Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1979 The Supreme Power

From the other party's tone, Bei Haiguang clearly heard the disdain directed at Qian Yanjun, but he did not dare to say anything more.

In fact, as early as a thousand years ago, the main hall master was already a very special existence, because he was the master of the power of the God of Hades and the only person who could communicate with the God of Hades. This was even the case for thousands of years. Even the eyes can't do it, so he has a transcendent status.

In the turmoil a thousand years ago, it is true that the Guanlan Empire lost their supreme power, but for the Hades Temple, they also lost a "supreme power", but their "supreme power" "Strong people" are not well-known to outsiders!

"The Thousand-Eyed God also said...let all our priests, regardless of rank, transfer their divine power to you! Only in this way can you completely suppress Huo Siyu's remnant soul..." Beihai Guang's heart was filled with sadness. said.

This is exactly why the order to break the seal caused such turmoil. The entire Hades Temple even debated it for two full days before taking official action...

Because all this comes at a price, releasing Wu Qibin and Huo Siyu also means that they have to give up the power in their hands, which is naturally an extremely difficult decision for them.

However, they finally made this decision, not only because of the pressure from Lord Qianyan, but also because they knew clearly that if they could not get rid of Lu Yu, they would have nothing in the end.

"Very good!" The man laughed: "In that case, what are you waiting for? Let's start with you!"

After saying that, a burst of black energy shot out and instantly penetrated Bei Haiguang's chest. When the black energy broke through Bei Haiguang's body and penetrated from the back of his heart, it had transformed into a snow-white bone spur.

The tip of the bone spur shone with cold light, with a hint of blood, but Bei Haiguang's whole body was like a plant that had lost its moisture, quickly withering and withering.

In an instant, he was completely dead.

Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded. They couldn't believe the scene they saw in front of them.

"Wuzong Palace... you, you, what are you doing! The Thousand-Eyed God just asked us to transfer our divine power to you. Why did you want to hurt the life of the Beihai God!" Another first-level God Priest Asked loudly.

The man pulled out the bone spurs from Bei Haiguang's body. It seemed that he had absorbed a lot of nutrients just now, and his whole body became more radiant: "Don't you understand? After thousands of years, my body has long been decayed. How can divine power alone be enough? Your vitality is also enough for me to successfully get out of here!"

After saying that, he smiled evilly, and a large amount of black energy was continuously released from his body.

Everyone was shocked and turned around to run away.

However, it was already too late. The dense black air was billowing like a tide, completely sealing off the entire Devil's Heart Palace in an instant, making everyone feel as if they were in a mud.

"If you're to blame, blame Qianyan! He obviously knows all this, but he refuses to tell you the truth. In fact, you are all just sacrifices he prepared for me!"

Screams came one after another, and one after another continued to penetrate from the black air and pierce into everyone's bodies. It's a pity that these people are high-level people in the Hades Temple, and they more or less control part of the divine power, but in this situation In this environment, there is no way to fight back, and we can only let the opponent slaughter us.

Like Bei Haiguang, these people's bodies quickly shriveled up and withered. Not only were their divine powers deprived of them, but their own vitality was also converted into nourishment for them.

Finally, the screams gradually subsided. At this time, the figure of the man standing on the high platform gradually became clear, and the details of his body gradually emerged.

In fact, the man was not tall. Perhaps because he had been suppressed underground in the Devil's Heart Palace for many years, his skin was sickly pale, making him look feminine and strange.

Apart from this person, Xu Zhiyang was the only living person left in the entire Demonic Heart Palace.

"Do you know why I didn't kill you?" the man asked calmly.

However, Xu Zhiyang fell to his knees with a bang and kowtowed heavily: "Xu Zhiyang, the villain, pays homage to the most powerful Emperor Siyu of the Guanlan Empire!"

"Have you noticed?" The man was startled for a moment, then laughed again: "If that's the case, then I won't pretend anymore!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and wiped his face, and it suddenly turned into a woman's face.

Xu Zhiyang couldn't help but feel a huge shock all over his body. Although he had expected all this, seeing it with his own eyes still shocked him.

This man is none other than the legendary supreme power Huo Siyu, a figure who had been wiped out thousands of years ago, but now he was miraculously resurrected through incredible power!

"It's ridiculous that these guys actually think that I will be refined and subdued by Wu Qibin. I'm afraid even Qianyan wouldn't dare to dream about such a thing when he's sleeping!" Huo Siyu said with a chuckle.

Xu Zhiyang tried his best to control the fear in his heart, and he knelt on the ground and said: "Your strength, the emperor, is undoubted. Even after a thousand years, the Thousand-Eyed God still highly respects you, the emperor! Those who think that they can resolve the current situation, Only you!"

"Highly respected?" Huo Siyu sneered again and again: "I think he is at the end of his rope! Tell me! What kind of conditions did he offer this time? This is the only reason why I spare your life!"

Xu Zhiyang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: "The God of Thousand Eyes said that this is an exchange of equal value. As long as you hand over Lu Yu's soul to him, he will give you what you want most!"

Huo Siyu's eyes narrowed and he snorted: "After what happened a thousand years ago, does he think I will still believe him?"

Xu Zhiyang didn't even dare to take a breath, and said with a strong breath: "Thousand Eyes God said that there is indeed no basis of trust between you and him, but there will be nothing if you control Lu Yu's soul first. Loss, no matter what, you have been released from the seal, haven't you?"

Huo Siyu thought for a moment and laughed again: "That's true! According to the usual behavior of these people, they will definitely play tricks... Just let me see what tricks he can play this time! "

After a pause, she continued: "I have some impression of you. You were also involved in what was done to my Guanlan descendants, right?"

Xu Zhiyang was suddenly shocked and kowtowed quickly: "Please forgive me, Your Majesty. I was just following orders back then..."

"Why are you panicking?" Huo Siyu said calmly, "I was also one of the instigators of what happened back then, and you were taking orders from me. I will not argue with you about this... Besides, I can't really kill everyone. , always leave some helpers!”

It was not until this moment that Xu Zhiyang finally felt relieved and felt a surge of happiness in his heart: "Thank you, Emperor...Xu will definitely serve the Emperor with all his might! He will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Huo Siyu waved his hand lightly: "Okay, now tell me what happened to my descendants...especially the situation of Huo Yunru!"

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