Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1980 The army gathers

Lu Yu and Fu Jing walked for two days and still did not reach Fenghe Prefecture.

In fact, according to the two people's foot strength, although there is a certain distance between the Great Evil Empire and Fenghe State, it will not take so long. The reason is not the foot strength, but the huge burden of the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube.

This burden is not in terms of weight. The Six Peptide Rubik's Cube has always been light and has no impact on the two people's actions. But once the two start to exert force and increase the speed a little faster, the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube will affect their movements. Makes a huge impact all around.

For example, thunder and lightning, cracks in the earth, mountains falling... It is as if it is in violent collision with the surrounding laws of heaven and earth. Only by slowing down to a certain level can this "collision" stop.

It wouldn't matter if it was just like this. Lu Yu and Fu Jing could plan a route that would not harm civilians and rush back all the way, but they were worried that the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube would cause some trouble. After all, this thing It is too precise, and the internal space folding has been compressed to the limit. A slight carelessness will cause irreversible consequences.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, the two had no choice but to follow the nature of the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube and slow down the speed to the minimum, which was basically the walking speed of a normal person.

Fortunately, on the third day, they finally successfully entered Fenghe Prefecture.

At this time, all forces in Fenghe State gathered together, especially after the news of the birth of the Ark on the other side came out, this place became a holy land that everyone was eager to aspire to. Everyone tried their best to sneak into Fenghe State and join the Fenghe State. The excitement of the Renaissance League has reached an unprecedented level.

Under such circumstances, Lu Yu could no longer keep a low profile, so he simply revealed his identity, asked the personnel stationed at a stronghold to arrange a carriage for him, and then took the carriage with Fu Jing to the Fenghe Prefecture Government Office—— That was the first landing point for the Ark on the Other Side.

Anyway, as long as the speed is controlled well, the Six Peptide Magic Convenience will always be honest, even if it is riding in a carriage, it will not have any impact.

“I didn’t expect that this place has become like this!”

Fu Jing leaned against the car window, looking at the endless stream of pedestrians on the road, and couldn't help but sigh: "If I didn't explain it, no one would doubt it if I said this is a capital like Wangjing and Ruijing. Who would have thought This place was once a place of constant war with ten rooms and nine empty rooms?”

"Are you still thinking about this?" Lu Yu glanced at her, "We will be at the government office soon. We have been away together for so long. Your mother must have known everything... Even if I explain to her, she will definitely not listen. , let’s think about how to deal with her!”

As he said that, Lu Yu not only showed a headache expression.

"What? Are you feeling guilty?" Fu Jing said, "When you were tugging at her, hugging her, and calling her Yunru in front of me, why didn't I see you feeling so guilty?"

Lu Yu's face suddenly became confused: "Didn't I tell you everything? I was helpless at the time... That was all her strategy to target you. Don't you know all of this?"

"She is her, you are you, I am me..." Fu Jing turned around and leaned towards Lu Yu, looking straight into Lu Yu's eyes: "Throw aside the factors between me and her. Tell me, honestly, how did you feel when you faced her "strategy" against you?"

Lu Yu instinctively realized that this was a proposition.

Facing this kind of question, if you answer honestly, it will definitely be a dead end; but if you deny it, it will be easy to be seen as fake, and in that case, it will also be a dead end... Therefore, when facing this kind of question, grasp Proportion is the key.

In an instant, Lu Yu's thoughts and consciousness started to work at a very fast speed. After 0.01 millisecond, he already had the answer...

"Throw it away? How to throw it away? If I can put you and her aside casually, then this matter will not cause any trouble to me. The question you asked is simply not valid." Lu Yu replied decisively .

Fu Jing didn't speak, and still looked straight at him, as if trying to distinguish the truth from what he said.

Lu Yu also looked back at her with sincerity on his face.

In the end, Fu Jing really couldn't tell the difference, so he had to turn away and said angrily: "Didn't you say it before? You also have an infinite circle spell that can be used as a trump card. If Huo Yunru wants to do it later, If you continue to mess around, then just use your trump card on her...unless you can't let it go!"

Lu Yu said: "I don't have any reluctance...but she is your mother after all. Are you sure you want me to do this?"

Fu Jing sighed quietly: "My heart cannot be changed. Since I can't regress, I can only let her regress. In fact, the purpose of my mother's actions is to force me and hope that I can compromise. ”

"As long as she realizes that I can no longer look back, all her efforts are in vain, and she will naturally give up by then, so it is appropriate to let her calm down for a while... By the way, are you sure about the infinite circle? There won’t be any side effects from the spell, right?”

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "To be honest, I have never cast an infinite circle on myself, so I don't know what it feels like to be under this spell. But judging from the feedback from those who have been cursed by me, There shouldn't be any side effects... For example, look at Yesha Luo, isn't he just as lively now? And Xu Zhiyang, I saw him last time at Hades Temple, and he was also very lively."

"If that's the case, that's fine!" Fu Jing said, "Just prepare your trump card for her... I hope she won't be ignorant again!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but shudder.

Sometimes he really couldn't figure out the situation of the mother and daughter. At one moment, he was very concerned, but at the other moment, he was cold and frosty.

However, he silently prepared the infinite circle spell according to his words. At least he agreed with Fu Jing on one point. If Mrs. Ru continues to seek death and survival, then letting her calm down for a while is indeed the best choice.

Although the carriage was slow, it was smooth sailing all the way. Before long, Fenghe Prefecture Government Office was in sight in the distance.

At this time, Lu Yu was also ready to activate the infinite circle spell at any time.

However, what he didn't expect was that his preparations were completely useless.

When he and Fu Jing finally arrived at the gate of the government office, a group of strong men had already lined up to greet them. Most of the main members of the Renaissance Alliance had already arrived, including even the first batch of people who had entered the Ark on the Other Side. Among the queues... there was only no sign of Mrs. Ru.

What's happening here? Do you want a three-party trial?

Lu Yu suppressed the questions in his mind, waved to Ning Wanxuan, who was standing at the front of the crowd, and asked, "What's going on? Why did everyone run out? Didn't I say that if there was no unexpected situation, Do you want everyone to keep training as planned?”

Ning Wanxuan's face was solemn at first, but when she saw Lu Yu, she couldn't help but relax and said: "There is an unexpected situation now... The situation has changed, and the Hades Temple army has gathered. For the sake of safety, I and I After discussing it, Sister Huo asked everyone to withdraw first and be ready to fight at any time! "

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