Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1982 Alone with only one sword

Lu Yu finally decided to deal with the enemy situation in front of him first.

In any case, the Ark of the Other Shore here is his basic base, and it is also his only bargaining chip in the subsequent confrontation with Bixiao Shrine. If there is a loss here, everything will be out of the question.

As for Mrs. Ru, no matter what kind of trap she falls into, the other party's ultimate goal is definitely to target her, and they can still use their tricks when the time comes.

After making the decision, Lu Yu did not hesitate for a moment, and immediately used the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth to escape to the northeast of Fenghe Prefecture, capturing the thief first and capturing the king. Since the enemies in this direction are the most powerful, he should start here first.

According to the information provided by King Ye, there are only three major sects in the nearby generation, and there is no force from the Hades Temple. In the case where the Hades Temple did not take action, even though he only had a single sword, it was more than enough to deal with these people from the three major sects. No matter what happened, he could advance to attack and retreat to defend.

After a few breaths, Lu Yu had reached the border of Fenghe State and landed at a forward stronghold in the northeast corner.

Frankly speaking, this was his first time here, and since he was not familiar with the terrain, he couldn't accurately locate it. Moreover, the news brought back by King Ye and others was also time-limited. Maybe the enemy's specific location had changed during this period. He had to first figure out the opponent's precise movements before he could determine how to attack the enemy. In the formation.


As soon as Lu Yu landed, a crisp voice came over.

In the entire Fenghe Continent, Ning Wanqing is the only one who would address him in this way. Although the two have not officially married, their relationship has long been known to the world. Even though Lu Yu is now with several All the women are mixed together, but she is the only one who is Lu Yu's legitimate wife in this world.

Lu Yu turned around and saw that Ning Wanqing was not wearing makeup at this time. She looked very eye-catching in her white armor, red cloak, and standard high military boots. The sweat on her forehead wet her hair, but it was not damaged at all. Her pretty face added to her heroic spirit... This scene made Lu Yu feel like he was back to the time when the two met for the first time. At that time, she was also so heroic and unassuming.

"Wanqing, thank you for your hard work!" Lu Yu said sincerely.

It has to be said that among the many women who have a close relationship with Lu Yu, Ning Wanqing's situation is the most neglected. Before this, she had been serving as a sentry at the stronghold in the west in order to deal with Suyu Yunchi of the Great Evil Empire. As Su Yuyun sang about the dismantling of the natural alchemy furnace, she was now sent to guard the east side again, and was not even qualified to enter the Ark on the other side.

"Husband, what are you talking about?"

Ning Wanqing stood in front of Lu Yu, with her hands behind her back, and stood on tiptoes with excitement, showing a shy expression that was hard to see in ordinary people.

"I don't feel it's hard. Fighting is my old profession. I can't help you in my old profession. I don't know how happy I am... Besides, my sister also said that this is our family business. , we can’t all hide in the ark, there must be someone outside watching this family business..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh. Frankly speaking, he and Ning Wanqing didn't have much sincere feelings. The two of them were together at first just to satisfy their desires, but at this moment, he suddenly discovered the cute side of each other.

But now is not the time for children to be in love. Lu Yu immediately returned to the topic and asked: "Tell me, how is the current situation?"

Ning Wanqing also stood up straight immediately, her face became solemn, and she replied: "The opponent has been continuing to advance, and now they are only about a hundred miles away from us, but one thing is strange, they have never launched an attack formation... …”

The attack formation she mentioned was different from the ordinary attack formation. Even the top powerhouses need to prepare in advance in order to remain calm in times of crisis. Especially at this time when there are many top powerhouses present, they need to make arrangements in advance, because their cultivation level has reached their level. At this level, once an offensive is launched, the power of Tiangang Earth Demon must be invoked. Only by making arrangements in advance can we avoid making mistakes while busy.

For example, when the armies of Xihai City and the Great Evil Empire faced off before, the strong men on the Great Evil Empire's side were well prepared in advance.

