the man's vague face.

"So, the power of all of you is not enough to deal with him, including the four of you who have the power of the first god level, there is nothing you can do against him, so... you thought of me?"

Beihai Guangdao: "Although we are in charge of the first level of God, we have always been very clear that the power we have is not the strongest. Only the power of Hades under your control is the most powerful power in the entire Hades Temple. ...Besides, a large part of the reason why we can't do anything to that Lu Yu is because his spiritual will is extremely powerful. In this aspect, only you can compete with him!"

The man sneered: "How can I, Wu Qibin, be so virtuous that I can compete with others in my mind? In fact, what you really want is for me to join forces with Huo Siyu to deal with that guy named Lu Yu?"

Bei Haiguang lowered his head again: "After thousands of years, you must have completely conquered the remaining soul of the supreme powerhouse Huo Siyu. If so, you may not have the chance to compete with him!"

He paused and then continued: "In fact, this is also the instruction of the Thousand-Eyed God!"

"Thousand Eyes..." The man smiled: "What else did he say?"

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