Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1983 Showing Sincerity

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown slightly, and the Galaxy Sword in his hand paused.

Secondly, the other party's voice sounded familiar. More importantly, a figure jumped out from the dark clouds in front of him. In the figure's hand, he was holding a "white flag".

Whether in the original Huangtian World or today's Guantian World, raising the white flag means the same thing, which is to cease war and beg for peace.

He didn't expect the opponent to be so aggressive, but he raised the white flag at the first encounter. Frankly speaking, this performance made Lu Yu very confused. Even if it was a bombing, it would hurt morale, okay? The three major sects Do you still want the face?

However, the actual situation is that the three major sects really do not want to lose face. The man waved Bai Qi and said loudly: "Master Feng, don't do it, don't do it... We don't have any ill intentions here. Come to seek peace..."

Lu Yu put his hand on the hilt of the sword and remained motionless, but he couldn't help but have greater doubts in his heart.

When the person came closer, he finally recognized the person's identity. It turned out to be the Yao Po of Wanqiu Sect whom he had met once before... No, to be precise, he had met her twice. When she went to the Far East, she When she was in the land, she also intercepted her, but there was no verbal communication between the two parties at that time.

"It turns out to be Yao Po. We meet again and again in life... I once gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it. I didn't expect you to dare to appear in front of me now!" Lu Yu said with a sneer.

Mrs. Yao still held up the white flag in her hand and sighed: "Master Feng, please stop talking. Old lady, I am so sorry that my intestines are green now... You said that if I could be as decisive as Fatty Guo, you would still have something." There are so many things going on right now…”

Lu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly: "You don't have to play tricks in front of me. What do you want? Just make a clear statement!"

"We are really here to seek peace this time, there are no tricks..." Yao Po said with a smile on her face, "Don't look at me like this, I didn't bring the Night Mirror this time!"

"Ye Shen Mirror?" Lu Yu raised his brows slightly, "Are you saying that the mirror you held in your hand last time in the Far East was called the Night God Mirror?"

"That's right!" Yao Po said: "To be honest, that is actually one of the equipment provided by the Hades Temple for us. It was precisely because we took advantage of them last time that we had to take action against you, Mr. Feng..."

"Maybe its power is not worth mentioning in your opinion, but it is still very helpful to me. You see, I didn't even bring it with me this time, which shows my sincerity... We really come here to ask for it this time. And!”

Lu Yu sneered: "You put up such a show of force, and now you tell me that you are here to seek peace. Do you think I am being fooled?"

Yao Po called out to Qu and said: "Master Feng, what are you talking about? With your glorious record in Hades Temple last time, who in the world dares to underestimate you today? Maybe Fang Jianwen once had such a thought, but Everyone has seen his fate now... Even if you give me a hundred courages, I wouldn't dare to fool you!"

"There is a reason why we put up such a battle this time... Please give me some time, I can prove our sincerity right away!"

As she spoke, she gestured behind her, while not forgetting to comfort Lu Yu: "Master Feng, please be patient, we will show you something, and after you see it, you will naturally understand our sincerity! "

Therefore, Lu Yu forced himself to hold back his temper.

Naturally, he didn't believe this old witch, but at this distance, he could easily kill her with one strike. Even a god would not be able to save her... Lu Yu was really curious about what the other party was selling in his gourd. What kind of medicine is worth taking such a risk with the old witch's life?

After a while, a strange light appeared among the mountains and forests.

Yao Po turned around happily and smiled at Lu Yu: "Master Feng, have you seen it? This is our sincerity!"

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned: "This is..."

In fact, he was very familiar with that strange light. He had seen similar luster on many rare materials. If he guessed correctly, what Yao Po showed him was actually a treasure of heaven and earth... …

However, before he could fully confirm, suddenly another piece of strange light shone, then two, three, four... more and more strange lights shone, dispelling the haze in the sky, and the mountains and forests ahead became A piece of jewels, like a huge treasure house full of heavenly materials and earthly treasures!

