Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1985 Isolated Interrogation

On the border of Fenghe State.

Xu Zhiyang looked at the Ark on the other side floating in the sky like an upside-down mountain range, and his heart couldn't help but be filled with shock.

"Is this the full picture of the miracle treasure..." Xu Zhiyang murmured to himself.

Anyone who watched this scene would probably be unable to suppress the ups and downs in his heart. Originally, he had only heard about the great changes happening here, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, he realized how shocking the scene here was.

It’s no wonder that Lord Qianyan fell into disgrace in front of Lu Yu. Emperor Siyu also adopted a gentle strategy. Originally, he was quite critical of Huo Siyu’s arrangements. After all, what he brought out was the family wealth of the Hades Temple. But at this time, he no longer felt dissatisfied.

"Master Shensi, the arrangements have been made and all the goods have been unloaded!" A subordinate came to report to him.

When Xu Zhiyang heard this, his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly and he lectured: "I have already told you not to call me 'God Priest' in the future. The Temple of Hades no longer exists, so where can the 'God Priest' come from?"

The subordinate was stunned for a moment, then quickly bowed again: "It's... Mr. Xu! But, sir, if we no longer act in the name of Hades Temple in the future, then where should we go?"

Xu Zhiyang looked at the behemoth suspended in mid-air and said lightly: "How about joining the Renaissance Alliance?"

"What?" The subordinate was shocked.

However, Xu Zhiyang did not explain too much and said directly: "You and I don't need to worry about this matter. The Great Master will make arrangements for himself. In short, we can just wait for the order with peace of mind!"


"Okay, now that the arrangements have been made, let's withdraw!"

After saying that, Xu Zhiyang unfolded the light escape and left directly. Since the great changes in the Devil's Heart Palace, he has become the only high-ranking member of the Hades Palace. In addition, he has successively received power from Lord Thousand Eyes and Emperor Siyu. His strength is far beyond that of the tribesmen around him. In comparison, it is naturally impossible to accommodate the speed of these subordinates.

However, his escape from light had just begun, and before he could distance himself from the crowd, a colorful light belt suddenly fell from the sky, blocking his way.

"High Priest Xu, where are you going?"

This person is naturally Lu Yu who has just arrived from the Ark on the other side.

Xu Zhiyang was suddenly startled, and quickly stopped his flight, and stopped less than a foot in front of Lu Yu - he had to stop, because if he continued to move forward, he would hit the sharp sword in the opponent's hand. But the legendary "Sword of Miracles", the former head of the palace, Feng Shi'an, was beheaded by this sword.

"Lu Yu!"

Xu Zhiyang showed a deep fear and instinctively assumed a defensive posture. Not only because he has suffered losses at the hands of the other party, not only because the other party has a brilliant record, but also because he knows more details and knows that this person has a pivotal position even in the eyes of Qianyanjun.

But just because of his instinctive reaction, a lot of information was revealed.

Lu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing an extremely sharp edge: "Huh? Your strength seems to have improved again. Remember when we last met, you didn't seem to be in this state, right?"

Xu Zhiyang was shocked again, not only because of the other party's keen insight, but also because of the other party's terrifying memory.

He had to remind himself in his heart that this was a person who made Qianyanjun a big trouble. He must not be fooled by the other person's appearance. He must be very alert to face Qianyanjun. Only when you have the right mentality to deal with this person...

Xu Zhiyang took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and said with a smile: "As expected of God Lu, he really has a good eye... I wonder if you have any advice?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Why do you say that you don't want to be taught by others? We are all old acquaintances. This time you have sent such a big gift again. Isn't it the way to treat guests when you leave without saying a word? ? Just follow me and sit inside!”

Xu Zhiyang was confused: "That's not necessary. Xu has important things to do and must go back as soon as possible..."

The smile on Lu Yu's face grew stronger: "High Priest Xu, I'm not discussing this with you!"

Xu Zhiyang couldn't help but feel something in his heart. Although the other person was smiling, he could clearly feel the coldness behind the smile.

He had no doubt that if he refused, the other party would not hesitate to cast the same strange spell as last time, trapping and locking up his entire mind. That terrifying experience would be something he would never forget.

"Okay..." Xu Zhiyang could only agree reluctantly.

Even though he already had two powers in his body, given by the Qianyan Lord and Siyu Emperor at the same time, he did not have the courage to fight against each other. After all, even the Thousand Eyes Lord had been beaten into a deep sleep. What he had was The power of points is nothing at all.

"Then please!"

As Lu Yu spoke, he directly drew a strip of brilliant light and used the Galaxy Sword to instruct the opponent to step into it.

Xu Zhiyang hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward. As soon as he came into contact with the colorful light belt, his whole body flew up uncontrollably and was transported far away.

In the previous battle, Lu Yu relied on such a brilliant light to move freely, causing everyone in the Hades Temple to have a headache. Until this moment, Xu Zhiyang finally experienced for himself what it was like to be on the colorful light belt, and his heart couldn't help but be deeply shocked again.

After a while of dizziness, Xu Zhiyang fell heavily to the ground. When he got up again, he found himself in a completely new place. There was a huge sense of oppression above his head. It was the huge floating monster. He was already directly below it.

Looking up at this huge monster at this distance was a completely different feeling. Before Xu Zhiyang had time to digest it all, suddenly another colorful light band descended, and Lu Yu also landed beside him.

"What? Are you interested in it?" Lu Yu smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll make an exception and take you in to have a look!"

After that, Lu Yu patted him on the shoulder.

Suddenly, Xu Zhiyang felt dizzy again, and an extremely powerful force tightly strangled his body, making it difficult for him to move. After a deep chaos and darkness, the force suddenly disappeared, and his eyes suddenly became clear.

What unfolded before him was an extremely magnificent city, exuding an ancient and vicissitudes of life. He never thought that there would be such a scene inside the treasure of the miracle. He was so shocked that he was speechless for a while.

"Is it shocking?" Lu Yu's voice sounded beside him again, "To be honest, when I first saw this scene, I had a similar reaction to you... But this is not the point."

"The point I really want to say is that this is a closed world that is completely different from the outside world. Even the power of the strongest heavenly tribulation can hardly shake this place. Do you know what this means? This means that no matter what happens here next, the masters of the two powers in your body will not be able to affect this place. Do you understand?"

Xu Zhiyang was stunned for a while, and then laughed dejectedly: "Lu Shen, why are you doing this? In fact, I came here without any malicious intent this time..."

Lu Yu said: "I will judge whether there is any malicious intent or not. You just need to tell me everything you know!"

"What do you want to know?" Xu Zhiyang said helplessly.

"Let's start with the simplest one..." Lu Yu said, "First, tell me about the current chief master of the Hades Temple! Who is he?"

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