Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1984 Don’t even think about leaving

Soon after, the large troops from the rear also rushed over, and everyone was stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

"What's going on?" Ning Wanxuan asked in surprise.

"This is their...sincerity." Lu Yu replied using the vocabulary from Yao Po's mouth, and then recounted what happened just now.

"A new chief palace master?" Ning Wanxuan frowned, "So he instructs the three major sects to do all this? What is his purpose for doing this?"

"I also want to know the answer." Lu Yu said.

Ning Wanxuan thought for a moment and then asked, "Could this be related to Sister Huo?"

Lu Yu turned his head to look at her and asked, "What do you want to express?"

Ning Wanxuan said: "I was thinking, didn't Sister Huo once say that? There are two major factions within the Hades Temple. One faction advocates cooperation with the Guanlan tribe, and the other advocates the extermination of the Guanlan tribe... Is it possible? After this incident, the power structure within the Hades Temple has been reshuffled? This newly appointed head palace happens to be the faction that advocates cooperation. Otherwise, why did he react so strangely and come up with the following? Sister Huo’s token of deep connection?”

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "If it was before, it would indeed be possible... But the situation now has completely changed. The focus of the conflict between us is no longer the thousand-year hatred between the Hades Temple and the Guanlan Clan, but about me. It is impossible for me to reconcile with the forces behind the Temple of Hades, so it is impossible for us to reconcile with the Temple of Hades."

Ning Wanxuan only knew that Lu Yu had an extremely deep and complicated background, but she didn't know that the conflict between him and the other party was so deep-rooted. She couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Even if we see our Ark on the other side set sail again, we won't Is there any possibility of reconciliation?"

Lu Yu still shook his head: "There is absolutely no such possibility..."

Ning Wanxuan couldn't help but be stunned. After going deep into the Ark, she knew more clearly how powerful the power controlled by Lu Yu was... It was the starry battleship built by the creator of the dragon with his own body in ancient legends. , the first time she heard Lu Yu talk about this, she almost fainted.

In her opinion, facing such a powerful force, it is natural for the enemy to choose to surrender. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu categorically denied it... This can only show that the strength behind the opponent is also extremely powerful. .

"I understand..." Ning Wanxuan nodded seriously. At this moment, she was more clearly aware of the seriousness of the situation.

"Just understand!" Lu Yu said carelessly, regardless of whether Ning Wanxuan really understood or pretended to understand.

"Now that I understand, I leave this place to you!"

Ning Wanxuan was stunned and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "What should we do? Since the other party has brought benefits to us, how can we let them go? Just take them all into your mansion! Anyway, you already have experience in this area!"

During this period of time, Ning Wanxuan has been responsible for managing the distribution of Red Flame Dragon Taming Pills. Before that, she had also used Feitian Mansion to transport pill refining materials to Lu Yu, so she was indeed experienced in the preservation of materials.

After saying this, Lu Yu turned around and was about to leave. Ning Wanxuan quickly asked, "Then where are you going?"

Lu Yu didn't answer at all: "Didn't I say before that there are traces of enemies in the three directions of east, south and north? Since they are here to show their sincerity, then the situation should be similar in other places... I will go and see them What kind of sincerity it brings!”

When the words fell, there was no trace of him.

Next, Lu Yu inspected the various border areas of Fenghe Prefecture. As expected, the situation was similar everywhere he went. Although the personnel of the three major sects came menacingly, they did not step into the boundaries of Fenghe Prefecture. They all put down their treasures outside the boundary and turned around and left in a hurry.

The reason why this happened was because the warehouses of the three major sects were not concentrated in one place. They moved out all the treasures of heaven and earth from various warehouses under their banners, leaving no trace of their wealth behind.

For these treasures, Lu Yu only took away some of them that were urgently needed for disposal, and asked members of the Renaissance Alliance to notify Ning Wanxuan to come and clean up the rest.

The internal space of her Feitian Mansion is large enough and can support the evolution of various formations. It is the best temporary warehouse. However, it is easy to store these materials in the Feitian Mansion, but it takes a lot of effort to debug the corresponding preservation arrays. , it can be predicted that she will be busy throughout the whole day.

After going around in a circle, Lu Yu already knew in his heart. Although he still had deep doubts in his heart, at least he had made a lot of money on his books. If he could convert all these materials into the Red Flame Dragon Controlling Pill, Production capacity, let alone the current consumption of elixirs, we may be able to immediately start the plan for the second batch of personnel to enter the Ark of the Other Side - you know, at this time, the Renaissance Alliance has already merged all parties with large and small victories, you can It is said that there are many talents, and the number of strong people who have reached the level of the Grand Duke is far more than the one hundred selected in the first batch.

Of course, there are still many difficulties to achieve this step. The first one is to complete the installation of the Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube, and then debug it on this basis to recreate the natural alchemy furnace in the Canyon of the Dead.

While thinking about this, Lu Yu had no intention of staying and went straight back to the Ark on the other side. Firstly, he wanted to check the situation of the Six-Peptide Rubik's Cube, and secondly, he wanted to communicate with Fu Jing about the current situation.

Soon Lu Yu came to the Hall of Heroes, which was the place he and Fu Jing had agreed upon. At this time, most areas in the Ark on the Other Side were in a state of lockdown. Apart from here, there was no other better place to place the six. Peptide Rubik's Cube, at least it's quite "quiet" here.

After confirming that there was no acclimatization problem with the Six-Peptide Rubik's Cube, Lu Yu told Fu Jing about the situation outside. However, before he could say a few words, another subordinate hurriedly came to report.

This time it was Guo Kun who came to report in person. Now on the other side of the ark, apart from Lu Yu and Fu Jing, he was the only one who could travel everywhere unimpeded, especially in a place with a special position like the Hall of Heroes.

"God Lu, Miss Jing, there is a new situation outside... the people from Hades Temple are here!" Guo Kun said.

Lu Yu and Fu Jing exchanged glances, and then Lu Yu asked, "Are they also here to show their sincerity?"

"Yes, they, like the previous three major sects, placed all kinds of treasures outside the border. These treasures...we have even never seen many of them!" Guo Kun's voice sounded like this. Some excitement.

After all, Hades Temple is at the top of the food chain in this world and has an extremely long history. Now that they have revealed their family background, even Guo Kun, who was once a senior executive of Shenyu Palace, can't sit still.

Lu Yu and Fu Jing exchanged colors again, and Guo Kun had such a reaction, which showed that the other party had indeed spent a lot of money.

Lu Yu couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked calmly: "Who is taking the lead this time? Is the new chief palace master here?"

"That's not true...the leader is Xu Zhiyang, one of the high priests of the Hades Temple." Guo Kun replied.

"It's him?"

Lu Yu was slightly surprised.

"This can be considered an old acquaintance. Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving! The chief palace master is so mysterious, I don't think even their high priest knows the identity of the new master palace, right? ?”

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