At this time, Lu Yu had already seen that the other party had not made any preparations in advance. Otherwise, when he stood here, he would have seen a scene of dark clouds rolling in the sky and an approaching rain. It would never be like this. It was so peaceful.

Of course, this is not possible because the other party is deliberately keeping a low profile in order to hide their traces. When their cultivation reaches their level, every move will trigger a huge celestial phenomenon. It may be difficult for ordinary people to detect it, but in the eyes of opponents of the same level, it is Like a torch held up in the dark night, it cannot be hidden no matter how hard it is concealed. Trying to use this method to hide it from the eyes of Feng Hezhou is tantamount to wishful thinking.

Lu Yu frowned slightly. For a moment, he couldn't figure out what kind of medicine the other party was selling in his gourd, but he didn't say anything. He asked again: "Who are the leaders of the other party? Have you figured it out?"

Ning Wanqing nodded: "If the opponent's flag is not false, Yu Shaoqing of Yunyan Pavilion and Han Jinyang of Wanqiu Sect are already in the enemy's formation. Except for Fang Jianwen of Shenyu Palace, everyone who should be here has already arrived. coming……"

The three names she mentioned were the heads of the three major sects. Unfortunately, Fang Jianwen had already died at the hands of Lu Yu when the previous war kicked off, so it was naturally impossible for him to return. Show up here.

"It seems that everyone has arrived quite well..." Lu Yu said while looking forward, "The opponent is approaching too fast. It will take some time for our personnel to assemble. You should retreat to the back to meet your sister first! Let's meet here. Just give it to me!”

Ning Wanqing couldn't help but be stunned: "Do you want to stay here alone to face the enemy?"

Lu Yu turned his head and smiled at him: "Don't worry about me. I walked around the Hades Temple and finally came back safe and sound. Do you think they can do anything to me? Besides, I'm not If we want to fight them head-on, we just need to test their strength first, and at the same time, we can arrange the defense line in the rear and buy time..."

"I understand..." Ning Wanqing hesitated, but finally nodded, "Then you must be careful!"

In fact, she also wanted to stay here and fight side by side with Lu Yu, but she knew better that staying here with her strength would only become a burden to Lu Yu. It would be better to leave Lu Yu alone with only his sword, which would make him advance and retreat more freely.

Therefore, Ning Wanqing immediately ordered the defenders in the stronghold to retreat. Although this was the most advanced stronghold in Fenghe Prefecture, it was impossible to stop the coalition forces of the three major sects without enough strong men to guard it. , so the wisest choice is to temporarily shrink the defense line, join up with the strong ones in the rear, and then resist the strong enemy.

Ning Wanqing had commanded the Snow Dragon Army for many years, and her command was as powerful as a mountain, with great force. Soon the entire stronghold had been vacated, leaving only Lu Yu standing quietly on the watchtower.

At this moment, Lu Yu was no longer in a hurry to rush directly into the enemy's formation. Just as Ning Wanqing said, there were many suspicious things about the enemy's whereabouts. Without further clarification, rushing into the enemy's formation alone would only lead to more trouble. Opportunity for the opponent.

Moreover, although he is extremely confident in his own strength, the other party is not completely without threat to him. Putting aside everything else, Kou Xianyuan's Void Domain alone will cause him great trouble.

Therefore, the best way is to remain unchanged in the face of ever-changing situations. Rather than rashly taking action to expose one's own flaws, it is better to wait for the other party to reveal their flaws first.

Soon, the sky became dark. Although the other party did not deliberately activate the field, the gathering of so many powerful people was enough to cause strange phenomena in the world.

For a while, leaden clouds hung low, but there was no breeze, and the mountains and rivers were as quiet as a ghost land.

Although the gathering of strong men from the three major sects is not as massive as the millions of secular armies, the sense of oppression they bring is far greater than that.

Lu Yu took a deep breath and was about to activate the Galaxy Sword and strike the opponent in the head first.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from far away: "Is that Mr. Feng in front of you?"

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