Lu Yu had no doubt that this was actually a cover-up trick by the other party, but soon figures came out from the mountains and forests. They were all top experts from the three major sects, and they all held huge boxes in their hands. , either held by one person with both hands, or held by multiple people together...

If you look carefully, you will find that these boxes are actually special magic formations. Pieces of rare materials and treasures are displayed and preserved in these special magic formations.

Now Lu Yu was finally convinced that these treasures were real and not a deception. No deception could achieve such realistic details, and even he could not see any flaws.

At the same time, he also understood why the other party would set up such a battle. With such a large number of rare treasures, the other party might not have completely emptied all their treasure houses? Even if safety issues were not considered, they still had to mobilize forces in this way just to maintain these preservation circles during transportation.

However, this still did not explain the biggest doubt in Lu Yu's heart.

"You...what do you mean?" Lu Yu asked.

Yao Po said: "I heard that the Fuxing Alliance has been collecting various materials from various places recently, so we took out all the inventory we have collected over the years, as a tribute to Master Feng for your kindness... Master Feng, you think this is enough Does it represent our sincerity?”

Lu Yu still felt unbelievable: "You want to give me all the wealth you have collected over the years?"

Yao Po said: "I know, Mr. Feng, you don't trust us... It doesn't matter, you can just send someone to take away these treasures. We will never step foot into Fenghe Province!"

As she spoke, she made another gesture, and immediately the top experts from the three major sects put the treasures in their hands on the ground, turned around and walked away in front of Lu Yu, no longer paying attention to the treasures behind them.

Lu Yu was completely stunned now.

As the saying goes, if you don't make a profit, don't start early. Even if these people from the three major sects have a deeper plan behind their backs, they sold out all their wealth as soon as they came up. What is their plan?

"Master Feng, please arrange for someone to come and receive it as soon as possible! These materials are very valuable and must be placed in special magic circles for special preservation. Otherwise, their utility value will be greatly reduced. Now these magic circles will not last long. Yes!" Yao Po said again.

Lu Yu calmed down and said, "Okay, you have successfully aroused my curiosity... What exactly do you want to talk to me about?"

Yao Po smiled softly: "Master Feng, you are mistaken. I am just here to show our sincerity. As for the person who is really talking to you, there is someone else..."

"who is it?"

"Then I don't know!" After saying that, Mrs. Yao turned around to leave. After walking a certain distance, she seemed to think of something again, and turned around and said:

"Ah, by the way, someone asked me to tell you, don't worry about Huo Yunru's safety, she will come back safe and sound..."

After hearing this, Lu Yu finally couldn't hold it in any longer, and the Galaxy Sword in his hand suddenly unsheathed, pointing straight at Yao Po.

Po Yao was immediately frozen in place, not daring to move at all.

"Who told you to say this?" Lu Yu asked in a cold voice.

Yao Po looked panicked: "Master Feng, why are you embarrassing me, an old woman... I just received orders from above. I will say whatever he asks me to say..."

"Above? Do you mean Han Jinyang?"

Yao Po smiled bitterly and said: "We, Master Han, can't protect ourselves. How can he have such ability? I really don't know who gave the order. Someone told me these words through the Night Mirror. Since he can command Ye In the realm of gods, I think it is probably a high-level person in the Hades Temple..."

Lu Yu frowned, not expecting the other party's identity to be so mysterious.

"In addition..." Yao Po then added, "It is said that the Temple of Hades has appointed a new chief temple. Perhaps all this should be due to his instruction... I really don't know."

"The new chief palace?" Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

This matter is not simple. To be able to take the position of the head of the Hades Temple at this time is by no means an ordinary person.

Could it be that Bixiao Shrine has appointed a new agent?

For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but think about it.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that Po Yao had already taken advantage of his distraction and disappeared, leaving only a bright and strange light in front of him.

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