Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1981 Unable to take care of both

Hearing Ning Wanxuan's words, Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled: "The Hades Temple is calling? Why didn't anyone notify me?"

Although his trip to the Great Evil Empire was a secret operation, Ning Wanxuan has always known about his movements. At least Cui Zhenzhen will synchronize the news to her. Even if he can't find his person, he only needs to let Ning Wanqing send out the extra large message. "Fireworks" summons, he would know that there was a state of emergency here, but in fact they did not do so.

Ning Wanxuan said: "It's either a call or their personnel are gathering. Not only the Hades Temple, but also personnel from the three major sects are gathering. It seems that they are all taking orders from the Hades Temple now... I heard Zhenzhen say "You and Miss Jing are working on a very important task. It is difficult for us to make a judgment until the situation becomes clearer, so we will not inform you."

Ultimately, it was because she learned that Lu Yu was preparing to relocate the entire Suyu Cloud Pond. She could not imagine how huge this project would be, so she did not bother Lu Yu rashly.

After hearing this explanation, Lu Yu felt calm, but soon he became confused again: "What about Madam? Where has she gone?"

Ning Wanxuan hesitated: "Sister Huo...she went to Junshui City."

"Jinshui City?" Lu Yu was startled for a moment before he remembered that this was a city in the north, quite far away from Fenghe Prefecture.

It seems that there is still the capital of a certain empire, but compared to cities like Ruijing and Wangjing, the influence of Junshui City is far less than the latter. If you have to say that it has something special, the only thing worthy of praise is Probably it was the former capital of the Guanlan Empire.

But that was already a thousand years ago. The prosperity of the past had long since been completely destroyed by the war and turned into ruins all over the ground. After a thousand years, it is hard to say what will be left there. Even if there is, Mrs. Ru doesn't seem to have to. In a hurry... Lu Yu really couldn't think of any reason for her to go there.

"What is she doing there?" Lu Yu asked.

"She was going to see the Hades Temple... The Hades Temple sent a messenger, saying that a senior official from the Hades Temple invited her to attend the meeting, so she hurried over alone..." Ning Wanxuan replied.

"What?" Lu Yu felt unbelievable: "The Temple of Hades sent someone to invite you, so she went alone?"

Ning Wanxuan nodded and said: "Yes... I don't know why Sister Huo was like this, but soon after she met the envoy, she left alone. I only found out about her when I saw her letter. Heading to Qingshui City for an appointment.”

With that said, she handed a note to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu took it and took a look. It was indeed Mrs. Ru's handwriting on it. The content was very simple. She explained her whereabouts and asked everyone not to worry.

But the more this happens, the more strange this matter becomes.

Lu Yu handed the note to Fu Jing, but his brows furrowed even more tightly and asked, "What on earth is going on?"

Ning Wanxuan said: "I asked the guard afterward. It is said that the envoy showed a token that emitted red light. After seeing the token, Sister Huo's face changed drastically on the spot, and she left alone soon after... …I guess that the token may be related to the former Guanlan Empire…”

As she said that, she couldn't help but glance at Fu Jing aside: "Maybe Miss Jing will know what it is..."

Fu Jing shook her head: "I have never heard that the Guanlan Empire has such a token. Even if it was indeed an extremely important thing in the past of the Guanlan Empire, she did not go to the meeting alone at all, unless..."

Fu Jing didn't say any more, but Lu Yu still understood what she meant.

On the surface, it is completely confusing that Mrs. Ru would do such a thing, but if you look at it from the opposite side, the reason why she did this will become clear.

In today's situation, there can be only one reason why she is so confused and desperate - and that is the matter related to the most powerful person.

"Is that token... the remnant soul of the most powerful man?" Lu Yu said in surprise.

Fu Jing said: "My mother just told me that she had seen the remnant soul of the most powerful man more than once, but she never described the specific scene, so I don't know the remnant soul of the most powerful man. What kind of situation is it in the hands of Hades Temple... But even today, what my mother said may not be completely credible!"

Lu Yu understood what she meant. In fact, he also had the same suspicion about Mrs. Ru. From her almost paranoid demands on Fu Jing and her efforts to destroy the relationship between Fu Jing and herself, it can be seen that her There are still secrets hidden in her body. Her descriptions of past history are not the truth, at least not the whole truth.

"How long has she been gone?" Lu Yu asked again.

No matter what the purpose of Hades Temple is, no matter what secrets she hides, the truth will be revealed as long as she catches up.

"About half a day." Ning Wanxuan replied.

So Lu Yu looked at Fu Jing again. In half a day, given Madam Ru's speed, it was impossible to reach Junshui City. As long as he used the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape, he could easily catch up with Madam Ru. The only problem was that their hands The hexapeptide Rubik's Cube on the board has not been settled yet.

This object is very important to Lu Yu and even the entire Ark on the Other Side. After being transported along the way, the two of them have a deeper understanding of this object. Although it looks honest on the surface, in fact But it is in a very unstable state. It is best not to let it out of sight until it is completely installed.

Fu Jing immediately understood what Lu Yu meant and said with understanding: "Go after her! I'll take the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube back to the ark first."

Lu Yu nodded and was about to use the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape.

But at this moment, the sky suddenly became overcast with clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, and then a huge ball of light rose up and exploded in the air, lighting up the land within Fenghe Prefecture like fireworks.

"It's Wanqing! Why did she activate the alarm at this time?" Ning Wanxuan said in shock.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart sink. Just now he was complaining that he didn't see Ning Wanqing's early warning message. He didn't expect it to be effective so quickly, but this was definitely not a good time...

Ning Wanqing would initiate such an early warning summons, indicating that the enemy was close at hand. Does this mean that Mrs. Ru would also be in danger? Or has she fallen into the enemy's trap?

Sure enough, not long after, King Ye led a group of subordinates to report in a hurry: "Reporting to the leader of the alliance, Mr. Feng, a large number of strong men from the three major sects have been found outside the country. Almost all the senior officials have arrived, and the forefront is less than two meters away from Fenghe Prefecture. Hundreds of miles!”

Two hundred miles away, for the strong men at their level, the attack was imminent. The opponent's actions were equivalent to stringing their bows and pointing sharp arrows at them.

Lu Yu's face was as dark as water and he asked: "Which specific direction is it?"

"They are all in the east, south, and north, but the main force is still concentrated in the east-north direction." King Ye replied.

East by north...that is exactly the direction Mrs. Ru left.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart sink again. He had somewhat understood the other party's intentions. No matter who was behind all this, it seemed that the other party didn't want him to chase Mrs. Ru.

Of course, if he is determined to pursue him, the other party will definitely not be able to stop him, because his Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape can make infinite detours at 360 degrees, and it is impossible for the other party to block it...

However, there is one problem that he cannot get around, that is Feng Hezhou and Mrs. Ru. He can only consider one of them. Which one should he give up?

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