Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1986 The truth

"In fact, there is no general temple master anymore... to be more precise, even the Hades Temple no longer exists."

Xu Zhiyang's answer surprised Lu Yu.

"What did you say?"

Xu Zhiyang continued: "Not long ago, the Hades Temple did have a new leader, but as soon as the new leader took over, the first thing she did was to disband the Hades Temple and replace the original high-level leaders of the Hades Temple. They were all killed, and I was the only one left..."

Lu Yu was stunned. He didn't expect that the change of power in the Hades Temple was so crazy and magical. He quickly asked: "Who is this new leader?"

Xu Zhiyang glanced at him and asked, "Who do you think God Lu would hate to the core of the higher-ups of Hades Temple?"

Lu Yu frowned slightly: "Guanlan Empire? Is it possible that there are other descendants of Guanlan in the Hades Temple, and this time he was allowed to sneak into the main hall?"

Xu Zhiyang said: "Lu Shen's guess might as well be more bold. You must have heard of this person's name..."

"Have I heard of it?" Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned. The Guanlan Empire had fallen for thousands of years. In fact, he hadn't heard many names related to it, except...he suddenly thought of a name, and suddenly felt chills on his body: "You mean the most powerful one?"

"Yes! It is the supreme and powerful Emperor Siyu!" As he spoke, Xu Zhiyang bowed to the void, looking extremely respectful.

Lu Yu's face was filled with surprise, but before he could say anything, another voice suddenly said, "How is this possible? Didn't the most powerful man fall a thousand years ago?"

Along with the voice, Fu Jing's figure appeared.

When Xu Zhiyang saw Fu Jing appear, he quickly turned around, knelt on the ground, and bowed respectfully. This courtesy was much more respectful than when he saw Lu Yu.

"Join Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess!"

At this time, both Lu Yu and Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned at the same time.

Fu Jing asked: "What did you call me?"

"Emperor Siyu has established you as the master of the Holy Princess Palace, with a status equivalent to that of a prince. Although she has never met you, the pure blood in your body has already spoken for itself. She believes that you are the most suitable person to succeed the throne." Xu Zhiyang replied.

Fu Jing was astonished. Although her current status as the leader of the Renaissance Alliance actually meant that she regarded herself as the orthodox royal family of the Guanlan Empire, it still felt very absurd to be ennobled in such an inexplicable way.

Lu Yu shook his head and said, "You should first tell me how she came back from the dead!"

Xu Zhiyang said: "You must also know that when the emperor wanted to transcend the mortal realm and achieve unprecedented bloodline power, she finally awakened. Although she failed in the end, a ray of soul was preserved, and it was this ray of soul..."

"Stop it!" Lu Yu waved his hand and said, "First, let's talk about what happened to this ray of soul? Why did a ray of soul happen to appear in the Temple of Hades and be preserved by you?"

Xu Zhiyang smiled helplessly: "God Lu is indeed a discerning person. I can't hide these things from you... In fact, the failure of Emperor Siyu to transcend the mortal realm was because of the Ming Palace's intervention behind the scenes. The temple successfully prevented Emperor Siyu from transcending the world, but it only destroyed her physical body. However, her soul was completely preserved, but it was not known to outsiders..."

"Even in the state of his soul, Emperor Siyu is extremely powerful. When the Hades Temple went to war with the Guanlan Empire, they were actually fighting on two fronts. One side was dealing with the army of the royal family of the Guanlan Empire, and the other was dealing with Emperor Siyu's soul. Suppression, in which the soul of Emperor Siyu caused far more trouble to the Hades Temple than the army of the imperial royal family. Later, it was Lord Qianyan who took action to calm the situation and suppressed the soul of Emperor Siyu to the point where there was only a ray of remnant soul left. …”

Lu Yu glanced at Fu Jing who was standing aside, and said, "So, what you said before, that you accidentally captured a wisp of the remnant soul of the most powerful man when you offered sacrifices to the gods, is simply a lie. Is it just nonsense? Is it just used to deceive the descendants of Guanlan? "

Xu Zhiyang nodded awkwardly: "That's true..."

"Then what?"

"Then, there is Wu Qibin, the former main hall. He is a person who can communicate directly with the God of Hades. He inherits the powerful power of the God of Hades and is also the most powerful person in the entire Hades Hall at that time... At the expense of himself, he and Siyu The emperor’s remnant soul has been sealed together, hoping that through the power of Hades, the remnant soul of Emperor Siyu can be refined, and then devour her power..."

"After thousands of years, he and the remnant souls of Emperor Siyu have been suppressed deep underground. No one knows their specific movements. Originally, after so long, everyone thought that the previous head palace had succeeded. Even if it did not succeed, it would not be successful. I should be at a huge advantage, but I didn’t expect that after opening the seal this time, I found out that it was Emperor Siyu who devoured the former main palace..."

"So, this is the situation now..."

As he spoke, Xu Zhiyang couldn't help but sigh, his tone full of helplessness.

"So, the current supreme power is actually the body of the previous headmaster, and the soul of Emperor Siyu, which is equivalent to resurrecting the soul through a corpse?" Lu Yu concluded.

Xu Zhiyang said: "It can be understood this way..."

Lu Yu and Fu Jing couldn't help but exchange eyes again, and each saw the turbulent waves in the other's eyes.

There was a moment of silence.

Even with Lu Yu's extensive knowledge, it would take some time to digest this.

After a moment, Lu Yu suddenly frowned and said: "No, since the soul of Emperor Siyu caused you so much trouble thousands of years ago, and it was not until Lord Qianyan took action to calm the situation, where did you get the courage? How dare you Open the seal without permission?"

Xu Zhiyang opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Lu Yu had already said: "Don't say it's because of me. It's because I was forced into desperation that's why you did this... In addition, there is something in your body Why do you have the power of Lord Thousand Eyes? Remember that it was not there the last time we met, right? Do you want to explain this matter?"

Xu Zhiyang opened his mouth wide and was speechless for a while. After a while, he smiled bitterly and said: "In fact, it is indeed your fault, but the truth is slightly different from what you thought. The seal was not opened by us, but by you. …”

Lu Yu was stunned: "What did you say?"

Xu Zhiyang said: "This was said by Emperor Siyu, not me... Although we did receive an order from Lord Qianyanyan to open the seal at that time, because Lord Qianyanyan was seriously injured, he only gave me one It would take a long time to open the seal with a small amount of power, but at this moment, the seal that suppressed Emperor Siyu was opened on its own initiative! "

Lu Yu frowned: "Then what? How can this matter be blamed on me?"

Xu Zhiyang said: "According to Emperor Siyu, that seal is connected to several ancient anchor points. Through these anchor points, the power of the entire world is strengthened on the seal, which is why it is so indestructible... But soon Not long ago, one of the anchor points happened to fall off, and she was released from the seal..."

"And you have the ability to cause the anchor point to fall. Only you have such power in this world, so Emperor Siyu thinks that all this is your credit!"

After Lu Yu heard this, he was very surprised.

The ancient anchor point...could it refer to the six-peptide Rubik's Cube that he cracked?

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